Originally Posted by
HVAC Instructor
How in the world did you come up with that notion?
Go get your last tax return and do the math and see what percentage you actually paid after deductions. Bottom line to bottom line. Ever actually done that? I have. Do it and you'll find you are not actually paying as much as you think you are, and nowhere near what the Rushbots think they actually pay. We pay extremely low taxes in the United States, especially with 2 wars going and the economy in the tank. How much tax pain are you feeling as a result of the billions being expended in Iraq and Afghanistan? How long do you think we can keep it up?
Why is it when a problem that we all understand effects all of us like global population growth that folks worry about their money so much? You think you can take it with you when you are dead? Think it will do your grand kids any good when life on the planet becomes unsustainable?
We cannot just keep whining and repeating the conservobot media talking points about taxes and deferring taking action to keep life sustainable on Earth. The time for solutions is now, because there is less time remaining to fix it than you think. If we don't fix it, nature will with disease famine and wars over remaining resources. Would you pay a little more now to avoid that? Or is your money worth more than your children and grand childrens future?