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Thread: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

  1. Default And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues


    "When I have grazed upon NBA-TV on occasion, I've stumbled on an Oklahoma City Thunder game. I don't even know where Oklahoma City is -- I assume it's in Oklahoma; maybe Kansas -- and can't imagine anyone playing basketball in Oklahoma City.

    But, boy oh boy, does this Kevin Durant got game. He's averaging 29.3 points (third in the league) and 7.3 rebounds. He is very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very smooth. I suspect he's already among the NBA's top 10 players -- maybe even in the top five -- and one day the 6-foot-9 forward could be the best in the league.

    By the way, since when does the NBA have a team in Oklahoma City? I thought only the NHL did stuff like that.

    Norman Chad of the Washington Post had a few choice words to say about OKC's location, and he can't imagine anyone playing basketball in OKC.

    And this, along with Chris Ballard of Sports Illustrated, is supposed to be considered professional journalism? Does someone need to lay out the ground rules for journalists? First, know your geography, even if you think a state or region doesn't matter to you. It's called intelligence, someone America seriously lacks. Second, when you become a journalist, you automatically forfeit your right to a personal opinion when you are writing a piece. Check your personal opinions at the door an save it for your colleagues during your lunch hour.

    And one more thing, people. This isn't about an inferiority complex. It's about being intelligent, plain and simple. If you don't want to be professional at journalism, then turn in your resignation letter and start a blog in your mother's basement.
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  2. #2

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by okcpulse View Post


    It's called intelligence, someone America seriously lacks. Second, when you become a journalist, you automatically forfeit your right to a personal opinion when you are writing a piece. Check your personal opinions at the door an save it for your colleagues during your lunch hour.

    And one more thing, people. This isn't about an inferiority complex. It's about being intelligent, plain and simple. If you don't want to be professional at journalism, then turn in your resignation letter and start a blog in your mother's basement.
    He's a commentator, not a "journalist". He wasn't reporting on a game. It's like an editorial I guess. Doesn't make it any easier to stomach, but he's not simply reporting what happened in a game.

  3. #3

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    "This isn't about an inferiority complex."

    No, this has inferiority complex written all over it. Writer was looking for attention, and--guess what?--you gave it to him.

    We're a "big league city" now, right? Time to put on our big boy pants and start acting like it. That means not freaking out about silly little articles like this one.

  4. #4
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Norman who?
    LOL, I guess he's the real Norman Nobody.

  5. Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    "This isn't about an inferiority complex."

    No, this has inferiority complex written all over it. Writer was looking for attention, and--guess what?--you gave it to him.

    We're a "big league city" now, right? Time to put on our big boy pants and start acting like it. That means not freaking out about silly little articles like this one.
    So you're telling me that when your boss is telling you that you should do a better job, he/she has an inferiority complex?

    I could care less what he thinks about Oklahoma City. But entertaining the notion that not knowing where OKC is silly from a full-grown adult's standpoint.
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  6. #6

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    okcpulse - I agree. I don't know when someone decided "I am so stupid so listen to my deep thoughts on basketball" mentality took hold but it doesn't make good journalism or commentary. It just makes the author look stupid.

  7. #7

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    You know, when I first saw that title, I was worried that maybe we had been left out of another almanac or road atlas or something. You know, something real, something that actually matters.

  8. #8

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    So probably a surprising number of people can't correctly name the county they live in.

  9. Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    I always ask the question: Why does the NBA have teams in Atlanta, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, or Memphis? And second, who would want to live in those craphole towns?

  10. #10

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    I think some of you all just like to find people who hate or are ignorant about OKC so you have something to complain about.

  11. #11

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by hipsterdoofus View Post
    I think some of you all just like to find people who hate or are ignorant about OKC so you have something to complain about.
    It isn't like the Washington Post and Sports Illustrated are some obscure blogs no one has ever heard of.

  12. #12

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    "This isn't about an inferiority complex."

    No, this has inferiority complex written all over it. Writer was looking for attention, and--guess what?--you gave it to him.

    We're a "big league city" now, right? Time to put on our big boy pants and start acting like it. That means not freaking out about silly little articles like this one.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Why does the NBA have teams in Atlanta, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, or Memphis? And second, who would want to live in those craphole towns?
    I don't think those places are crap hole towns... except maybe New Jersey... if it were a town.

    Most people are ignorant about Oklahoma City. Well, I hope they know where it is. It is a state capitol after all and I think you still have to learn those (then again, maybe it's not on the standardized test for funding, so maybe schools have cut it, too). Most people haven't been here and it doesn't have much of an identity. And, really, it does have a long way to go before it offers what many cities offer, especially those in major league sports markets. But, hey, we're both the new guy and the little guy. We're going to get hazed for awhile.

