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Thread: Playground for adults/elderly in C2S park?

  1. #26

    Default Re: Playground for adults/elderly in C2S park?

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    And it is expected to double or something like that in the next few years (thus the Senior Aquatic Centers in MAPS 3). Maybe incorporate these into the Aquatic Centers? After all, the Centers are going to be more than just an indoor swimming pool. By moving them indoors, could alleviate some expressed concerns about outdoor induced maintenance issues. but the decreased maintenance cost might be offset by the need to have 4 or 5 identical sets of the things rather than one centrally located.
    Defeats the purpose of gentrifying the urban core then if you want a one shop stop. Why not just build a gym if your going indoors. The point of this equipment is for outdoor park use. I'm 30, I hopefully won't have use for this stuff for another 30+ years, but I still see the value in having programming for all different age levels.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Playground for adults/elderly in C2S park?

    Old folks will come to the park with their grandchildren. By the time it all gets in place and done, my currently 2 n a bit year old gd might even be able to drive me up to the park.

    Some of us likes the outdoor air way more than the heavy air of swim bldgs.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Playground for adults/elderly in C2S park?

    I don't think the weather outdoors is good often enough to make this adult playground worthwhile. It would be a much better idea for San Diego.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Playground for adults/elderly in C2S park?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    I don't think the weather outdoors is good often enough to make this adult playground worthwhile. It would be a much better idea for San Diego.
    Gotta disagree Bunty. Our weather ain't that bad. Ok, this year was a tad odd, but still yet we're talking 3 months out of the year, with several nice days even in the midst of that spell.

    For those of us who are a tad large, give me a clear day for a stroll anytime, and I'll choose cool to cold over dayyum that's toasty out thar any time

  5. #30

    Default Re: Playground for adults/elderly in C2S park?

    I thought we were giving the elderly the aquatic centers? All the DT park needs is trees, trails, grass, and flowers! Lol. None of that fancy playground stuff!

  6. #31

    Default Re: Playground for adults/elderly in C2S park?

    Quote Originally Posted by MGE1977 View Post
    Can't we just suggest walking on flat surfaces? This looks to me a huge boon for the artificial knee, and hip industry.

    Once we get these blue hairs all wobbly and full of lactic acid and they dismount from these multi-colored orthopeidic calcium defficiency finders, we stand to mame and cripple a large population of them.

    Besides, I see these sorts all over the gym, mouth agape, blankly staring at Judge Judy on the daytime gym T.V. while incessantly pumping their old sinewy bodies against a machine that is providing them no resistance and no benefit. All the while holding up the few verile souls lucky enough to frequent the gym during mid-day hours. I don't think that we should just cut these people loose on our parks, with their unsteady gaits and quadruple "k" turn parking vision and dexterity, at least not on a teflon jointed, elevated elliptical machine of doom and despair.

    Lets leave it to water aerobics at the new aquatics center, low impact. If you are really healthy enough to use something like one of these contraptions, you're probably not inclined take to the park to do them, you'd be hiking, or biking something less pathetically stationary.
    Couldn't agree more. This project would be very little bang for our buck... and maybe a broken hip lawsuit waiting to happen.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Playground for adults/elderly in C2S park?

    ... All the DT park needs is trees, trails, grass, and flowers!
    Such a plain jane approach was never in the cards as best as I can recall.

  8. #33

    Default Re: Playground for adults/elderly in C2S park?

    MGE please don't let them get you down. I almost fell out of my chair laughing when I read post #8. Anyone who didn't realize that it was at least mostly based on humor, while bringing up a serious subject, might not have a sense of humor.

    That aside, I'm all for anything that will promote usership(is that a word?) of the future park.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Playground for adults/elderly in C2S park?


    We see things differently than most don't we? Mainly because we could be called upon to splint granny's hip when she is slung about, I suppose. Thanks for the support.

  10. Default Re: Playground for adults/elderly in C2S park?

    Just discovered a park in OKC where this type of equipment appears to have been recently installed. The location is near the Lincoln Park Senior Center at approximately NE 50th and MLK (just south of Science Museum Oklahoma). Very interesting designs and fun to try out. Each piece of equipment carries a small cautionary placard regarding safety issues. If you are in the area, look for the equipment painted purple and teal...

  11. #36

    Default Re: Playground for adults/elderly in C2S park?

    Quote Originally Posted by George View Post
    Just discovered a park in OKC where this type of equipment appears to have been recently installed. The location is near the Lincoln Park Senior Center at approximately NE 50th and MLK (just south of Science Museum Oklahoma). Very interesting designs and fun to try out. Each piece of equipment carries a small cautionary placard regarding safety issues. If you are in the area, look for the equipment painted purple and teal...
    hmmm, playtime, followed by a stop at Mama E's. Not a bad idea at that.

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