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Thread: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

  1. #51

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    I’m white and I want to keep a white majority. Go figure that one. Mexicans have a country of their own. They can stay there as far as I am concerned.
    Well sorry pal. Maybe you should immigrate to Canada or Scandinavia or something. That way you can see a lot of caucasian people and feel safer. Or maybe you should move to Arizona and join an armed militant group. Either way, you are an embarrassment to the board and this city.

    Just because you're afraid of brown people and you're raising your kids that way doesn't mean you should embarrass yourself by admitting your brown people fear in public. It makes you seem very cowardly and lame.

  2. #52
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    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    The History Channel will be replaying that Gangland documentary:

    Oklahoma City Southside Locos Sunday, December 20th 6:00pm CST.
    Last edited by Laramie; 12-19-2009 at 12:29 PM. Reason: added time...

  3. #53

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by Laramie View Post
    The History Channel will be replaying that Gangland documentary:

    Oklahoma City Southside Locos Sunday, December 20th CST.
    OK. We have the date and the time zone, why not the time?

  4. #54
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    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by smooth View Post
    OK. We have the date and the time zone, why not the time?
    Sorry, is this a chat room?

    The History Channel will be replaying that Gangland documentary:

    Oklahoma City Southside Locos Sunday, December 20th 6:00pm CST.

  5. #55

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Oh for pete's sake! It is NOT a race issue. Just because the gang I was protected by was mostly black does not mean there weren't any whites involved. People just get so freaking ignorant sometimes! Do people just lose their sense of knowledge and choose to believe the media hype? Do you just decide it's too much effort to find out all sides of the story before lumping it into a race/gender/age/income excuse?

    Maybe you all should go watch gangland. ALL of the episodes. It's pretty interesting actually. They cover the mafia, all areas of gangs, all races of gangs, and all eras. It has always been a problem.

    White people most certainly have gangs. Hello heard of the KKK???? GANG. There are white supremist groups all over this country and a big headquarters right here in grand ole central OKC. What do they do? Well, they don't wear sheets on their heads anymore. They have symbols and colors to show which group they belong to. They go around and promote white power and rob people to support themselves. They jump non whites. They take a territory and call it theirs, not allowing any other race to join. GANG.

    MGE - I've been to the NE side of the Sandias in NM. There are some areas that I don't know if I would feel safe during the day! I bet you did see a lot growing up. It can be scary being a minority, but I think it taught me a lot and I have more empathy towards others and situations. Most people don't have that.

  6. #56

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by kmf563 View Post
    Oh for pete's sake! It is NOT a race issue. Just because the gang I was protected by was mostly black does not mean there weren't any whites involved. People just get so freaking ignorant sometimes! Do people just lose their sense of knowledge and choose to believe the media hype? Do you just decide it's too much effort to find out all sides of the story before lumping it into a race/gender/age/income excuse?

    Maybe you all should go watch gangland. ALL of the episodes. It's pretty interesting actually. They cover the mafia, all areas of gangs, all races of gangs, and all eras. It has always been a problem.

    White people most certainly have gangs. Hello heard of the KKK???? GANG. There are white supremist groups all over this country and a big headquarters right here in grand ole central OKC. What do they do? Well, they don't wear sheets on their heads anymore. They have symbols and colors to show which group they belong to. They go around and promote white power and rob people to support themselves. They jump non whites. They take a territory and call it theirs, not allowing any other race to join. GANG.

    MGE - I've been to the NE side of the Sandias in NM. There are some areas that I don't know if I would feel safe during the day! I bet you did see a lot growing up. It can be scary being a minority, but I think it taught me a lot and I have more empathy towards others and situations. Most people don't have that.

    True on all accounts, but anyone's history can teach when the end goal is betterment. Lots and lots of places are good places to be from. And with that, my afterschool special concludes. Talk at you all later.

