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Thread: Global Overpopulation: How Serious is it?

  1. #76

    Default Re: Global Overpopulation: How Serious is it?

    fair enough, gmwise. hvac... do you agree that this accurately portrays the video's conclusion? just trying to understand you since you are so easily offended by answering questions.


  2. #77

    Default Re: Global Overpopulation: How Serious is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by mmm View Post
    wow. so you're still angry and looking for ways to lash out... and you were the one bemoaning the lack of a rational discussion? maybe you can try to keep your emotions in check.
    You left out my humorous pokey stick. Please, avoid attempts at misrepresentation in the future.

    Quote Originally Posted by mmm View Post
    ok. i don't think you understand what i wrote. at all. that's ok. this is why i'm asking so many questions... i'm not going to assume what you think bartlett is saying. so... in your own words, what is bartlett's main point regarding population growth? does bartlett think that population growth can lead to catastrophe when we reach what you term 'critical mass'?

    given that we haven't resolved this, apparently it's still your turn.

    Oh...I understand you loud and clear. I don't know what Bartlett "thinks" per se, but Bartlett implies that if we, as the human race, do not control human population growth, dire consequences will likely result.

    Do you disagree with that assumption?

  3. #78

    Default Re: Global Overpopulation: How Serious is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by mmm View Post
    fair enough, gmwise. hvac... do you agree that this accurately portrays the video's conclusion? just trying to understand you since you avoid answering questions.

    For me I think there's no problem to ask people to think about child planning, having kids left and right with little regards on how to either support them, or their ability to contribute to society.
    To asked the planet in general to have just one child for example for one generation.
    I think a nation, a family should consider the presence of fresh water, and education, food production and other factors.
    I do know quite a few doctors say things to the worst case, to get some of their patients to listen to them.
    I made those examples of my last post to show its possible( the worlds' population) for it to happen.

  4. #79

    Default Re: Global Overpopulation: How Serious is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by hvac instructor
    you left out my humorous pokey stick.
    "humerous pokey stick" doesn't give you license to say anything and then later claim misrepresentation.


    Quote Originally Posted by hvac instructor
    bartlett implies that if we, as the human race, do not control human population growth, dire consequences will likely result.
    '"dire consequences"... catastrophic events such as the aids epidemic in africa?


  5. #80

    Default Re: Global Overpopulation: How Serious is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwise
    For me I think there's no problem to ask people to think about child planning, having kids left and right with little regards on how to either support them, or their ability to contribute to society.
    To asked the planet in general to have just one child for example for one generation.
    I think a nation, a family should consider the presence of fresh water, and education, food production and other factors.
    I do know quite a few doctors say things to the worst case, to get some of their patients to listen to them.
    I made those examples of my last post to show its possible( the worlds' population) for it to happen.
    agreed. certainly we have to be good stewards of our resources but how closely should we guard them? is ok to give incentives to those who voluntarily sterilize? is ok to sterilize those with genetic traits likely to create people who are a burden on tight resources?


  6. #81

    Default Re: Global Overpopulation: How Serious is it?

    For the sake of humanity's survival..yes

  7. #82

    Default Re: Global Overpopulation: How Serious is it?

    in the situation regarding those with less-than-desired genetic traits... is non-voluntary sterilization warranted?


  8. Default Re: Global Overpopulation: How Serious is it?

    So the question I put forward to HVAC before mmm cornered him is exactly "how" you go about trying to get billions of third worlders to stop having sex or start using contraception when their cultures reward them for having more children, who'se machismo gives them higher standing when they have more children, and who would resist anything the US would try to suggest they do? How do you convince billions to use contraception when their religion forbids it or when they do so out of a patriotic duty to fight an enemy (ie. Palestinians vs. Israelis)? We can't stop teenage pregnancies here. We can't stop the poor, the drug addicted and ignorant from getting pregnant and having multiple abortions here. We have up to 20 million people in this country illegally who have anchor babies so we can't deport them - not to mention the higher birthrate overall. Even the Chinese can't stop their population issue completely and they are a totalitarian country.

  9. #84

    Default Re: Global Overpopulation: How Serious is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by mmm View Post
    "humerous pokey stick" doesn't give you license to say anything and then later claim misrepresentation.
    Don't flatter yourself and expect to walk away unschathed.

    Quote Originally Posted by mmm View Post
    '"dire consequences"... catastrophic events such as the aids epidemic in africa?

    You gotta be shiittin me, LOL! AIDS in Africa?

    Still ain't got a clue where you are headed bro. Seems you are still trying to climb Esoteric Mountain. Doesn't exist. Give it up.

