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Thread: Towing cars

  1. #1

    Default Towing cars

    If you have a car that is stranded, please be aware that the city, AKA the police department, is towing cars, and you are responsible for the charges. I've got a little rant here, because my husband got stuck coming home from the hospital and has been at the hospital all day today. We spent half of yesterday trying to get his car out of the snowdrift it was in, without success. Today, I find it has been towed, despite that fact that it is a Saturday and it's off to the side on Oklahoma, which is one-way south of 10th street and dead ends two blocks from where he was stuck. They have not since plowed the street and I see three police cars lollygagging in the adjacent parking lot, chatting with each other. We've got quite enough policemen per square mile right here, and they're busy getting cars off of the sides of nonessential streets. On top of this, I get to pay for the privilege of having my car "moved', when we were going to try and dig it out this afternoon after said husband finally got off work. End rant.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Towing cars

    Sounds like you weren't successful in moving it yourself and that your vehicle was creating a hazard.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Towing cars

    It was off to the side of the street, but was probably illegal because it was in front of a driveway, although the driveway is that of a business not open today, and the snow on the driveway is too deep for it to be used. The snow was/is a greater hazard than our car. The street still has not been plowed.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Towing cars

    I wondered if down south where I am that they were just not plowing the street if there were any stalled cars.

    I think I counted at least 20 abandoned cars today on my way to the farm and back.

    Some major streets are amazingly bad in places and some are amazingly good. Can definitely tell where the plows have been.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Towing cars

    All the cars have been towed off Oklahoma for hours now and it still hasn't been plowed. Of course, it's Saturday, and Oklahoma is a nonessential one-way street near downtown Oklahoma City that dead ends. That's why I don't know why they bothered to tow the cars, unless this is a money-making operation for someone.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Towing cars

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    All the cars have been towed off Oklahoma for hours now and it still hasn't been plowed. Of course, it's Saturday, and Oklahoma is a nonessential one-way street near downtown Oklahoma City that dead ends. That's why I don't know why they bothered to tow the cars, unless this is a money-making operation for someone.
    Sorry you got towed but you answered your own question. If any government entity can rake in a few more $$$, they are going to do so (especially from the common taxpayer). Doesn't have to make sense from our perspective. The City raised all of their fees/fines a few years ago when there was a budget crunch. When the crunch went away, did they lower the fees? Of course not. Would be surprised if when it is all said and done, it ends up costing you under $200 to get your car back (much less the time and inconvenience). let us know what the total bill is...

  7. #7

    Default Re: Towing cars

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    Sorry you got towed but you answered your own question. If any government entity can rake in a few more $$$, they are going to do so (especially from the common taxpayer). Doesn't have to make sense from our perspective. The City raised all of their fees/fines a few years ago when there was a budget crunch. When the crunch went away, did they lower the fees? Of course not. Would be surprised if when it is all said and done, it ends up costing you under $200 to get your car back (much less the time and inconvenience). let us know what the total bill is...
    Come on Larry, I've read your postings on a few different threads, you can't keep blaming City Government for everything, sometimes citizens have to accept responsibility for their own actions.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Towing cars

    It was $120. While at the towing place I saw a woman crying because her car had been towed, and she didn't have the money to get it out. I was there with just enough money to get our car out of hock, or I would have gotten hers out as well. That started me thinking......how many people got their cars towed for whom that $120 will be a huge financial hit for them? I don't understand why they couldn't have moved cars to the side of the road, or into parking lots nearby. And then, ironically, later today I was driving up north and saw a car on 63rd St. near the Broadway Extension. It was blocking the right hand lane, and hadn't been towed.

    Our street, by the way, still hasn't been plowed. By tomorrow it won't need to be, as the snow will have melted. So, those cars were towed for nothing.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Towing cars

    I saw that car on 63rd also..by the gas station at around 6:30-7 PM today. There were a couple of other cars also in the process of being towed on 63rd further down.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Towing cars

    Quote Originally Posted by Millie View Post
    Sounds like you weren't successful in moving it yourself and that your vehicle was creating a hazard.
    sounds like you're a jackass.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Towing cars

    I think if I was doing the snow plowing I would just plow the abandon cars to the side.
    Let them become scrap.
    Let the insurance deal with it.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Towing cars

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    It was $120.
    Sounds like you got off lucky, just saw on channel 9's rebroadcast, they said it can easily be over $200 (by the time you add up the impound fees, towing fees and any city citations, etc.)
    Last edited by Larry OKC; 12-27-2009 at 01:42 AM. Reason: spelling

  13. #13

    Default Re: Towing cars

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    It was $120. While at the towing place I saw a woman crying because her car had been towed, and she didn't have the money to get it out. I was there with just enough money to get our car out of hock, or I would have gotten hers out as well. That started me thinking......how many people got their cars towed for whom that $120 will be a huge financial hit for them? I don't understand why they couldn't have moved cars to the side of the road, or into parking lots nearby. And then, ironically, later today I was driving up north and saw a car on 63rd St. near the Broadway Extension. It was blocking the right hand lane, and hadn't been towed.

    Our street, by the way, still hasn't been plowed. By tomorrow it won't need to be, as the snow will have melted. So, those cars were towed for nothing.

    My Uncle own's one of the tow company's that has a contract with the City, I asked him why they don't just tow to a nearby lot or to the side of the road. He said that by law, once they hook to a vehicle, they are responsiblie for any damage that may occur and they tow it to their storage yard so they can protect the vehicle from any theft or damage.

