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Thread: OKC, New Promise Land of SouthWest?

  1. #1

    Cool OKC, New Promise Land of SouthWest?

    In the southwest U.S. every city has had their time, Dallas, Houston, Austin, Pheonix, Las Vegas. Back in the early 70's at the peak of the oil boom in the southwest, Oklahoma City and Tulsa were the fastest growing cities in the southwest along with Dallas, and Houston. But what happened? I will tell you what happened. Sunbelt conservatives in Oklahoma, and them good ol Oklahoma boys on the hill wanted to run Oklahoma as a business, and guess what, they kept their business in the family. Thats why you saw more small independent companies, family owned, rather than big corporations coming to Oklahoma. The last free standing skyscraper was built in OKC was over 25 years ago! This resulted in the growth of Oklahoma to be stagnant in the late 70's to early 90's. Dallas, Houston, and Austin left OKC in the dust. But don't cry my friend. OKC is now the new Mecca of the SouthWest. With our dominant energy and medical field industry, and recession proof ecomony. You already see people moving to OKC metro area, and growth like never before. It's our time.

  2. #2

    Default Re: OKC, New Mecca of SouthWest?

    I don't see what our "recession proof" economy. What we have is a ton of service industry jobs and fast food. The reason we didn't feel massive effects of the housing bubble is because of the low demand anyhow.

    Nor do I see our dominant medical field. We don't have cutting edge medicine like the other cities you mentioned.

    The one area I think we can dominate is wind and solar energy. I hope we can do it. Otherwise I don't see any other industry taking OKC to the next level.

  3. #3

    Default Re: OKC, New Mecca of SouthWest?

    We're doing OK but so are all the larger cities in TX (save for El Paso). I just hope we can start attracting or grow some good non-energy companies so our economy can become more diversified.

  4. #4

    Default Re: OKC, New Mecca of SouthWest?

    So you want less Christians and more Muslims?

  5. #5

    Default Re: OKC, New Mecca of SouthWest?

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    We're doing OK but so are all the larger cities in TX (save for El Paso). I just hope we can start attracting or grow some good non-energy companies so our economy can become more diversified.

  6. #6

    Default Re: OKC, New Mecca of SouthWest?

    G. Walker - if you look at the history of OKC, we go through a growth spurt about every 25 years. Your right about that time being now. I'll tell you one thing that helped Dallas in the late 70's and early '80, the TV show Dallas. Don't underestimate the power of that TV show to drive business and people to Dallas at that time. South Fork Ranch was a huge tourist attraction.

    As you mentioned, Oklahoma had more than it share of corruption back then that kept a lot of companies from moving to Oklahoma.

    OKScam - The Oklahoma County Commissioner Scandal

    In the spring of 1981, with tape recordings and plea agreements in hand, FBI agents fanned out across the state and gave commissioners the chance to turn themselves in. In the first week, Gibbons said thirty or forty commissioners agreed to plead guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit mail fraud and obstructing the IRS. By July 1981, 100 people had signed a plea agreement. In most cases, commissioners who agreed to cooperate with the government received probation or one or two years in jail. Others who decided to take their cases to trial ended up serving jail time anywhere from seven up to 20 years.

    The list of suspects grew longer and longer and investigators saw the pattern of fraud winding its way down from northwest Oklahoma to the southwest part of the state and then into north Texas. By the end of the investigation several years later, there were around 280 total fraud convictions, including thirty or forty people in Texas.

    "Number wise, this was the biggest political corruption case in FBI history," Gibbons said.

  7. #7

    Default Re: OKC, New Mecca of SouthWest?

    The mere suggestion that OKC is somehow turning into the "new Mecca" is deeply insulting and offensive to our city's extensive Muslim population.

  8. #8

    Default Re: OKC, New Mecca of SouthWest?

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    The mere suggestion that OKC is somehow turning into the "new Mecca" is deeply insulting and offensive to our city's extensive Muslim population.
    Yer kiddn... right?

