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Thread: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

  1. Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by gen70 View Post
    Sounds to me that fred will bitch about anything and anyplace.
    And that, my friend, is the definition of a troll.

  2. #52

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by fredfredburger View Post
    A strip bar is of interest to me. If you really think a museum is a place of interest for 18-25 year olds, then you're part of the problem.
    Dont begin to think you are representative of all 18 - 25 year olds. When I was your age besides being interested in strip bars, I was fascinated by museums. I knew there was a life if the past that we could learn from and appreciate. That comes from a little education which will come to you in time. I'm not really sure why you bother to post here. You seem to enjoy complaining but don't seem to be offering to do anything yourself to improve things except leave and that probably would improve Oklahoma City.

  3. #53

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    I remember the summer I turned 21 taking a road trip to the East Coast to visit fraternity brothers and besides visiting the bars had a fantastic time seeing the museums in New York City and Washington.

  4. #54

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    You seem to enjoy complaining but don't seem to be offering to do anything yourself to improve things except leave and that probably would improve Oklahoma City.
    Actually, I did.

    I did and I was told my ideas are stupid and that I should shut up and diaf.

    Don't worry, I will be leaving.

  5. #55

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by fredfredburger View Post
    Actually, I did.

    I did and I was told my ideas are stupid and that I should shut up and diaf.

    Don't worry, I will be leaving.
    Giving ideas is great, Fred, and you shouldn't stop doing that. But you instead of running everything down you need to find some way you can personally help to improve things.

  6. #56

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by fredfredburger View Post
    Actually, I did.

    I did and I was told my ideas are stupid and that I should shut up and diaf.

    Don't worry, I will be leaving.
    Giving ideas is great, Fred, and you shouldn't stop doing that. But instead of running everything down you need to find some way you can personally help to improve things.

  7. Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Fred, I live in Seattle - and while things do LOOK better when you move to a different city, you will shortly realize how good OKC actually is.

    OKC has a lot going against it, no mountains or ocean geographical features, no significant forest or other scenic features. OKC is inbetween everything, the start of the forest, the start of the grassland.

    YET, there is NO way you could say with a straight face that OKC hasn't improved within the last 15 years. And you certainly could not base that off girls at strip bars. Come to Seattle and see how "lovely" our girls are up here. ... (im saying that with sarcasm. ...).

    While I will agree, that OKC really DOES NEED TO START focusing on young adults and getting big city amenities that appeal to 16-25 year olds - I do agree. But OKC is not some terrible city, because once you grow out of partying you realize that OKC actually is quite a very good city and certainly is much better than when I was your age (almost 20 years ago).

    Fred, I hear some of your concerns and somewhat agree that OKC shouldn't ONLY focus on families or seniors, but should do things for the young adults since you are the immediate future. But I can definitely say that if I were your age in present day OKC, there isn't really that much difference between OKC or other tier II cities.

    Maybe you do need to move to New York or Chicago to get your partying endless big city fix. I also strongly recommend Vancouver, BC or Toronto or any big city in Japan (Osaka especially) or China (Chongqing, Beijing, Shanghai). I used to party endlessly in Vancouver (even though I lived/undergrad'd in Seattle in the early 1990s) because it is just so much better NYC feel up there. .... But unless you get a great job in those cities, I imagine your stay there wouldn't be for too long - and like many of my friends, you'll be back in or near OKC because the city keeps improving itself.

    I for one, would move back but I am "allergic" to the hot/humid weather. haha (but I do visit usually once a year).

    Oh, one more thing - you will soon realize, that amenities that exist in other cities were started by people who wanted those amenities. They didn't just appear out of nowhere or the city government of say... Seattle, didn't build EMP; Paul Allen did. and Paul Allen did because HE wanted it and he knew it would be an attraction for Seattle for young people.

    In fact, I can't name ONE THING that would appeal to someone in your age group - that was built by the city of Seattle. So, maybe you're speaking to the wrong people or (blaming the wrong people) - or maybe the city or chamber could hear your concerns and try to address this (admittedly) very long ignored age group by creating truly urban zones/districts that appeal to SINGLE YOUNG ADULTS (allowing NON-FAMILY activities to happen there.. ..). ...

    If this is what you are talking about Fred, I agree - how can we get that message. OKC should try to appeal to EVERY age group and every nationality, the city could create areas of town that appeal to the 24/7 lifestyle.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  8. Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by fredfredburger View Post
    Have you been inside of coyote ugly recently? It's worse than a day-time strip bar, the "talent", I mean.
    I have to agree with him on this.. For all the hype about that place right before it opened, I would have expected a whole lot more. It's very disappointing, I'd be embarrassed to take clients in there.

    And didn't they even have tryouts?? I'd hate to see the ones who lost.