    At the end of the day, we have a good NBA team with one of the best players in the league. If we continue to support the team and they continue to get better, comments like these will begin to look petty in addition to ignorant. The best part about the country's ignorance about us is that we have a chance to surprise them and show them it's not like they think. Of course, we also have to continue to work past many of the issues that hindered the city's growth and profile for 60 years.

  14. Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by hipsterdoofus View Post
    I think some of you all just like to find people who hate or are ignorant about OKC so you have something to complain about.
    Let me emphasize, this isn't about people hating OKC. They can hate it if they want.

    They are journalists, and any journalist who pulls these stunts by either making up their own facts or show ignorance to geography are not professional journalists.

    It isn't just OKC, it's 'flyover country' in general. Reporters are getting into a bad habit of sending a message that it's okay to half-ass American geography by only learning about the states that are deemed worthy. It's bad in the education system. If you grow up with taking that kind of knowledge into the workforce, it can yield some unwarranted issues.
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  15. Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by BDP View Post
    I don't think those places are crap hole towns... except maybe New Jersey... if it were a town.

    Most people are ignorant about Oklahoma City. Well, I hope they know where it is. It is a state capitol after all and I think you still have to learn those (then again, maybe it's not on the standardized test for funding, so maybe schools have cut it, too). Most people haven't been here and it doesn't have much of an identity. And, really, it does have a long way to go before it offers what many cities offer, especially those in major league sports markets. But, hey, we're both the new guy and the little guy. We're going to get hazed for awhile.

    At the end of the day, we have a good NBA team with one of the best players in the league. If we continue to support the team and they continue to get better, comments like these will begin to look petty in addition to ignorant. The best part about the country's ignorance about us is that we have a chance to surprise them and show them it's not like they think. Of course, we also have to continue to work past many of the issues that hindered the city's growth and profile for 60 years.
    Well said. I certainly agree. I just don't want my kids growing up swearing there are 57 states because their teacher said so.
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  16. #16

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by so1rfan View Post
    I always ask the question: Why does the NBA have teams in Atlanta, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, or Memphis? And second, who would want to live in those craphole towns?
    New Jersey is a "town?" Jesus, looks like the Post writer isn't the only one who's a little rusty on their elementary school geography.

    At least public perception of these "craphole" cities (and state) you referenced aren't so low as to elicit this kind of press...

  17. #17

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    In the summer of 1980 a friend and I were traveling around the country and spent several weeks staying with his aunt and uncle who lived on Cape Cod. One night we were watching the movie "The last picture show". The movie is done in black and white and the town that it's set in has dirt streets with tumbleweeds blowing down them. His aunt turned to us and said that when she hears the words Oklahoma City this is what she envisions. His uncle and cousins were the same way. These people where educated at some very prestigious east coast universities and still had no realistic ideas of our state. It appears they weren't in the minority.

  18. Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    So probably a surprising number of people can't correctly name the county they live in.
    It's not just pertaining to Oklahoma or Oklahoma City. I get on my 10th grade grandson all the time for not having a clue about US geography, e.g., "From where we are, which direction is Minnesota? On which coast is Oregon?" I guess that schools don't teach about stuff like that anymore. I'd be amazed if he could list 5 state capitals but he is generally an A & B student. Go figure.

  19. #19

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    In my experience even the negative press and the cheap shots taken at our expense, will eventually help the cause of OKC. With many people negative press as well as positive can cause them to wonder why it was such a big deal for the author to have spent their time writing it and begin to wonder. This often leads people to do a search to see what the fuss is all about. If OKC is nothing worth considering why did it draw the attention of the author? Today we know that what is provided by many “journalists” must be qualified and so to it is all too easy to jump on a computer and start searching.

    This presents a golden opportunity for OKC to roll out the welcome mat and begin making sure that the public face of OKC is represented effectively with well chosen and flattering images of beautiful Oklahoma City. Web sites such as the OKC Chamber of Commerce, The Oklahoma State website, Dept. Of Tourism, even the City Planning dept., and any other agency that regular folk as well as business execs may look as a resource for gathering information on OKC as a possibility for relocation to.

    The growing trend of more of these types of articles coming out is inevitable and probably a great sign! Case in point: due to the success of OKC Thunder, the rest of the Sports writers and as a result other journalists will be forced to write about an area that they have never have had to consider and frankly know nothing about. So they resort to the lowest form of wit and write snide and sarcastic op Eds articles that may cast the city in a poor light. That only goes so far, later they are the ones who look ignorant and unintelligent as the rest of the country sees what we already know about this awesome emerging city. That there is a lot to be proud of here and it just keeps getting better! Personally my prediction is for us to look for an increase in this type of "negative" article and then a sudden shift to more positive yet surprised sounding articles that begin showcasing OKC.