  9. #9

    Cool Re: OKC, New Mecca of SouthWest?

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnDenver View Post
    I don't see what our "recession proof" economy. What we have is a ton of service industry jobs and fast food. The reason we didn't feel massive effects of the housing bubble is because of the low demand anyhow.

    Nor do I see our dominant medical field. We don't have cutting edge medicine like the other cities you mentioned.

    The one area I think we can dominate is wind and solar energy. I hope we can do it. Otherwise I don't see any other industry taking OKC to the next level.
    Oklahoma has a strong energy industry, with oil and natural gas. Take Devon, Chesapeake, and SandRidge energy for example. They are major leaders in their industry in the U.S. These companies produce high-end jobs for people, who invest and spend their money in Oklahoma. That is why Core 2 Shore project is 50% privately funded by Oklahoma banks, like the Kirkpatrick Foundation. Whit-Collars employees need nice homes, nice retail, and entertainment. That is why you will see boost in the infrastructure around the new Devon Tower. Needless to say the Core 2 Shore project well before Devon decided to build new skyscraper. The medical is growing, take drive on Lincoln and NE 13 by OU medical Center, Dean McGee eye institute and you will see growth, and there are more cancer and heart research facilities going up in the metro then I can count.

  10. #10

    Default Re: OKC, New Mecca of SouthWest?

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    The mere suggestion that OKC is somehow turning into the "new Mecca" is deeply insulting and offensive to our city's extensive Muslim population.
    You confused Mecca - the geographic name, with mecca - the noun. The hint is the capital 'M'. Of course the work Mecca (noun) was used in the title so it should have been capitalized, so the confusion is understood. Hope that helped.

  11. #11

    Cool Re: OKC, New Mecca of SouthWest?

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    The mere suggestion that OKC is somehow turning into the "new Mecca" is deeply insulting and offensive to our city's extensive Muslim population.
    I was using Mecca in a metaphoric form, as for growth, as people will be moving here in large numbers. Mecca was considered the promise land for Muslims. I was using the word in a symbolic form, not to insult anyone.

  12. #12

    Cool Re: OKC, New Mecca of SouthWest?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    You confused Mecca - the geographic name, with mecca - the noun. The hint is the capital 'M'. Of course the work Mecca (noun) was used in the title so it should have been capitalized, so the confusion is understood. Hope that helped.

  13. #13

    Default Re: OKC, New Promise Land of SouthWest?

    The notion that OKC or any other city is "recession proof" is absurd.

  14. #14

    Cool Re: OKC, New Promise Land of SouthWest?

    Quote Originally Posted by oknacreous View Post
    The notion that OKC or any other city is "recession proof" is absurd.
    Of course we will fill the effects of a recession, but not has hard as other cities, OKC is growing at a faster rate then ever before.

  15. Default Re: OKC, New Mecca of SouthWest?

    Quote Originally Posted by ddavidson8 View Post
    So you want less Christians and more Muslims?
    Yes, actually. Diversity attracts people and businesses. There is nothing wrong with Muslims, we need more of everything besides Christians.

  16. #16

    Default Re: OKC, New Promise Land of SouthWest?

    You can change the thread title all you want, G.Walker, but the screencaps have already been taken.

  17. Default Re: OKC, New Promise Land of SouthWest?

    OKC just better hope and pray that the Exxon's, BP's, Conoco-Phillip's of the world don't come to OKC raiding Devon or Chesapeake (or both). Though they would be hard takeover targets due to the OKC-centric nature of their CEO's, it would not be impossible for these behemouth companies to launch hostile takeovers. Lose those and our economy goes into the dumpster in a big hurry.

  18. #18

    Default Re: OKC, New Mecca of SouthWest?

    Quote Originally Posted by Architect2010 View Post
    Yes, actually. Diversity attracts people and businesses. There is nothing wrong with Muslims, we need more of everything besides Christians.
    So no more Christians can move to OKC unless some die or move away? When did OKC get a Christian quota?