  9. #59

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by HOT ROD View Post
    Fred, I live in Seattle - and while things do LOOK better when you move to a different city, you will shortly realize how good OKC actually is.

    OKC has a lot going against it, no mountains or ocean geographical features, no significant forest or other scenic features. OKC is inbetween everything, the start of the forest, the start of the grassland.

    YET, there is NO way you could say with a straight face that OKC hasn't improved within the last 15 years. And you certainly could not base that off girls at strip bars.
    I didn't base it off girls at strip bars. I made a comparison of the ugly chicks at coyote ugly to the type of girls they hire for day-time hours in strip bars.

    anyway, whatever. **** this forum. I'm getting attacked in every thread I post for no reason at all

  10. #60

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by fredfredburger View Post
    I didn't base it off girls at strip bars. I made a comparison of the ugly chicks at coyote ugly to the type of girls they hire for day-time hours in strip bars.

    anyway, whatever. **** this forum. I'm getting attacked in every thread I post for no reason at all
    You are the epidemy of "Can dish it out, but can't take it." Good ridance.

  11. #61

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by warreng88 View Post
    You are the epidemy of "Can dish it out, but can't take it." Good ridance.
    I can't help myself... it's "epitome", not "epidemy". Also add a "d" to "ridance". Nothing personal Warren, I'm just an involuntary proofreader, almost to the point of OCD.

  12. #62

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by skyrick View Post
    I can't help myself... it's "epitome", not "epidemy". Also add a "d" to "ridance". Nothing personal Warren, I'm just an involuntary proofreader, almost to the point of OCD.
    Well, since we're proofreading here: punctuation marks like periods and commas go before the quotation marks, so your sentences should have read

    Also add a "d" to "ridance."


    I can't help myself...it's "epitome," not "epidemy."

    Note also that there's no space after an ellipsis, as I corrected above. Finally, be sure to double space after a period.

    (Nothing personal, just can't help myself.)

  13. #63

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by semisimple View Post
    Well, since we're proofreading here: punctuation marks like periods and commas go before the quotation marks, so your sentences should have read

    Also add a "d" to "ridance."


    I can't help myself...it's "epitome," not "epidemy."

    Note also that there's no space after an ellipsis, as I corrected above. Finally, be sure to double space after a period.

    (Nothing personal, just can't help myself.)
    According to "Eats, Shoots and Leaves" by Lynne Truss (the confessions of the ultimate persnickety proofreader), usage of commas and full stops (periods) inside and outside quotation marks has become pretty much acceptable either way on either side of the Atlantic in the last 25 years. Unless, of course, the quotation marks actually enclose a quotation, and not emphasizing a word, in which case you would be correct. Spelling isn't flexible.

    Last edited by skyrick; 01-28-2010 at 10:20 PM. Reason: edit

  14. #64

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    fred, has it ever occurred to you that you're being attacked on this forum because you're insulting the people of this city and state, you're telling us that our home is basically a piece of ****, and that you're more than happy to get your education here, but can't wait to leave after that because of how rotten this place is? it's difficult for me to understand how someone with a college education can't pick up on that! i guess you can't see the forest for the trees.

  15. #65

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Double space after a period? Obviously trained during the typewriter era when mono-spaced fonts (every character occupied the same amount of "space" on the page, no matter if it was a "W" or an "i") were the rule. Those double spaces were needed. With the proliferation of proportional fonts, the need is no longer there. In fact, if you try to put them in, many programs will strip them out to just one. Notice in the "double space" post, there is only one space after the periods. Many of the things we learned back on the typewriter just don't apply anymore. They were needed because of the limitations imposed by the "technology" and we couldn't do them the "correct" way. There are still those that insist on putting things in ALL CAPS for emphasis when bold is the accepted form.

    "Spelling isn't flexible" LOL. I liked a quote attributed to Thomas Jefferson who said he didn't trust anyone who could only spell a word one way.


  16. Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    More proof that "sports blogger" is code for "frat boy from long island".

    Also, I have some empathy for Fred. I WAS that guy, circa 2000. I thought OKC was the sort of place that you leave as soon as possible, a hopelessly regressive, narrow minded, stifling suburban hell. I packed up my stuff and headed east as soon as possible. Sometimes you have to get away to get some perspective...as one of my art school friends who decided to move here after coming to my wedding (yeah, OKC is now getting migrants from other states, including some young creative ones) "In Massachusetts, no one holds the door for anyone else, because they don't care if it slams in your face. In Richmond, they hold the door for you, not because they care if it slams in your face, but because it's customary and it would look bad if they didn't. Here people hold the door for you because they actually want to make sure it doesn't hit you in the face on the way in."

