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Thread: Extreme Midget Wrestling ??

  1. #1

  2. Default Re: Extreme Midget Wrestling ??

    I'm going.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Extreme Midget Wrestling ??

    Did this replace midget tossing?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Extreme Midget Wrestling ??

    I'd totally go if I lived in OKC. What an awesome event. Will beer be served?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Extreme Midget Wrestling ??

    No clue on beer, but I hope there is a bookie there taking bets...small bets

  6. #6

    Default Re: Extreme Midget Wrestling ??

    Quote Originally Posted by Armani View Post
    No clue on beer, but I hope there is a bookie there taking bets...small bets
    at least you dinna say under the table bets.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Extreme Midget Wrestling ??


  8. #8

    Default Re: Extreme Midget Wrestling ??

    Danny Williams did this on Saturday Night Wrestling, or was it Friday, in the '60s. Midget women too.


  9. #9

    Default Re: Extreme Midget Wrestling ??

    My husband has been talking about this all day. Apparently, he saw the commercial this morning about it. I just chose to ignore him and pretend it did not really exist. Now you guys just had to bring it up and validate the whole event.

  10. Default Re: Extreme Midget Wrestling ??

    Quote Originally Posted by CCOKC View Post
    My husband has been talking about this all day. Apparently, he saw the commercial this morning about it. I just chose to ignore him and pretend it did not really exist. Now you guys just had to bring it up and validate the whole event.
    I'll validate it by taking pictures while I'm there.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Extreme Midget Wrestling ??

    Ya know, Midgets are like methadone to pedofiles...

  12. #12

    Default Re: Extreme Midget Wrestling ??

    I thought we weren't supposed to say the "m" word... I guess Extreme Little Person Wrestling doesnt roll off the tongue as well..

  13. #13

    Default Re: Extreme Midget Wrestling ??

    I assumed it was like the "N" word, only little people can use the "M" word.

  14. Default Re: Extreme Midget Wrestling ??

    Well they sure used the "M" word a LOT Saturday night!

    It was pretty dang awesome. They took all the stupidity from the old pro wrestling days (think Von Erick's vs. Freebirds) and added midgets. Very clear on who is supposed to be the good guy/bad guy, pulling trash cans out from under the mat, pulling crap out of their boot, etc.

    The place was packed, and the crowd was very into the whole bit. Booing, cheering, and having a great time.

    I had a lot more fun than I was expecting to, that's for sure.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Extreme Midget Wrestling ??

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh GAWD the Smell! View Post
    Well they sure used the "M" word a LOT Saturday night!

    It was pretty dang awesome. They took all the stupidity from the old pro wrestling days (think Von Erick's vs. Freebirds) and added midgets. Very clear on who is supposed to be the good guy/bad guy, pulling trash cans out from under the mat, pulling crap out of their boot, etc.

    The place was packed, and the crowd was very into the whole bit. Booing, cheering, and having a great time.

    I had a lot more fun than I was expecting to, that's for sure.
    Was I the only one that noticed them thanking the hotel for "housing" the midgets? What happened to simply providing accomodations?

  16. #16

    Default Re: Extreme Midget Wrestling ??

    lets see those pictures!

    for some odd reason, the gf did not want to attend.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Extreme Midget Wrestling ??

    It will never cease to amaze me what some consider entertainment!!!!

  18. Default Re: Extreme Midget Wrestling ??

    Quote Originally Posted by Armani View Post
    lets see those pictures!

    for some odd reason, the gf did not want to attend.
    My wife is the one that brought it to my attention. I was pretty shocked, this isn't her sort of entertainment. Not mine either really...But hey...Beer was cold, crowd was into it, and we couldn't agree on a movie to go see...We had a good time.

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    It will never cease to amaze me what some consider entertainment!!!!
    Yeah. Like throwing not-so-veiled insults at people over the internet that enjoyed it. That's entertaining.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Extreme Midget Wrestling ??