  19. #19

    Default Re: OKC, New Mecca of SouthWest?

    Quote Originally Posted by ddavidson8 View Post
    So you want less Christians and more Muslims?

    Quick, someone call the "Village" I found him!!

  20. #20

    Default Re: OKC, New Mecca of SouthWest?

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    The mere suggestion that OKC is somehow turning into the "new Mecca" is deeply insulting and offensive to our city's extensive Muslim population.
    Wow, that "Village" has two!!

  21. #21

    Cool Re: OKC, New Promise Land of SouthWest?

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    OKC just better hope and pray that the Exxon's, BP's, Conoco-Phillip's of the world don't come to OKC raiding Devon or Chesapeake (or both). Though they would be hard takeover targets due to the OKC-centric nature of their CEO's, it would not be impossible for these behemouth companies to launch hostile takeovers. Lose those and our economy goes into the dumpster in a big hurry.
    I believe Devon can hold its ground, now for Chesapeake, I don't know. But you are right, all business is not good business. We will see over the next two years exactly how OKC can compete with cities like Dallas.

  22. #22

    Default Re: OKC, New Promise Land of SouthWest?

    Quote Originally Posted by G.Walker View Post
    Dallas, Houston, and Austin left OKC in the dust. But don't cry my friend. OKC is now the new Mecca of the SouthWest. With our dominant energy and medical field industry, and recession proof ecomony. You already see people moving to OKC metro area, and growth like never before. It's our time.
    OKC may be seeing "growth like never before," but it's still not even close to Austin let alone Dallas or Houston. OKC does NOT have a "dominant 'medical field' industry" and OU HSC is far from being a major medical research center on a national level. Have you been to Austin lately? The amount of development and activity in downtown OKC pales in comparison. Texas's cities left OKC in the dust a long time ago and the gap continues to get wider--MAPS 3 isn't likely to reverse that trend, either.

    Quote Originally Posted by John Denver
    The one area I think we can dominate is wind and solar energy.
    Perhaps in the construction of wind farms around town, but as far as the R&D of these technologies is concerned--no way. Again, OKC has been left in the dust because there's very little high technology R&D, particularly compared to Austin.

  23. #23

    Cool Re: OKC, New Promise Land of SouthWest?

    Quote Originally Posted by semisimple View Post
    OKC may be seeing "growth like never before," but it's still not even close to Austin let alone Dallas or Houston. OKC does NOT have a "dominant 'medical field' industry" and OU HSC is far from being a major medical research center on a national level. Have you been to Austin lately? The amount of development and activity in downtown OKC pales in comparison. Texas's cities left OKC in the dust a long time ago and the gap continues to get wider--MAPS 3 isn't likely to reverse that trend, either.

    Perhaps in the construction of wind farms around town, but as far as the R&D of these technologies is concerned--no way. Again, OKC has been left in the dust because there's very little high technology R&D, particularly compared to Austin.
    Yes, over the last 5 years Austin has seen major growth, They have built like 5 new skyscrapers in their business district, in the last few years alone. They have gone under a major urban renewal, but you don't think OKC can do that to?

  24. #24

    Default Re: OKC, New Promise Land of SouthWest?

    Quote Originally Posted by semisimple View Post
    OU HSC is far from being a major medical research center on a national level
    It may not be Harvard or Stanford but OUHSC is certainly not a bottom dweller either:

    Best Places to Work: Industry 2009 - Top 40 US Institutions

    The OMRF is well recognized on the national level as a private research institution.

  25. #25

    Default Re: OKC, New Promise Land of SouthWest?

    Quote Originally Posted by silvergrove View Post
    It may not be Harvard or Stanford but OUHSC is certainly not a bottom dweller either:

    Best Places to Work: Industry 2009 - Top 40 US Institutions
    You rirght - according to your link OUHSC beat both Harvard and Stanford.

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