you can get this info from election board. $1 per page, sometimes less if your nice.
Wow, the two things I find interesting from that poll is 1) 49.2% consider themselves liberal or moderate (in Oklahoma, us moderates are considered liberal, lol) and 2) only 12.2% of that sample was below the age of 45. This is remarkable in that a)who would have thought that high of number of lib/mods in THIS AGE BRACKET? and b)it probably shows that land lines are much more rare among those below age 45. Interesting.
That was my issue with Brian Walters, not that he opposed MAPS (although I didn't agree with him) but that he voted to not let the people of OKC vote on it.
Thanks for your thoughts. It has been awhile since I have dealt with those issues. As it pertains to the EMSA street paramedics, I respect the work they do, and have no problem with them whatsoever, they do a wonderful job. I'm not a fan of the way EMSA is set-up. In my opinion there is a huge amount of money needlessly spent on administrative overhead and profits going to ParamedicsPlus. (NOTE: Before someone jumps on me claiming that I'm pissed off because they gave $5,000. to MAPS. Save it. That was and has been my position long before MAPS.)
Thanks for clearing up the 8:59 v. 7:59 issue. Was I wrong, or has it been changed? My point was/is they used to take ambulances off the street to boost profit margines and increase their bottom line. The flip side to that is, if they where in danger of getting slapped with a fine due to slow response times they would flood the street with ambulances.
IMHO that was wrong, if it still happens IMHO it still is. The morol to the story. If you were sick or injured, and in need of an ambulance, hope to GOD it happened when they were flooding the streets to avoid a fine. Because if it were to happen during their profit taking period you may have been SOL. P.S... So as not to hijack, this topic should be discussed in it's own thread. Sorry.
Can't blame you for that. He is my Councilman also and I agree, he should have stated his opposition and his reasons why and then voted to send it to a vote. Much in the same manor as Skip Kelly did difference being that he was supportive of MAPS. Councilman Kelly's point that the people should be allowed to decide the issue at the ballot box was absolutly right, I just wish it hadn't taken 20 minutes of rambling to make it.
Kelly is pretty good. He knows he represents another very anti-MAPS part of the city, but without stalling the passage of MAPS or trying to kill it outright like Walters, he just lets the people decide it.
I don't see Kelly's section as anti-Maps.
Soonerguru, What in the world do you base that on? Most of the people on this are. I would believe that! I mean wasnt that issue on tuesday about bigger goverment and higher taxes?
IIRC, Oklahoma City proper, and perhaps Tulsa, were the only parts of the state Obama "carried" in last year's election. So, it's not unreasonable to say that a significant number of people who live here are liberal or moderate.
Yes, Betts, this is what I was talking about. I studied the precinct maps as a volunteer for the Obama campaign.
He carried Norman and some other areas as well, just not counties. Go to OKC's suburbs and far northwest and it gets much more conservative in a hurry.
Now, back on topic. What precincts of the city supported MAPS. Anyone know?
I still see MAPS as nonpartisan. I don't really believe it's about bigger government, and the nice thing about the MAPS tax is that it actually builds things you can see and touch. That's the kind of tax people of different political persuasions can get behind. No money is going to send Senators to Copenhagen to protest at the Global Warming Summit. In fact, didn't the opposition want bigger government, or at least more employees?
Well, the taxes won't be higher, they just won't be lower. That's kind of how you view the glass. The government itself won't get bigger, it will just be actually doing something constructive with your money.I mean wasnt that issue on tuesday about bigger goverment and higher taxes?
Really MAPS is compatible with both liberal and conservative ideologies- Yes, we are using a tax rate to build public projects to stimulate the economy (liberal) but we are also paying with cash instead of bonds, using local money instead of big-government federal money, and creating an incentive for big business (conservative).
It's here!
Who wants to make a map?
Don't Edmond My Downtown
Hey guys. keith Gaddie from down at OU. I've got the MAPS data in a database, and also have it mapped (did it for Channel 9 on Wednesday). We're generating some analysis of areas of unexpected turnout, and voter mobilization. I'll be glad to share the data base with anyone who emails me at
I am bumfuzzled to see so many reports of zero votes case at some polling locations. Tough enough to comprehend seeing under 50 votes casts, but freakin' Goose Eggs? No one in that lil' corner of the city had any opinion or concern one way or the other?
Major FAIL by both YESers and NTMers in those areas.
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