    Honestly, I'll take that over Coyote Ugly any day. Theme restaurants are moronic, theme restaurants based on crappy movies from a decade ago doubly so. Go to Big Truck Tacos and get a pork verde burrito instead.

  17. #67

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    NO!! Stop talking about him!!! You might make him come back!

  18. #68

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    Double space after a period? Obviously trained during the typewriter era when mono-spaced fonts (every character occupied the same amount of "space" on the page, no matter if it was a "W" or an "i") were the rule. Those double spaces were needed. With the proliferation of proportional fonts, the need is no longer there. In fact, if you try to put them in, many programs will strip them out to just one. Notice in the "double space" post, there is only one space after the periods. Many of the things we learned back on the typewriter just don't apply anymore. They were needed because of the limitations imposed by the "technology" and we couldn't do them the "correct" way. There are still those that insist on putting things in ALL CAPS for emphasis when bold is the accepted form.

    "Spelling isn't flexible" LOL. I liked a quote attributed to Thomas Jefferson who said he didn't trust anyone who could only spell a word one way.

    Most browsers (I'd say all, but am not 100% certain) display multiple spaces in a row as a single space. It might even be part of the HTML standard, with the exception of special characters like a nonbreakable space (  in HTML source, unless its escaped out like vBulletin will do when I submit this post).

    If you look at the source behind semisimple's "double space" post, he did use two spaces after a paragraph. We just don't get to see them.

  19. #69
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    Double space after a period? Obviously trained during the typewriter era when mono-spaced fonts (every character occupied the same amount of "space" on the page, no matter if it was a "W" or an "i") were the rule. Those double spaces were needed. With the proliferation of proportional fonts, the need is no longer there. In fact, if you try to put them in, many programs will strip them out to just one. Notice in the "double space" post, there is only one space after the periods. Many of the things we learned back on the typewriter just don't apply anymore. They were needed because of the limitations imposed by the "technology" and we couldn't do them the "correct" way. There are still those that insist on putting things in ALL CAPS for emphasis when bold is the accepted form.

    "Spelling isn't flexible" LOL. I liked a quote attributed to Thomas Jefferson who said he didn't trust anyone who could only spell a word one way.

    LOL, I still double space after periods even though I know they get stripped out. Old habits die hard.

  20. Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    HAHHA, i'm 22... this isn't keeping me in OKC, what's keeping me in OKC is family. I've been to the east coast, i love it there. but then again, i can see that great city's don't have to be built next to the ocean, ie vegas, etc. Water features are great (i'd like to see a wider river). Maps3 i thought was a joke... i wasn't too excited about all the "features". Do I think CorNutt F**ed this one up.. probably, but who's to say, it's like saying the prez of the US f**ks things up when he has an entire cabinet and staff that helps him. But it's going to be awhile til Maps4 and my priority's and wants will have changed.... i do wish we had better attractions, and if i had good credit, i might start one of those great things, but i don't have great credit and i can't start one of those things... catch 22 if you will. blah blah blah, help me from being bored okc... i've already tried not being bored. I've done the club'n, the hookah bars, geocaching, fishing, camping, movies, house parties, dinners at fancy restaurants, nba games, baseball games, canal rides, horse rides, photog, you name it in this town and i have done it... both something put on and something i've done to entertain myself.. what am I missing? I mainly like just sitting back and taking it all in, but it seems there are just pockets of OKC that are great. We need to fill in between those pockets and make it a complete picture of a great city... anything else is a waste of time.

  21. #71

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    > the hookah bars

    They have their own bars now? Seems almost counter-producti .... oh wait, never mind. 8^)

    On a somewhat more serious note, I gotta ask. Even before I eradicated tobacco from my list of enjoyments a few years back, I never really understood the appeal of a cigar bar or a hookah bar. It's not like I dinna smoke indoors back when it was regularly permitted, but I never stepped foot in a specialty smoker's bar.

    Mildly curious what I was missing, cause it just did not draw me in.

  22. #72

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    In Massachusetts, no one holds the door for anyone else, because they don't care if it slams in your face. In Richmond, they hold the door for you, not because they care if it slams in your face, but because it's customary and it would look bad if they didn't. Here people hold the door for you because they actually want to make sure it doesn't hit you in the face on the way in."
    Ain't it the truth?
    Did you catch that Larry? all capitals and bold

  23. #73

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by JIMBO View Post
    In Massachusetts, no one holds the door for anyone else, because they don't care if it slams in your face. In Richmond, they hold the door for you, not because they care if it slams in your face, but because it's customary and it would look bad if they didn't. Here people hold the door for you because they actually want to make sure it doesn't hit you in the face on the way in."
    Ain't it the truth?
    Did you catch that Larry? all capitals and bold
    LOL (should have put it in RED just to make sure)

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