  7. Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Obviously, the schools have well indoctrinated many to see any discussion on race as somehow evil. The big difference in immigration today and years past is the lack of interest in assimilation. Today, it's all about protecting identity. Look, facts are facts, no need to run from them when they fly in the face of our oh so cool "diversity is our strength" tolerance mantras. How can anybody say it's not about race when they look at the statistics? Talk to the cops! Tell them it's not about race. Tell the prison wardens it's not about race! We can all look the other way and play nice by saying "It's not about race." But most of us? We know better. Actually, even though those saying it's not about race know very well that's exactly what it is. Nobody is that blind.

    kmf: There's a difference between "gangs" and "extremist groups."

  8. #58

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by gracefor24 View Post
    The South Side Locos were profiled. Pretty interesting stuff. They focused quite a bit on the shooting at Crossroads Mall. I know it's not necessarily what we want everyone to see about our city but I'm glad people will be aware of what's going on. Many in our city are in pretty big denial about our gang problems. Maybe this will spur some more discussion.
    For one thing, it should spark caution.

    Friend of mine who works in law enforcement, and deals with this type of activity on nearly a daily basis and was involved indirectly with the subject production, says what Gangland showed in their documentary was a grossly sensationalized and misleading portrayal of gang activity in the OKC area. Said it leaves a frustratingly incorrect perception about OKC in general and gang activity in particular.

    Take it for what its worth, but the information he gave was more detailed than is reasonable to post here, and I hold him to be an entirely credible, no-nonsense person.

  9. #59

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeOKC View Post

    kmf: There's a difference between "gangs" and "extremist groups."
    Tell THAT to the gang task force, wardens, police officers, and the people running the gangland show. Sorry bud, white supremists are considered gangs. Maybe on a national level they may be considered extremist groups.

    Soonerdave - where may I ask is your friend a cop? As in what area? I know lots of cops and they would tell you the exact opposite. But not publicly. Nor would they announce to the public what a jump we've had in the black market sex trade for children. Or how much of an issue domestic violence is.

    I'm not saying I think OKC is horrible and ridden with low life scum. I'm just saying that along with the good comes the bad. We, like every other city, have bad issues and things that need to be addressed rather than turning a blind eye to and pretending it doesn't exist. I don't think one person is gullible to believe we are a bright and shiny city without problems. These things are here and unless we keep working to control them, they will grow along with our city's growth.

  10. #60
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    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...


  11. Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    The KKK isn't tagging property all over Oklahoma City. (That's a pretty loose interpretation of the term 'gang' and if Gangland has used it, you can count on it being so that they're not constantly talking black/hispanic). Anyway, I didn't know we're talking about the history of gangs here. In Oklahoma City, right now, and most major cities, according to the Department of Justice nearly 80% of gangs are black and hispanic.

    Please don't call people "ignorant" for stating the obvious. What's "ignorant" is trying to actually turn the tables here and act like it's not a race issue and try to call out ignorance and bigotry when we all know the stats.....and the stats say it IS a race issue. Pretending it's not only muddies the waters and makes for phony outrage based on some personal identity (and feeling superior) for being "tolerant." Acting color-blind when color is the name of the game is looking the other way because it upsets your personal worldview.

  12. #62

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    Well sorry pal. Maybe you should immigrate to Canada or Scandinavia or something. That way you can see a lot of caucasian people and feel safer. Or maybe you should move to Arizona and join an armed militant group. Either way, you are an embarrassment to the board and this city.
    I support the efforts of the citizen groups on the border. I feel their frustration. It’s a crying shame to have our country invaded by Mexicans.

    If this board is full of nothing but politically correct wusses then maybe it needs a reality check. There are opinions in OKC besides how much we need a Whole Foods.

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    Just because you're afraid of brown people and you're raising your kids that way doesn't mean you should embarrass yourself by admitting your brown people fear in public. It makes you seem very cowardly and lame.
    Where do you get this of me being afraid of ‘brown’ people? I never made any mention of fear of ‘brown’ people. Is this your attempt to make personal insults to divert from the topic?

    I support taking up arms to repel the invasion. I admire the efforts of those on the border who do so….. They should be commemorated for their efforts. I have no fear of beaners. Believe that.