    Meanwhile as Devon tower begins to emerge from the ground, more attention will be drawn to OKC, and when the reporters have to dig into what is going on in OKC they will discover the developments beginning to take shape based on the recently passed MAPS III initiative and those articles will be noticed by those top execs who are looking for a great place to locate or relocate their businesses. OKC is here to stay and it has its welcome mat securely rolled out for business.

  20. #20

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Remember what happened to Connie Chung's career after her sound journalism after the Murrah bombing..........re: Connie Chunk thread.

  21. #21
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    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    I think you guys have to remember too that "professional journalism" just isn't in demand. Look at how many people get their news from cable news channels. These are outfits that fight in the courts (and win) for their right to lie. Yes, they have this right, I guess, but it isn't the issue. They don't defend their information, they defend their right to make it up.

    The line between commentary and journalism is basically gone. It is very rare to read or watch ANY news without opinion being injected. And I'm not talking about subtle biases. I'm talking about bold face, calculated commentary aimed at target demographics to sustain ratings.

    People WANT opinion and they choose it over objective reporting. They WANT to be told what to think, whether it's about a place they've never been to or what the implications are of potential legislation. They want the news to validate their convictions. They don't want any verified and researched information getting in the way of what they already believe to be true.

    People no longer say they want news to be objective and accurate. They want it to be "fair" or "balanced", which basically means they want the news to represent their views even if it means making something up to ensure a particular viewpoint is represented whether it is founded or not. There isn't even an attempt to appear "journalistic" anymore. News is sold today on the premise that it will present you with information that will agree with your predefined idea of what is right and wrong, not with accurate and accountable information that will ensure you are accurately informed of the realities that make up the world in which you live.

  22. #22
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by Wambo36 View Post
    In the summer of 1980 a friend and I were traveling around the country and spent several weeks staying with his aunt and uncle who lived on Cape Cod. One night we were watching the movie "The last picture show". The movie is done in black and white and the town that it's set in has dirt streets with tumbleweeds blowing down them. His aunt turned to us and said that when she hears the words Oklahoma City this is what she envisions. His uncle and cousins were the same way. These people where educated at some very prestigious east coast universities and still had no realistic ideas of our state. It appears they weren't in the minority.
    When my parents told me we were moving to OKC, I immediately pictured the dust bowl and The Grapes of Wrath. But I was only 10 at the time and had never been here. I guess people just assume things never change. I once had an aunt ask me (years ago) if I ever see any Indians or teepees. LOL

  23. #23

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk View Post
    I guess people just assume things never change. I once had an aunt ask me (years ago) if I ever see any Indians or teepees. LOL
    Well I didn't mention it but his relatives asked the same questions about the Indians. It was an eye opening experience for me. I couldn't believe educated people could be so misinformed. The funny thing is that some of their kids came down to visit and never went back. They loved it here and went to college and ended up staying here and starting families. Needless to say they've been more fully educated about Oklahoma since our first meeting.

  24. #24

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by Wambo36 View Post
    Well I didn't mention it but his relatives asked the same questions about the Indians. The funny thing is that some of their kids came down to visit and never went back. They loved it here and went to college and ended up staying here and starting families. Needless to say they've been more fully educated about Oklahoma since our first meeting.
    This is the story that is repeated over and over...Oklahoma City is the best kept secret of America in plain view...right out there in the open for anyone to see if they will. Those stereotypes can be powerful influences that span generations without reason other than one persons perceptions being propgated on to the next generations. It takes a proper introduction that then peaks the curiousity and whammo you have another resident! I know this is somewhat over simplified but I hear the same stories over and over! OKC is creating its own momentum we just need to keep our eyes on where it is going on its journey so that we can avoid the potholes!

  25. #25

    Default Re: And America's Geographic Ignorance on OKC Continues

    Quote Originally Posted by Doug Loudenback View Post
    It's not just pertaining to Oklahoma or Oklahoma City. I get on my 10th grade grandson all the time for not having a clue about US geography, e.g., "From where we are, which direction is Minnesota? On which coast is Oregon?" I guess that schools don't teach about stuff like that anymore. I'd be amazed if he could list 5 state capitals but he is generally an A & B student. Go figure.
    Grandson would know this stuff if he grew up where I did in SE Oklahoma. Our teachers were fun, but largely no nonsense, teachers. My spouse recently enjoyed her [mumble mumble sumthin way way way beyond 10th] reunion.

    Amongst the teachers of the day who were still about and came to see the former students was Jim Anderson, who taught geography. He showed up, alive and kicking and looking rather excellent, considering we're a fair bit older now than he was back in the day.

    Learned a whole lot about what was where from Mr. A. Good man.

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