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Thread: Amazing cat rescue!

  1. #1

    Default Amazing cat rescue!

    This morning as the freezing rain and sleet began to fall, Midwest City Fire Deptartment heeded our pleas for help and performed an amazing cat in tree rescue.

    According to Chief Olsen, it hasn't been done in 30 years, but the 3 month old cat, Alex, had been stuck in a two-story high tree for over 48 hours and our city Fire Chief couldn't stand the thought of the cat staying up there any longer.

    The cat's owner has 3 young children staring at the tree for two days begging their kitty to come down. Alex kept climbing higher and clung precariously to a branch no thicker than a thumb. Alex cried piteously day and night.

    Major McGee of MWCFD came by personally on Wednesday afternoon to assess the situation. He said he really didn't think his chief would let him use the FD resources, but he would check.

    On Thursday morning, Chief Olsen called me and asked if the cat was still there. I looked and sure enough - cat was still in tree and crying as the sleet began.

    Chief said he's send a ladder truck but to remember there were no guarantees of a rescue. I told him we understood and appreciated any effort.

    Here is amazing part! The ladder truck from station 2 (my favorite guys anyway!) showed up and set up the truck. As they raised the ladder slowly to the location of the kitty, Alex seemed to understand exactly what was going on. When the ladder edge touched the branch, Alex the wonder-kitty leapt for the first rung. He teetered precariously as the crowd on the ground held our collective breath.

    Alex regained his balance and went for the next rung. It was all downhill from there as Alex scampered to the fireman's waiting arms.

    Cheers to MWC FD, Chief Olsen and Ladder 2!!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Amazing cat rescue!

    I don't really even like the cat that's in da haus all that much, and even I smiled at this story.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Amazing cat rescue!

    there were a couple of firemen who weren't just wiping sleet from their faces!

    My tears froze - but they were happy tears. The little girl who "owns" the cat was frantic with worry since Tuesday and we had people stopping for two days with suggestions.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Amazing cat rescue!

    I am glad the kitty is out of the storm. Thanks, Fireguys!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Amazing cat rescue!

    Great uplifting story Lauri.....hope someone got some video.

    My cats are driving me nuts this morning..squirt gun has already been in use, they seem to know that something is different outside. During the Blizzard our male cat was going wild looking outside wondering what the hell all the white stuff was. I can't wait to see how they react when the tree branches start cracking. I may have to over feed them so they sleep the rest of the day.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Amazing cat rescue!

    One of my dogs plopped her 55 pound self full length on my chest at 2:00 this morning to give me ten minutes of enthusiastic kisses. I think she felt the storm coming and wanted comfort. Or maybe it was my animal magnitism. God, I hope not.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Amazing cat rescue!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lauri101 View Post
    This morning as the freezing rain and sleet began to fall, Midwest City Fire Deptartment heeded our pleas for help and performed an amazing cat in tree rescue.

    According to Chief Olsen, it hasn't been done in 30 years, but the 3 month old cat, Alex, had been stuck in a two-story high tree for over 48 hours and our city Fire Chief couldn't stand the thought of the cat staying up there any longer.

    The cat's owner has 3 young children staring at the tree for two days begging their kitty to come down. Alex kept climbing higher and clung precariously to a branch no thicker than a thumb. Alex cried piteously day and night.

    Major McGee of MWCFD came by personally on Wednesday afternoon to assess the situation. He said he really didn't think his chief would let him use the FD resources, but he would check.

    On Thursday morning, Chief Olsen called me and asked if the cat was still there. I looked and sure enough - cat was still in tree and crying as the sleet began.

    Chief said he's send a ladder truck but to remember there were no guarantees of a rescue. I told him we understood and appreciated any effort.

    Here is amazing part! The ladder truck from station 2 (my favorite guys anyway!) showed up and set up the truck. As they raised the ladder slowly to the location of the kitty, Alex seemed to understand exactly what was going on. When the ladder edge touched the branch, Alex the wonder-kitty leapt for the first rung. He teetered precariously as the crowd on the ground held our collective breath.

    Alex regained his balance and went for the next rung. It was all downhill from there as Alex scampered to the fireman's waiting arms.

    Cheers to MWC FD, Chief Olsen and Ladder 2!!
    Great "Put a Smile On My Face Story", thanks for sharing it.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Amazing cat rescue!

    Got a call from a reporter at the Oklahoman who wanted details. Cat Mama Chrystal got video but too large to upload or email from her computer, so she's going to try and burn it to CD and see if I can edit and upload.

    The MWCFD public relations guy, Jerry Loika, got some stills. They will probably be on Oklahoman website later today.

    Our cats are also going stir crazy. One ran outside and is in the detached garage. I can't persuade him to come in yet but he's our "wild thing" and that's where the wild things are at our house. (Along with Peter O'Possum)

  9. #9

    Default Re: Amazing cat rescue!

    It made the paper - I'm so glad the MWCFD got good press!


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