    I’ve lived in Uvalde, TX. Been to the Mexican whorehouses and seen the skanky Mexican women put on their live acts. LOL Fear was not an issue. I wouldn’t go back across the boarder these days though. Sounds like a drug war zone to me……

  13. #63

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Why does it really matter what race or ethnicity people are? I would like to see more immigrants in this country and we'r going to NEED more immigrants in teh coming decades. I just hope our politicians realize our immigration policy needs some serious work.

    Who is in what majority really doesn't mean much to me, but I hope everyone who comes here assimilates to US culture and speaks our language. I do not like it when people come here and expect things to be handed to them because they're an immigrant, that really bothers me, but that really seems to be a super tiny number of people entering this country. Several friends of mine are from various countries (India, Ecuador, Mexico, Iran) they are all have very good work ethic, contribute to our society and embrace our culture. Seems like a win/win to me.

  14. #64

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by Fastfwd View Post
    I support the efforts of the citizen groups on the border. I feel their frustration. It’s a crying shame to have our country invaded by Mexicans.

    If this board is full of nothing but politically correct wusses then maybe it needs a reality check. There are opinions in OKC besides how much we need a Whole Foods.

    Where do you get this of me being afraid of ‘brown’ people? I never made any mention of fear of ‘brown’ people. Is this your attempt to make personal insults to divert from the topic?

    I support taking up arms to repel the invasion. I admire the efforts of those on the border who do so….. They should be commemorated for their efforts. I have no fear of beaners. Believe that.

    I’ve lived in Uvalde, TX. Been to the Mexican whorehouses and seen the skanky Mexican women put on their live acts. LOL Fear was not an issue. I wouldn’t go back across the boarder these days though. Sounds like a drug war zone to me……
    I agree with you that we need to have our borders defended, but for me it isn't about protecting white majority. Instead its about protecting our nation, our tax dollars, our sovereignty.

    We desperately need MORE immigration in this country to push our economy forward, that will be especially true was we near the middle/end of the next decade.

  15. #65

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by Fastfwd View Post
    It’s a major news story……

    It pisses me off. I’m white and I want to keep a white majority. Go figure that one. Mexicans have a country of their own. They can stay there as far as I am concerned.
    OMG Is this for real? Oh, you forgot to wear your white sheet. And by the way, "whites" will be a minority in the near future. Sorry about your bad luck.


  16. #66

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by MGE1977 View Post
    White? C'mon man, at best grey.
    Why is this any different? I don't think we are "lazy" as a nation for having relatively open borders. It seems to me that you are yelling to "raise the drawbridge" just after you squeaked in. Not cool man. Not cool.
    As for your choice words, I chose ignorant, your move....
    Quote Originally Posted by MGE1977 View Post
    1965 is the only bit of pertinent information in that entire post. What else happened in 1965? Not to worry, I'll Wiki it also....
    What? Are you really trying to ignore that you, the same person who dredged up a reference to George Wallace…… apparently had no knowledge of the Immigration Act of 1924 – that basically makes a complete ass of you for going off on me for how you would like to portray that my ancestors were allowed into the United States without restrictions?

    For somebody that likes to throw around the ignorant label – you sure make it easy to make you look like an ass.

  17. Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by ronronnie1 View Post
    OMG Is this for real? Oh, you forgot to wear your white sheet. And by the way, "whites" will be a minority in the near future. Sorry about your bad luck.

    See? Talk about race and you get called a racist. I don't think FastFwd is a racist, what's wrong with wanting to be with people like yourself? Japan makes no bones about the fact they want to keep it a pure Japanese country. Immigration is highly restricted. The old countries of Europe are desperately trying to find a way out of their nightmare caused by immigration. It seems everybody can be proud of their race except European Americans (whites, Caucasians, call it whatever makes you feel good). Our forebears did a lot of good, sacrificed much, struggled and died for this country, built America so that you are where you are today (if you're of European ancestry). What's wrong with being proud of that? We've been taught to believe that every race can celebrate their history, contributions, neighborhoods, etc. except white folks. If we like living with others like us, we're racists! We must get past this pretending like there is no differences between cultures and races.

