Hey, I'm still here. We just returned from Tucson visiting our daughter...wish I was still there. Came back to 18 degree weather...sheesh!
Is there a Facebook page for our little group?
Not unless YOU started it.
To tell the truth, I don't think you really exist. You created this site as a
plot to drive southsiders out of their feeble minds.
This is nothing more than a CIA led conspiracy to drain the memories of
southsiders. Coit's must be involved. In fact Coit's is probably the meeting
place of all the high level northsiders.
Is northsider even a word? It's a northside conspiracy!
The plan has been exposed! Viva Prunepicker! I've just begun to gripe!
Damn the hotdogs! Full steam ahead! Extra chili! Extra mustard! More
fries and less tots!
Refill-o-lito! Mui bel grande!
Whoa:....TeriOKC:....We ALL Love you....Prunepicker is really busy rebuilding a car and PapaOu is just from Capitol Hill...However, I'll buy your lunch at Coit's if you'll come...Bring your Grant Sisters and share. We have a dentist on Call in case something happens to you and your braces....Hope to see you this week....Generals64.....
Picker better hope Teri does not crown him with a BASS!
seems like everyone on this feed is too young for me...Where are the oldtimers? I lived at 44 an s May.. wheat fields, Rolands dairy.. Jackson jr hi. an yes capital hill.. bus only ran to 29th an may. Packing town!!! real cowboys, we went ot some of the wrestling matches there, Gorgerus George, loved his Cad, pink ... lol swimming in pond at about 59 an Portland an another out on 59th between portland an dang I too old can't remember the street name....
Young? When I went to Grant we didn't have buses. A covered wagon
came around on Monday mornings around 3am and picked us up for school.
We came home at sundown on Friday, unless there was detention. I
remember when Henry Ford was in grade school. Smart alec know it all.
Were you drafted in the Union or Confederacy? Watch how you answer!
I grew up living on S.W 37th between May and Independence, first street south of Woodson Park. I remember when Woodson Park was a golf course. I went to school with Linda Rowland and remember the diary. Use to walk over to her house to visit her. I think it was the 7th grade maybe the 8th. I had the biggest crush on her. Is the farm still there? I haven't been over to the southside in over 5 years. But she went to CHHS and graduated in 1970 with me. Didn't she have a younger sister? I also remember her father or uncle had a used car dealorship on Western or Walker just north of 29th. I think it was Fred Jones that had a used car dealorship just off of 25th. Now that I think of it, it had to be Walker. I think I have some old Rosevelt Jr High yearbooks in my attic. I'll try to crawl up there this weekend and see if I can find them. I don't post a lot here, but I just thought it was kind of funny that seeing the Rowland diary in this post started me remembering her and the place.
Two mere children. The Rowland farm is still there...Not quite as large as it used to be. Yes, it was the Grandfather that owned Rowland Motors...had the '56 Chevy with two front ends. Her brother or cousin Gary still has the car...saw it not too long ago. Don't remember any wheat fields in that area but do remember a lot of Sunflowers.....When we first moved into that area. Mayridge Shopping center was just a mere thought. As kids, we helped level the Military Barracks that Mayridge Baptist Church was originally built from. Went to some of the Wrestling matches at packing town...Saw Gorgeous George once down there. My mom got one of his Hair pins he used to throw out. Real cowboys yes and the pond you are referring to was called "West Pond". tried Ice skating on it once.....learn how to Ice Swim that day....Glad some "Newbies" with memories have joined the "Gang".....
I remember a Debbie Rowland, but she went to Jefferson, Jr. High.
There was a Rowland's used car dealer on S. Walker. He had a car with 2
front ends. A '57 Chevy? It's been mentioned on this thread.
There was a Fred Jones used car dealer but I don't think that place was
the Fred Jones we all know. His name was also Fred Jones. He lives/lived in
Edmond on Danforth Road.
================================================== =============
Those horses weren't real.....the car was a '56 and Gary Rowland (Grandson) has it now. Have a question to see if any of these true Southsiders can answer....Where did the name (Airline Shopping center/Airline Motel) originate and why????? Very simple question. I didn't know the answer until today when The Village Idiot told me....Wonder where the other shopping centers got their names????Reding:.......Reding Family farm????Don't know.....Anybody out there???? Hey Prunepicker when you get a chance go to Taxidermyking.com....there are some old southsiders pictures there.....
We knew the "old man" Rowland for many years. Growing up just off 26th and Lee and my grandmother had the little greasy spoon on the corner of 26th and Walker. After he "retired" he would come to the dealership and spend the day in the office. No cars on the lot but he was there all the same. He died not too long ago. Well, maybe 3 or more years ago. Almost all thought and memories are of "not that long ago"
The Airline Shopping center was named because Howard Hughes bought the
property and was really into airplanes. Well, he didn't like the property and
decided to sell it to a relative of this mailman that had a sister in law who
lived in St. Paul. Not really in St. Paul but that's the closest big town I can
think of. She had this recipe for snickerdoodles that was amazing. As the
saying goes, luck would have it that she entered them in the Anoka county
fair. One of the judges was scheduled to be a taster for the cookie
entries. He got his hand stuck in a fire grate and couldn't make it...
Airline story brought tears to my eyes. Laughing. My old stomping grounds from 1956 when I was about 11 or 12. Chieftan theater, TG&Y, OTASCO, Humpty Dumpty, Dentist Dr. Schmidt was on the west end and he would give a prescription for a free ice cream cone at Leon Conley's pharmacy - a walk to the East end. Seems like Conleys was at the back of OTASCO or one of the other stores. Anybody remember where?
Conley's was located next door to the Donut Shop (which was west of Otasco).
Now, Airline Shopping center and the Airline Motel were named Airline since they were so close to the small air strip located in the Woodson Park area...
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