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Thread: Are you depressed?

  1. #1
    Patrick Guest

    Default Are you depressed?

    Do you have Major Depressive Disorder?

    Have you tried medication that did not work

    in treating your depression?

    If so, you may be interested in a study that

    is being conducted at the University of Oklahoma

    Health Sciences Center. This study will be evaluating an investigational medication as an add-on therapy to an antidepressant that is already approved for the treatment of depression

    Volunteers will receive study-related medical care

    and medication at no cost to you.

    Participants in this study must be 18 to 65 years of age

    and in good health; other restrictions may apply.


    The Anxiety & Psychiatry Research Clinic

    at (405) 271-6425

  2. Default Re: Are you depressed?

    Thanks for that info patrick. I am going to have to call and see what more info I can get out of them. I have tried a anitdepressant but found it really didn't do any justice and stopped, but I am haveing a relaspe and of course haveing depressed moods.

  3. #3
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Are you depressed?

    Depression really sucks. The experimental med they're using is actually an atypical antipsychotic, but to be real honest, atypicals are proving to be robust antidepressants. So, they might be approved for use in depression in the near future.

  4. #4
    Ronin Guest

    Default Re: Are you depressed?

    depression is more and more widespread these days.
    The most important thing to help a depressed person is just be there for them. Keep them busy, take them places.

  5. #5
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Are you depressed?

    I think depression is more widespread, because life is more demanding. Fast pace society doesn't help. Our bodies simply weren't designed for the stress we're under in today's society. No wonder why our brain chemistry is all out of whack.

    I do believe that depression is a biological disease, since it affects every drive in the body, but I believe many cases of depression are caused by stress and loss.

  6. Default Re: Are you depressed?

    Thats a good important point, I should know I have been depressed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ronin
    depression is more and more widespread these days.
    The most important thing to help a depressed person is just be there for them. Keep them busy, take them places.

  7. Default Re: Are you depressed?

    Well I don't think it has to do with stress, I think alot of it has to be with they way people are treated. I have been fighting depression for almost a year and a half. When I snapped it wasn't casue of stress it was the way I was treated at work and home. Once depression kicks in and that person starts going down, they have to be brought back and be kept happy. If they are depressed stress probaly doesn't help, anything for me fast paced and I will lock up and freeze. I have to take things slow. I can't be rushed, if I get rushed I can't take the info in and process it fast enough to comprehend or I will lock up and freeze. I feel if the society was more kind and careing for one another the world and society would be a more happy less depressing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    I think depression is more widespread, because life is more demanding. Fast pace society doesn't help. Our bodies simply weren't designed for the stress we're under in today's society. No wonder why our brain chemistry is all out of whack.

    I do believe that depression is a biological disease, since it affects every drive in the body, but I believe many cases of depression are caused by stress and loss.

  8. Default Re: Are you depressed?

    dirtrider, you should try a few different medications to get you through this, people have had amazing results with meds.. keep in mind different kinds work differently for all people so you might have to try a few out before you find one that works for you... tell your Dr you are wanting to try something other than what you were on before. You also need to take them for a few weeks before chemical changes take place.. be patient but for certain, get something. You shouldn't have to feel this way -
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  9. Default Re: Are you depressed?

    I was on one med when I was in the hospital, and stayed on it for awhile it did its job sort of at first, Then I stopped takeing cause it felt it was doing more than it should. I tried going to a head doc but of course insurance only pays half cause its a head issue and I wasn't going to pay almost 100 bucks a vist just to talk to some doc. I have my better days and have my down days and times as I call them. I am better now than I was a year ago. If I keep busy with something to pass the time I do ok. Its when I am by myself and haved nobody to talk to or come visit and sit with me I get lonely. I have tried to have couple female friends but then they want to take more and I don't so that went to blah. If I had the money and the motovation to I would try other meds but don't have the money to pay for numerous doc visits and meds before finding the right one. It gets exspensive pretty quick.

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried
    dirtrider, you should try a few different medications to get you through this, people have had amazing results with meds.. keep in mind different kinds work differently for all people so you might have to try a few out before you find one that works for you... tell your Dr you are wanting to try something other than what you were on before. You also need to take them for a few weeks before chemical changes take place.. be patient but for certain, get something. You shouldn't have to feel this way -

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