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For those who think "What's the deal with all the fuss about WF?" I understand your point of view to some extent, but the best thing about a store like WF coming to OKC is that it will raise the bar for the other grocers in the area. Wal-Mart will not change their model because of the entrance of a WF into this market, but some of the local chains WILL be pushed to be better...it's competition! That is only going to be a good thing for the grocery market in our area.
We moved here from Orlando about 6 months ago, and we do not miss Publix (or the new WF we got down there just before we moved... for that matter) as much as we thought we would. We really went to WF more as a restaurant than as a grocery store.
We shop some at Homeland (which is not really that bad...carry some local and organic things) Target, and love shopping the Oklahoma Food Cooperative (we have had family and friends visit us from Oregon, Colorado, and Washington DC who were VERY impressed by the CoOp).
Even if WF did not come, we would be happy with our existing mix. But a WF would give us a little bit more of a sophisticated reputation with some people...improving perceptions.
All in all, our supermarket situation could be a lot worse. If we are grateful for what we already have, we will probably get what we want!