How about punk for coming on the internet and starting in name calling and making personal attacks on somebody who you don’t even know? I’m pretty sure you can make your arguments without personal attacks and name calling.
I don’t give a rat’s ass how ‘cool’ you think it is for my will to keep a white majority for myself and if I do ever happen to have children of my own if not for the children of my family.
The fact of the matter is that you referred to me being ignorant for referencing a widely reported news story. So, suck it up and acknowledge who the ignorant one is in that scenario. Keep your ‘open boarders’ preaching for somebody who cares.
I make no claim of being a history or American government buff, but my quick Google on the topic brings up:
Immigration Act of 1924 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So, yeah, um, apparently quotas on immigration have been used before and from what this article says they were in place until 1965. So, I guess the ‘drawbridge’ has been pulled up before our time and in my opinion couldn’t be pulled up again quickly enough. My opinion.