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh GAWD the Smell! View Post
    My wife is the one that brought it to my attention. I was pretty shocked, this isn't her sort of entertainment. Not mine either really...But hey...Beer was cold, crowd was into it, and we couldn't agree on a movie to go see...We had a good time.

    Yeah. Like throwing not-so-veiled insults at people over the INTERNET that enjoyed it. That's entertaining.

    Didn't mean to hurt your feelings, it's just that I can think of several ways to better spend my money.

  20. Default Re: Extreme Midget Wrestling ??

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post

    Didn't mean to hurt your feelings, it's just that I can think of several ways to better spend my money.
    So you take pot shots at other people for their choices?

    So you like RC stuff? Isn't that for kids? Talk about a waste of money. Get a man's toy.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Extreme Midget Wrestling ??

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh GAWD the Smell! View Post
    So you take pot shots at other people for their choices?

    So you like RC stuff? Isn't that for kids? Talk about a waste of money. Get a man's toy.
    My My, are we touchy or what.
    As for RC stuff, it's just my OKCTALK name, my 15 year old son is the Nitro Gas Powered RC Fan, he's raced them for a little over 6 years, with an average price of around $2500, they are by no means a toy. He's been fully sponsored for the last 3 years, this past year he/we have raced in Oklahoma, Texas, Florida, Ohio, Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Georgia, N. Carolina, California and Tennessee, he's qualified for the Worlds which will be held in Sweden in August of this year. Most of the out of state races we attend are 3--5 day events and we almost always take in a few museums, zoos, places of history in every city we visit, I apologize, but midget wrestling was never on our agenda.

  22. Default Re: Extreme Midget Wrestling ??

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    My My, are we touchy or what.
    As for RC stuff, it's just my OKCTALK name, my 15 year old son is the Nitro Gas Powered RC Fan, he's raced them for a little over 6 years, with an average price of around $2500, they are by no means a toy. He's been fully sponsored for the last 3 years, this past year he/we have raced in Oklahoma, Texas, Florida, Ohio, Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Georgia, N. Carolina, California and Tennessee, he's qualified for the Worlds which will be held in Sweden in August of this year. Most of the out of state races we attend are 3--5 day events and we almost always take in a few museums, zoos, places of history in every city we visit, I apologize, but midget wrestling was never on our agenda.

    Defensive much? I don't give two flying rat's farts about RC cars, but I'd hardly fault somebody for doing something fun to them. I was only using it to illustrate a point and you bit.

    And I don't care if you don't care about midget wrestling. I don't either. Guess what though? It was mindless and cheap fun for a Saturday night when nothing else was going on. You get your jollies threadcrapping. It's entertainment for you. I'm simply calling you on it. You do it constantly. People were doing fine in here and having a good time marveling at this oddity of events and you come in here and sh*t all over it. Good job. Feel better about yourself now?

  23. #23

    Default Re: Extreme Midget Wrestling ??

    I consider this entertainment. Let me grab another beer.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Extreme Midget Wrestling ??

    Quote Originally Posted by Oh GAWD the Smell! View Post
    Defensive much? I don't give two flying rat's farts about RC cars, but I'd hardly fault somebody for doing something fun to them. I was only using it to illustrate a point and you bit.

    And I don't care if you don't care about midget wrestling. I don't either. Guess what though? It was mindless and cheap fun for a Saturday night when nothing else was going on. You get your jollies threadcrapping. It's entertainment for you. I'm simply calling you on it. You do it constantly. People were doing fine in here and having a good time marveling at this oddity of events and you come in here and sh*t all over it. Good job. Feel better about yourself now?

    And I don't care that you don't care that I don't care. I'm going to garage, turn on some blues, have a cold one and work on my Harley.

  25. Default Re: Extreme Midget Wrestling ??

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post

    And I don't care that you don't care that I don't care. I'm going to garage, turn on some blues, have a cold one and work on my Harley.
    Why would you bother? It's going to leak oil anyway. It's a slow POS and you should have bought an import. You wasted your money.

    Besides, why do that when you can stick around and abuse people on the internet some more?

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