Respectfully Mr. Simmons:
Have had all the respect for you and many of the things you've written.
I would suggest that you let loose of your constant disrepect for Oklahoma City. It has been like this since we became an NBA City.
Whatever your premise behind the disrespect for Oklahoma City, you need to re-evaluate your efforts and let go.
No one here means you any harm; however, people are getting fed up and there is a movement on the radio station WWLS-Norman-Oklahoma City for people to go after you.
I'm not going to change the way you feel about our city; however, we've been through a domestic terrorism bombing and a killer tornado which was devistating. We Baby-sat the New Orleans Hornets and we didn't get any respect for that.
We deserve the respect of being referred to as "Oklahoma City" and not being ignored as "that other city" or the home to the former Seattle Supersonics. Do you catch my drift?
Let it go dude, it's not worth whatever cause you are parading.
You are a great writer and you shouldn't let something like this stand in your way. It's not going to get the Sonics back in Seattle--that issue is dead and it's not going to kill the NBA in Oklahoma City.
You are an intellectual person who is well respected as a writer.
Oklahoma City should be respected as well; you're not hurting Oklahoma City, you are only hurting yourself.
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