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Thread: Pearl is a Lap Dog

  1. #1

    Default Pearl is a Lap Dog

    Here is my Samoyed Pup. She is big for a samoyed pup.

    YouTube - Pearl the Samoyed is a Lap Dog

  2. #2

    Default Re: Pearl is a Lap Dog

    that's a right purdy pooch

  3. #3

    Default Re: Pearl is a Lap Dog

    She's a darling, for sure. Thanks. You ought to see her "sister." Evelyn is drop dead gorgeous.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Pearl is a Lap Dog

    Awwww what a sweet baby!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Pearl is a Lap Dog

    Cute Dog!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Pearl is a Lap Dog

    Beautiful dog PQ......I guess I'll have to stop complaing when my 8 pound cat pounces on me at night.

  7. #7
    Uncle Slayton Guest

    Default Re: Pearl is a Lap Dog

    One of my Pyrenees was a pretty quick learner. He'd observe that the cat would always crawl up in my lap when I was watching TV.

    Not realizing that he weighs about 125 lb (or not caring), he jumped up in my lap and tried to curl up like the cat.

    As it turns out, they are not good lap dogs.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Pearl is a Lap Dog

    WOW! That dog is stunning!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Pearl is a Lap Dog

    She's a good girl. But less than half the size of a Great Pyrenees! She is a real lover.

    My "pretty" dog is Evelyn (another Samoyed). Pearl looks like a horse in comparison. But she's a cutie, fer sure. I've got tons of pictures of them on my blog.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Pearl is a Lap Dog

    well i tried inserting an image, guess it didnt work.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Pearl is a Lap Dog

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    Here is my Samoyed Pup. She is big for a samoyed pup.

    YouTube - Pearl the Samoyed is a Lap Dog


  12. #12

    Default Re: Pearl is a Lap Dog

    I'll bet the terms, "No biting." and "Okay, get down." Are heard often around your house.
    Why, PQ you're just a dog pillow/chew toy.

    I loved it when your dog decided that the show was over!

    Great looking doggie!

  13. #13

    Default Re: Pearl is a Lap Dog

    Thanks. The "no biting" has resolved itself now that she is a little older. I've given up on the "get down." If she wants up and the laptop in in my lap, she knocks it shut and comes on up. Sometimes, she nestles in to take a nap. I should be embarassed to admit that when we have company and they sit on the couch, she immediately races over, throws her arms around their neck from the back and kisses their ear. We think that is darling but others, not so much...

  14. #14

    Default Re: Pearl is a Lap Dog

    PQ, my babies are enthusiastic with guests like that. I've given up on worrying about what they think though. The way I see it, my babies ARE well behaved (just a little overly enthusiastic) and it's their house. If a visitor doesn't like it, they don't have to come back lol. That works out well for me too, cause I don't have any desire to be around people that don't appreciate animals!

  15. #15

    Default Re: Pearl is a Lap Dog

    Quote Originally Posted by MsDarkstar View Post
    PQ, my babies are enthusiastic with guests like that. I've given up on worrying about what they think though. The way I see it, my babies ARE well behaved (just a little overly enthusiastic) and it's their house. If a visitor doesn't like it, they don't have to come back lol. That works out well for me too, cause I don't have any desire to be around people that don't appreciate animals!
    You'd fit right in at our house and you're right - it is just initial enthusiasm and nearly everyone who is here for thirty minutes will volunteer that Pearl is amazingly calm for a dog her age. I know, I know, it is rude to do that to people. That is why we try to just have dog people. Me? If a dog did that, I'd be enchanted. But I know that non dog people don't get it.

    I especially enjoy it when people with samoyeds come because we don't have to pretend the dog hair in the house is not normal or lie and claim the sweeper is broken...

  16. #16

    Default Re: Pearl is a Lap Dog

    LOL yeah I keep a sticky roller next to the front door for people to use on their way out. Seems like no matter how often I vacuum & keep the furniture covered, it's still fur central at my house. I don't care though. I wouldn't trade a fur free home for my babies for anything in the world.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Pearl is a Lap Dog

    Quote Originally Posted by MsDarkstar View Post
    LOL yeah I keep a sticky roller next to the front door for people to use on their way out. Seems like no matter how often I vacuum & keep the furniture covered, it's still fur central at my house. I don't care though. I wouldn't trade a fur free home for my babies for anything in the world.
    We've also got a case of sticky lint rollers and also keep several in the guest room in the basket full of toiletries, handtowels, etc. Guests tend to laugh when they see it.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Pearl is a Lap Dog

    So cute! I loved this one too:

    Pearl the Samoyed wants to kiss Evelyn

  19. #19

    Default Re: Pearl is a Lap Dog

    Penny, every time I see this thread title I think of this song. YouTube - Pearl's A Singer Elkie Brooks. Somehow, I think you will enjoy it. Perhaps your Pearl stands up when she plays the piano. I'll bet she sings, too.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Pearl is a Lap Dog

    Quote Originally Posted by USG '60 View Post
    Penny, every time I see this thread title I think of this song. YouTube - Pearl's A Singer Elkie Brooks. Somehow, I think you will enjoy it. Perhaps your Pearl stands up when she plays the piano. I'll bet she sings, too.
    Evelyn is my singer - that dog can croon with the best of them! I'll check out the video = thanks.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Pearl is a Lap Dog

    Pretty dog... My Am Staff thinks he's a lap dog too and tries to fit in the smallest spaces next to me.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Pearl is a Lap Dog

    Quote Originally Posted by Roadhawg View Post
    Pretty dog... My Am Staff thinks he's a lap dog too and tries to fit in the smallest spaces next to me.
    Cute. Pearl has taken to once or twice a day insisting on coming up to my lap and being held for about 20 minutes. She is a little big for that but I don't mind unless I have just had about three cups of coffee.

    Am Staff - what kind of dog is that?

  23. #23

    Default Re: Pearl is a Lap Dog

    American Staffordshire ... he's the biggest baby, sleeps next to me and has to have a hug in the mornings lol

  24. #24

    Default Re: Pearl is a Lap Dog

    Quote Originally Posted by Roadhawg View Post
    American Staffordshire ... he's the biggest baby, sleeps next to me and has to have a hug in the mornings lol
    What a way to start the day!!

  25. #25

    Default Re: Pearl is a Lap Dog

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    What a way to start the day!!
    Yep... when the alarm goes off he stretches our and inches his way up the bed and puts his head on my chest wanting a hug.

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