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Thread: Thought about teaching?

  1. #1

    Default Thought about teaching?

    Hey all! Have you ever thought about teaching? I work for a non-profit organization that recruits and certifies new teachers in Oklahoma. We're called ABCTE and we are having an event in Oklahoma City on January 23rd that is totally free where you can learn about how you can become a teacher!

    Our program is fantastic for people who are looking for a career change and is much more affordable then traditional routes into the classroom.

    Find more info here: http://abcte.org/


  2. #2

    Default Re: Thought about teaching?

    Your link is broken.

    That aside, I find it disheartening that the profession of teaching is becoming so deprofessionalized. You'd think that if we really wanted to fix that system, we'd be increasing standards, requiring post-graduate degrees/progress, etc., rather than allowing online certification/diploma mill programs to provide an alternate route for lower-qualified candidates.

  3. Default Re: Thought about teaching?

    I have to agree. There are already alternative certification processes in place for those who decide post-graduation that they want to teach, but it is disheartening for people like me, who studied the process of education and who are pursuing further education in the area, to see that there are these online programs that make it so anyone can have the certification to teach.

    Is there a link where I can get my medical or law degree online? I thought I might do that in my spare time in case I consider a career change.

    Teaching is a profession, not just a job. It shouldn't be so that just anyone can do it with a few clicks online.
    Still corrupting young minds

  4. #4

    Default Re: Thought about teaching?

    Quote Originally Posted by bandnerd View Post
    I have to agree. There are already alternative certification processes in place for those who decide post-graduation that they want to teach, but it is disheartening for people like me, who studied the process of education and who are pursuing further education in the area, to see that there are these online programs that make it so anyone can have the certification to teach.

    Is there a link where I can get my medical or law degree online? I thought I might do that in my spare time in case I consider a career change.
    Teaching is a profession, not just a job. It shouldn't be so that just anyone can do it with a few clicks online.
    You might try the back pages of the National Enquirer.

    I agree, teaching is definitely a "calling", my ex-wife and daughter teach and I can't testify that they didn't choose this profession to get rich.

  5. Default Re: Thought about teaching?

    I found a flash program that teaches me how to be a surgeon

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