Here's the article I was really excited about reading in SI this week. I wonder just how much of OKC he really saw.
Showing he's more than a scoring machine, Kevin Durant has - 01.25.10 - SI Vault
On most mornings Kevin Durant, the best NBA player most people never get to see, drives his extralong conversion van 10 minutes from his house in the suburbs of Oklahoma City to the Thunder's practice facility, which if not technically in the middle of nowhere is at least on its outskirts. He passes sagging power lines and idle oil derricks and vast fields of brittle yellow grass pocked with snow before turning onto a two-lane road and, just past the John Deere factory, pulling into the parking lot of the practice center, a converted roller rink. Unfolding his 6'9" frame from the van, Durant ambles past the odd rabbit lounging in the shrubbery and enters the gym for another day of work, all the while engulfed by the scent of ... well, what is that exactly?
"Dog food," says Durant. "And it stinks, man; it really stinks." As it turns out, there is a hulking Purina plant just down the road, churning out untold tons of pet chow weekly, but Durant takes the, um, ambience in stride, just as he does many other not-so-glamorous elements of playing in the smallest market in the NBA. These include the weather (cold), the nightlife (hello, Denny's!) and the TV exposure (two national appearances this season, or 27 fewer than the Cavaliers), all of which are supposed to be of great importance to NBA players, who are commonly envisioned as a flock of 7-foot homing pigeons all hatched in the same sweaty South Beach nightclub. But Durant claims not to mind. He says that he "loves it here," and once you spend some time around him, it becomes clear that he is not only sincere but also talking as much about the franchise as the city itself.
This is not to say that the jokes don't get old. Like last week, when Durant and a few teammates were at a mall in Dallas and a man walked up to the group, which was outfitted in matching gray Thunder sweat suits, and said, "Oklahoma City—is that a semipro team?" and then started giggling. Last year, when the Thunder began a Nets-like 3--29, such a crack would have at least made sense. This year, however, it merely betrayed ignorance, for the Thunder are not only respectable but also on the verge of being downright good. Despite a nine-man rotation that could be described as the March Madness Traveling All-Stars (average age 23) Oklahoma City finished the week with a 22--18 record, just behind eighth-place Houston in the ultracompetitive Western Conference.