  14. Default Re: Towing cars

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    All the cars have been towed off Oklahoma for hours now and it still hasn't been plowed. Of course, it's Saturday, and Oklahoma is a nonessential one-way street near downtown Oklahoma City that dead ends. That's why I don't know why they bothered to tow the cars, unless this is a money-making operation for someone.
    Thanks for paying for the city to not plow the roads in my part of town, your part of town, and every other part of town for the most part.. oh except 134th. That's like providing us a highway to get the hell out of OKC so we can shop and eat in Moore city limits at the wonderful restaurants they have over there..

    The good news is you probably paid for the union dues of one of those extra cops hanging out having a good time on duty in the parking lot behind Deep Deuce. This is good news because they are working hard doing a tough job that most of us don't have the spine to handle, and you don't work hard enough.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Towing cars

    Quote Originally Posted by fokochang View Post
    sounds like you're a jackass.
    Sounds like you were one of the idiots driving in it the other day and got your car stuck. Darwin award here you come?

  16. #16

    Default Re: Towing cars

    There were people going to and from work who got stuck.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Towing cars

    Quote Originally Posted by mikesimpsons82 View Post
    Sounds like you were one of the idiots driving in it the other day and got your car stuck. Darwin award here you come?
    actually, i stayed at home. i am still alive, and plan on making thousands of offspring. if i was to win any darwin award, it will be one of creating a master race.

    this whole topic basically boils down to, do you not understand that that person was coming home from a HOSPITAL. it doesn't matter whether or not the laws make sense or blah blah blah. be more empathetic it's freaking christmas.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Towing cars

    1st: Union members pay their own dues. Its not that you are spineless, as obviously you can right yourself enough type on a keyboard, but certainly softer than most who do the job.

    2nd: Why must it always be that I got stuck, I wanna cry about it, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna? "You're turning violet, Violet!"

    How can you cry about roads un-plowed and then cry about cars left by the roadway which are as much an obstruction and hazard as un-plowed snow?

    Law, black and white. There is nothing worse than the privileged few who feel that someone else is obligated to do other than what it is their jobs to do, because it infringes on their lives. Let me correct myself, the thing that is worse is using someone elses plight to edify one's argument - "poor distraught soul at the impound lot who couldn't afford...." Pay for her and go on, or don't, just don't tell us either way.

    Come on, what if your unattended car was to be plowed in by the street crews. "Oh, poor me, my car was in nobody's way and some city brute plowed snow into it causing thousands of dollars in damage." Your rant would continue to annoy, just on another thread.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Towing cars

    One thing that most people do not know is that most cities have an abandoned vehicle ordiance. This prevents people from leaving their vehicles in places where it would be considered unsafe or an eyesore.

    If this had happened to me, I would have found a way to get my vehicle out as soon as possible. Towing fees are the least of my worries. Abandoned vehicles are easy targets for thieves and vandals because nobody knows if the vehicle is theirs or not. This gives theives all the time in the world to pull car stereos, wheels, catalyitic coverters and anything else in the vehicle of value.

  20. Default Re: Towing cars

    Quote Originally Posted by MGE1977 View Post
    Law, black and white.
    This is why I hate spineless cops, which most cops are spineless and worthless. Geez what the hell is the matter with you? It is Christmas, these cars got stranded, which sucks. Do you assholes have to be the Grinch every year?

  21. #21

    Default Re: Towing cars

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    This is why I hate spineless cops, which most cops are spineless and worthless. Geez what the hell is the matter with you? It is Christmas, these cars got stranded, which sucks. Do you assholes have to be the Grinch every year?
    Really nice... way to be above the fray here.

    Do you actually know any cops? How about any firemen? Would you really call most of them spineless?

  22. Default Re: Towing cars

    I said cops.. and I was merely responding to a worthless remark by a different poster, not you. I do not want to hear, "Well, it's the law, deal with it." Howabout this: "Well, I'm a democrat and I don't like cops, deal with it."

  23. #23

    Default Re: Towing cars

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    I said cops.. and I was merely responding to a worthless remark by a different poster, not you. I do not want to hear, "Well, it's the law, deal with it." Howabout this: "Well, I'm a democrat and I don't like cops, deal with it."
    Hehe, never heard a Democrat say that. Commies and right-wingers, sure.

    I'm really curious to see if people make a big deal out of this (i.e., TV and newspaper media). I think they should. What a nice welcome to an out-of-towner that may have been stranded here.

    "Welcome to OKC. We'll take your hotel tax and maybe some sales tax. Leave your car out in the street, and then you can pay the tow company to get it back. Merry Christmas."

  24. #24

    Default Re: Towing cars

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    I said cops.. and I was merely responding to a worthless remark by a different poster, not you. I do not want to hear, "Well, it's the law, deal with it." Howabout this: "Well, I'm a democrat and I don't like cops, deal with it."

    It's Christmas? Hold everything! I hadn't the slightest idea, surely I would have known for all the lawlessness. In the name of all that is holy stop writing tickets.

    Spartan, you're a dandy.

    You're a democrat? Again, alert the presses! What on God's great green earth does it matter?

    Vehicles in the roadway are a danger, just like the snow and ice that put them there. If not for the tickets, what would motivate some to pick up after themselves? The spring thaw?

    It is foolish to think that laws are developed just to hack you off, you are on third rock from the sun just like the rest of us, (unless your wifi is really, really good) and not the center of everybody's universe as your posts would have us think. Pipe down. Nobody cares about your beef with the cops.

    Somewhere a cop broke your heart. Wrote you a ticket. Looked you in the face and told you that you were wrong. Something so heinous and reproachful that you vowed a solemn vow to chide them and hate on them whenever and wherever your paths may cross. I dunno.

    What I do know is that you are a self serving dandy, and when you become king Spartacus, you can keep your kingdom as you see fit.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Towing cars

    Sorry about your car. Perhaps if you knew a few more rednecks with 4WD vehicles we could have gotten you pulled out. I been doing it for the past two days for my brothers that needed to get to work.

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