  18. #68

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Where do you get this of me being afraid of ‘brown’ people? I never made any mention of fear of ‘brown’ people.
    You mentioned that you don't want white people to be a minority. This is out of either fear or hate, and I'm guessing with you it's a mixture of both. You're afraid that if white people are the minority, you will be subjugated or otherwise victimized. This is based on fear. You have a fear of brown people.

    You remind of the people before the presidential election who said things like "If Obama wins the blacks are going to run wild."

    You can call treating other people with respect and dignity "politically correct," but you're not going to get many people here to go along with you. Get a grip. The world has passed you by and your thinking is primitive. This has nothing to do with border issues. This has to do with your xenophobia about there being more brown people than white people.

  19. #69

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Yes, it's tricky. Minorities can have Black pride, Hispanic pride, whatever pride, but whites can't.

    I think it has to do with the fact that "whites" have held the power and wealth in this country forever. Some whites complain that there is no White Entertainment Television or no White College Fund. But what these people are forgetting is that everything is already assumed to be "white."

    I can almost understand some country bumpkin's frustration with this, but that's just the way it is. Anything NOT minority is by default "white." There is no need to shout it from the rooftops, unless, of course, you are in fact RACIST.

  20. Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    You mentioned that you don't want white people to be a minority. This is out of either fear or hate, and I'm guessing with you it's a mixture of both. You're afraid that if white people are the minority, you will be subjugated or otherwise victimized. This is based on fear. You have a fear of brown people.

    You remind of the people before the presidential election who said things like "If Obama wins the blacks are going to run wild."

    You can call treating other people with respect and dignity "politically correct," but you're not going to get many people here to go along with you. Get a grip. The world has passed you by and your thinking is primitive. This has nothing to do with border issues. This has to do with your xenophobia about there being more brown people than white people.
    May I ask: Are you a "brown people?" (Your term, not mine.)

    You say Fastfwd has a "fear" of "brown people." Well, even Jesse Jackson had his famous episode of being on the streets of New York City, hearing rapidly approaching footsteps and was glad to turn around and see it was white people! He could get away with that because he's Jesse Jackson, but can you imagine if Brad Henry, for example, said that?

    It has nothing to do with dignity and respect, I know I'm all for that. I'm just opposed to pretending not to see statistics and act (or fear) accordingly.

  21. #71

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    The level of discourse on this message board used to be a lot higher at one time. it's a shame.

    Aren't there white power message boards for MikeOKC and BckWrd to visit somewhere else on the Internet?

    They can go there and bemoan the browning of America and talk about how proud they are of their white ancestry.

  22. Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by ronronnie1 View Post
    Yes, it's tricky. Minorities can have Black pride, Hispanic pride, whatever pride, but whites can't.

    I think it has to do with the fact that "whites" have held the power and wealth in this country forever. Some whites complain that there is no White Entertainment Television or no White College Fund. But what these people are forgetting is that everything is already assumed to be Euro-centric.

    I can almost understand some country bumpkin's frustration with this, but that's just the way it is. Anything NOT minority is by default "white." There is no need to shout it from the rooftops, unless, of course, you are in fact RACIST.
    Assuming "everything else" is Euro-centric may have been true even 25 years ago, but not anymore. What is the skin color of our president ferchrissakes?

    I disagree whites can't have pride in our heritage. That's what's racist. Some call it "reverse racism," I just plainly call it racism.

  23. Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    The level of discourse on this message board used to be a lot higher at one time. it's a shame.

    Aren't there white power message boards for MikeOKC and BckWrd to visit somewhere else on the Internet?

    They can go there and bemoan the browning of America and talk about how proud they are of their white ancestry.
    THAT is what's shameful. "White Power?" You've been SO brainwashed to believe that any discussion on race and any sensible reading of crime statistics is "White Power." That deserves an apology. I don't see anyone her promoting supremacy and hatred.

    soonerguru, I asked before: Are you one of the "brown people" you constantly speak of? It is simply WRONG to tell any single group that they CANNOT be proud of their ancestry, but every other race and culture can.

    soonerguru, you're post above is what is racist. It deserves an apology. THINK before typing the talking points of La Raza. I do not ( repeat: DO NOT) have to apologize for being white.