  10. #85

    Default Re: Global Overpopulation: How Serious is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by hvac instructor
    don't flatter yourself and expect to walk away unschathed.
    so now you say you meant it. no wonder i have to get you to have to spell out your position... you don't commit to anything.

    Quote Originally Posted by hvac instructor
    you gotta be shiittin me, lol! aids in africa?
    so you think that's silly?


  11. #86

    Default Re: Global Overpopulation: How Serious is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by mmm View Post
    in the situation regarding those with less-than-desired genetic traits... is non-voluntary sterilization warranted?

    Absolutey not...
    unless mom gave birth to a children whose a ginger...lol

  12. #87

    Default Re: Global Overpopulation: How Serious is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwise
    absolutey not...
    not even for the sake of humanity's survival?

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwise
    unless mom gave birth to a children whose a ginger
    of course that goes without saying... nobody likes gingers. :P


  13. #88

    Default Re: Global Overpopulation: How Serious is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by mmm View Post
    not even for the sake of humanity's survival?

    ok if it means fewer Republicans sure...


  14. #89

    Default Re: Global Overpopulation: How Serious is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by mmm View Post
    so now you say you meant it. no wonder i have to get you to have to spell out your position... you don't commit to anything.
    so you think that's silly?
    Do you have a point or not?

    Do you have a question or not?

    Me smells bovine squeeze emanating from your posts.

  15. #90

    Default Re: Global Overpopulation: How Serious is it?

    well... i figured it was relevant since you posted a video that explicitly makes that claim... but by all means go ahead and get angry and hurl insults.


  16. #91

    Default Re: Global Overpopulation: How Serious is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by mmm View Post
    well... i figured it was relevant since you posted a video that explicitly makes that claim... but by all means go ahead and get angry and hurl insults.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????

  17. #92

    Default Re: Global Overpopulation: How Serious is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    So the question I put forward to HVAC before mmm cornered him is exactly "how" you go about trying to get billions of third worlders to stop having sex or start using contraception when their cultures reward them for having more children, who'se machismo gives them higher standing when they have more children, and who would resist anything the US would try to suggest they do? How do you convince billions to use contraception when their religion forbids it or when they do so out of a patriotic duty to fight an enemy (ie. Palestinians vs. Israelis)? We can't stop teenage pregnancies here. We can't stop the poor, the drug addicted and ignorant from getting pregnant and having multiple abortions here. We have up to 20 million people in this country illegally who have anchor babies so we can't deport them - not to mention the higher birthrate overall. Even the Chinese can't stop their population issue completely and they are a totalitarian country.
    Religion is THE major issue in our global population problem. Religion is the tap root of most world problems like this. Take religion out of the equation, and we would be probably 90% of the way to a solution. It is largely due to the ridiculous religious beliefs and doctrine concerning birth control that is causing the overpopulation problem.

    See, mugsy, when you look at this situation, you see an insurmountable problem. Many people do, and just throw their hands up and say silly things like "god will show us the way". Really? How's god doing so far? Or they say things like, well, maybe the disease process will work out the population problem. Really? Is that what you want? Imagine your children succumbing to a deadly disease because you failed to act. Rather than thinking logically and acting, even in small ways toward a solution, people just quit and resign themselves to fate.

    Just one small step at a time, over time, can begin the process of solving the problem. Education is step one.

  18. #93

    Default Re: Global Overpopulation: How Serious is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by mmm View Post
    '"dire consequences"... catastrophic events such as the aids epidemic in africa?

    Bartlett addressed the disease process as one way that population is reduced. This is obviously not a desireable solution, and we have spent trillions on medical research to keep diseases in check. There's that technology issue again, but in this case, the technology works to prevent and cure disease, and allow humans to live even longer.

    The most likely catostrophic event is likely to be war over food and energy resources as we continue to deplete natural resources like petroleum and steel. Petrol and steel are relied upon heavily by agri-business to get food to our tables. We run out of petroleum to drive the steel planters and harvesters, just imagine the chaos of the billions of city dwellers who depend on big ag for their food.

    I think we are 5 minutes to midnight. I hope I'm wrong. I hope humanity will begin to see where we are headed and take action, because to do nothing will lead to suffering on a scale none of us want to imagine.

    There are 7 Billion people on the planet now. Even at a 1% growth rate, that will double the population to 14 Billion in 70 years...one average human lifetime. One human lifetime. It's 5 minutes till midnight folks.

  19. #94

    Default Re: Global Overpopulation: How Serious is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by HVAC Instructor View Post
    Religion is THE major issue in our global population problem. Religion is the tap root of most world problems like this. Take religion out of the equation, and we would be probably 90% of the way to a solution. It is largely due to the ridiculous religious beliefs and doctrine concerning birth control that is causing the overpopulation problem.
    WOW...what a shock, you blame religion for all the world's ills....

