X..X-Ray Equipment (made that one up)
Y..Your Fathers Mustache (bar on northside-didn't make it up)
X..X-Ray Equipment (made that one up)
Y..Your Fathers Mustache (bar on northside-didn't make it up)
C:.....Cattlemen's Drive-Inn:........Exchange many, many years ago....
D:.....Dollie's Ceramics.....3011 S. Shields....MElrose2-9317
E:.....Exchange Baptist Church:.....It's something else in Spanish Now....
F:......Frontier City:...................
G:......Grove's Jewelry....408 W. Commerce .....MElrose 4-6739
H:......Hollie's night club :.... S. Western.....
J ----- Jack & Jill's specialty store in Capitol Hill - baby and toddler clothes.
K - Konza Prairie. Outside of Manhattan, KS where I am right now at 7am. It's snowing and I'm getting the cameras together to shoot the sunrise.
Alright, it's not OKC but I couldn't resist with "K: as the next letter available.
Stay warm my little Okies!
K...........Kar Korner
L..........Lens Crafters
M ----- Mitchell's Grocery ---located East across the street by John Adams elementary school on S.W. 36th street just off of Independence. Gerald Mitchell's family.
N ----- Nashville South North of 66th on Shields Dale Bennett is still playing at VFW's though.
O:....Opie's Bar and Grille
P:.....Pancho's Restaurant....
Q ---- Quandry??? In one!
R ------- Reno's Club on Reno?
S ------ Split - T
T ----- Trianon Ball Room
U............utterly stumps me
V...........valet limo service
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