    If the level of discourse has gone down it's because you've been taught that rational discussion on racial issues is verboten. YOU are the one who has lowered the discourse by not being able to discuss the issue without resorting to "White Power" and "White Sheet" rhetoric which is nothing short of ugly racism in itself.

    Again, it would help to know if you ARE a minority; especially in a discussion of race and its relationship to gangs.

  24. #74

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeOKC View Post
    THAT is what's shameful. "White Power?" You've been SO brainwashed to believe that any discussion on race and any sensible reading of crime statistics is "White Power." That deserves an apology. I don't see anyone her promoting supremacy and hatred.

    soonerguru, I asked before: Are you one of the "brown people" you constantly speak of? It is simply WRONG to tell any single group that they CANNOT be proud of their ancestry, but every other race and culture can.

    soonerguru, you're post above is what is racist. It deserves an apology. THINK before typing the talking points of La Raza. I do not ( repeat: DO NOT) have to apologize for being white.

    If the level of discourse has gone down it's because you've been taught that rational discussion on racial issues is verboten. YOU are the one who has lowered the discourse by not being able to discuss the issue without resorting to "White Power" and "White Sheet" rhetoric which is nothing short of ugly racism in itself.

    Again, it would help to know if you ARE a minority; especially in a discussion of race and its relationship to gangs.
    Maybe some people are reading too much into internet posts? I agree its ashame we can't discuss race without someone being labled a racist.

    There isn't anything wrong with someone prefering their own race as long as they dont want to infringe on the rights of people of other races. People are allowed and should be allowed to have their own preferences and feelings so long as it doesn't hurt others.

    But I dont see why it matters what color someone is as long as they are contributing positively to our society and not just leachign off our generous social programs.

    As for population changes, none of us can really control them so if the racial makeup of the country is drastically different in 50 years, who cares? I don't think us white folks are going to be extinct just because they no longer make up 50% of the population...

  25. #75

    Default Re: OKC profiled on History Channel's "Gangland"...

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeOKC View Post
    THAT is what's shameful. "White Power?" You've been SO brainwashed to believe that any discussion on race and any sensible reading of crime statistics is "White Power." That deserves an apology. I don't see anyone her promoting supremacy and hatred.

    soonerguru, I asked before: Are you one of the "brown people" you constantly speak of? It is simply WRONG to tell any single group that they CANNOT be proud of their ancestry, but every other race and culture can.

    soonerguru, you're post above is what is racist. It deserves an apology. THINK before typing the talking points of La Raza. I do not ( repeat: DO NOT) have to apologize for being white.

    If the level of discourse has gone down it's because you've been taught that rational discussion on racial issues is verboten. YOU are the one who has lowered the discourse by not being able to discuss the issue without resorting to "White Power" and "White Sheet" rhetoric which is nothing short of ugly racism in itself.

    Again, it would help to know if you ARE a minority; especially in a discussion of race and its relationship to gangs.
    You seem like a very angry person. For the record, I have never suggested that people cannot conduct constructive conversations about race. Not sure where you get this.

    My commentary was directed at the poster who fears white people being in the minority. I have unfortunately been approached by White Power folk in the past, and all of their literature plays on this phobia. They also dress it up in a lot of "feel good" "we're just proud of our race and want to keep to our own" rhetoric.

    I really don't know what your racial views are and I really don't think they're very relevant to my life, but they also seem irrelevant to general discourse on this forum.

    This message board is for people who live in Oklahoma City, which is a city that has all variety of racial and ethnic people who live here, just like other big, progressive cities. I think that's really great, and if I only wanted to live around white people I would move to North Edmond or Mustang or something.

    As far as my "race" is concerned, I belong to the only race, the human race.

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