    We all know about your rabid faithfulness in the religion of hating of religion, you have the zeal of a traveling Pentecostal tent revival preacher in your one man crusade to "eradicate religion" from the face of the earth is not going to work. Just as always, we see the REAL reasons behind your inane postings of the same thing over and over. It's nothing but the same tired old thing over and over.

  20. #95

    Default Re: Global Overpopulation: How Serious is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    So the question I put forward to HVAC before mmm cornered him is exactly "how" you go about trying to get billions of third worlders to stop having sex or start using contraception when their cultures reward them for having more children, who'se machismo gives them higher standing when they have more children, and who would resist anything the US would try to suggest they do? How do you convince billions to use contraception when their religion forbids it or when they do so out of a patriotic duty to fight an enemy (ie. Palestinians vs. Israelis)? We can't stop teenage pregnancies here. We can't stop the poor, the drug addicted and ignorant from getting pregnant and having multiple abortions here. We have up to 20 million people in this country illegally who have anchor babies so we can't deport them - not to mention the higher birthrate overall. Even the Chinese can't stop their population issue completely and they are a totalitarian country.
    I take exemption to Israel being a 3rd World Country.
    They have a modern nation state.
    Compare their info with other nations, or even against the US.
    They have a stable food supply,the literacy rate if not on par ,above the US, a modern military, a functional democracy.
    I had an instructor who would add a requirement the nations policies wasnt based on religious leaders.

  21. #96

    Default Re: Global Overpopulation: How Serious is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by bluedogok View Post
    WOW...what a shock, you blame religion for all the world's ills....

    We all know about your rabid faithfulness in the religion of hating of religion, you have the zeal of a traveling Pentecostal tent revival preacher in your one man crusade to "eradicate religion" from the face of the earth is not going to work. Just as always, we see the REAL reasons behind your inane postings of the same thing over and over. It's nothing but the same tired old thing over and over.

    I dont think for me thats my goal.
    I just want the folks to use common sense and decency.
    If they would, its most likely to convert "unbelievers".

  22. #97

    Default Re: Global Overpopulation: How Serious is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by bluedogok View Post
    WOW...what a shock, you blame religion for all the world's ills....

    We all know about your rabid faithfulness in the religion of hating of religion, you have the zeal of a traveling Pentecostal tent revival preacher in your one man crusade to "eradicate religion" from the face of the earth is not going to work. Just as always, we see the REAL reasons behind your inane postings of the same thing over and over. It's nothing but the same tired old thing over and over.
    That's real astute there doggy. Answer this for our forum members::

    "Can you think of any problem, on any scale, from microscopic to global, whose long term solution is in any way aided, assisted or advanced by having larger populations at the local level, the state level, the national level or globally?"

    Then, snoop doggy dog, answer this:

    "Tell us all what good religion has done for the planet as far as global population is concerned?"

    All religions, as far as I know, pushes it's members to breed, so as to increase the population of all those good Christians and Muslims so as to outnumber all the heathen infidels . So you see dog, religion is the problem, not the solution to global overpopulation.

    That is a stone cold fact.

    Got evidence to the contrary? Let's hear it.

  23. Default Re: Global Overpopulation: How Serious is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by bluedogok View Post
    WOW...what a shock, you blame religion for all the world's ills....

    We all know about your rabid faithfulness in the religion of hating of religion, you have the zeal of a traveling Pentecostal tent revival preacher in your one man crusade to "eradicate religion" from the face of the earth is not going to work. Just as always, we see the REAL reasons behind your inane postings of the same thing over and over. It's nothing but the same tired old thing over and over.
    Yes why he persists is beyond me, we all know you can't reason with blind faith!

  24. Default Re: Global Overpopulation: How Serious is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwise View Post
    I take exemption to Israel being a 3rd World Country.
    They have a modern nation state.
    Compare their info with other nations, or even against the US.
    They have a stable food supply,the literacy rate if not on par ,above the US, a modern military, a functional democracy.
    I had an instructor who would add a requirement the nations policies wasnt based on religious leaders.
    Sorry, been busy today. I may have worded it badly but I didn't mean to infer
    Israel as 3rd world. What I was meaning to point out is that Palestinians are having children by the bucketload intentionally to simply overrun Israel if nothing else works. This is an example of certain societies that encourage having children for political reasons.

  25. #100

    Default Re: Global Overpopulation: How Serious is it?

    hmmm ok. i will let you get by with that..lol

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