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Thread: Seriously, enough with these roads

  1. Default Re: Seriously, enough with these roads

    Quote Originally Posted by OKC Heel View Post
    Clearly you have not spent much time driving around city streets in other states if you think the roads here are on par with other major cities. I'm not even expecting them to be NC good bc i've yet to see a place that is, But they could at least be SC good.

    I have nothing against dirt/gravel roads. Not every road needs to be paved. I do however have a problem driving on asphault one minute and into a mini grand canyon the next. If you think that's normal, let me know where you're driving.
    Clearly, you have no idea where I have or havent lived or driven. I lived in Dallas for 13 years from 86 to 2000 and in Denver for the next 8. The wealthy parts of Dallas and the wealthy suburbs have better roads because they passed a $1 billion bond issue a while back and made the road standard in the metroplex a 6-lane wide, concrete roadway. The energy and tech booms that Dallas benefitted from have also given the city money to build better roads. However, go to the poor parts of town and the side streets and roads don't benefit from this wealth of money and are no better than here.

    Denver, on the other hand has worse roads than OKC by a long shot. Weather plays a large part and the fact they still cling to the use of asphalt the way we do. However, the weather in Denver is far harder on the roads than it is here so they decay faster. I just spent a week in KC about 4 months ago and had a chance to drive around there. They have a better highway system than we do but there roads are, overall, no better than here. Asphalt, potholes all over some roads, rocks on many of them which the bikers wouldn't like.

    I was in Omaha a month ago and the roads were no different than here other than they were inadequately wide in most areas. Omaha apparently doesn't like 4 lane roads.

    You want to talk about bad roads? Go to NYC or Boston.

    Chicago I cant speak for.

    The problem is that you all live here and you see every road in every part of town and simply feel the roads are worse. The city has passed a large bond issue in 2007 and something like $300 million in road improvements are included. There will be plenty of road work once that gets underway. The delay has been the financial crisis and trying to get the bonds underwritten so they can be sold.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Seriously, enough with these roads

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    The city has passed a large bond issue in 2007 and something like $300 million in road improvements are included. There will be plenty of road work once that gets underway. The delay has been the financial crisis and trying to get the bonds underwritten so they can be sold.
    $497 million, actually

  3. #28

    Default Re: Seriously, enough with these roads

    I agree with some on this forum. How about fixing some of the current problems of OKC, such as streets, sidewalks, and other infrastructure, with tax money. And, how about all these pro MAPS TV spots? Who pays for these, the city? (tax money) I believe this blank check made available by the passing of MAPS, may make a corrupt system even more corrupt.

  4. Default Re: Seriously, enough with these roads

    ray99, you really should read a little here before posting such accusations.

    1) We passed a massive bond issue in 2007 that includes money for sidewalks, bridges, etc.--including $497 million for roads. If you look around, you will seen many road improvement projects underway right now.

    2) YesForMaps campaign materials were paid for by donations.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  5. #30

    Default Re: Seriously, enough with these roads

    Also, sidewalks are part of the MAPS 3 proposals as well.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Seriously, enough with these roads

    Washington DC has terrible roads.

  7. Default Re: Seriously, enough with these roads

    Quote Originally Posted by dp1974 View Post
    Okay then, when the hell is the worst city councilman ever, Lyin Pat Ryan, going to get 164th between Penn and Western fixed? He has been promising that one for over 2 years. WORST ROAD EVER!
    You're right! I drive that stretch a lot and it's killer. Anyone who thinks we have good roads in Edmond, get onto N.W. 164th between Penn and Western, and try to do the speed limit without busting something or spilling your Starbucks all over your lap.

    I've seen moonscapes with smoother surfaces.

  8. #33

    Default Re: Seriously, enough with these roads

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    Washington DC has terrible roads.
    Every city (or even small town) has bad roads and some good roads. Since the OKC city limits is so large there is more paving to take care of than other cities of similar populations, it also takes awhile to get to them. Austin is a fraction of the size in area and we have many bad roads and worse traffic problems because of the "if we don't build roads, people won't come mentality" that permeated the city council for a long time and seems to be creeping back in since the last election.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Seriously, enough with these roads

    Quote Originally Posted by drumsncode View Post
    You're right! I drive that stretch a lot and it's killer. Anyone who thinks we have good roads in Edmond, get onto N.W. 164th between Penn and Western, and try to do the speed limit without busting something or spilling your Starbucks all over your lap.

    I've seen moonscapes with smoother surfaces.
    The new asphalt on that stretch was a temporary fix. That road should be completely reconstructed this spring, once some of the other million road projects in that area get complete. People who continue to complain about roads need to get a clue....I can't even drive anywhere without going through construction. So, it's not like we're not already addressing these issues.

  10. #35

    Default Re: Seriously, enough with these roads

    Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Close roads/lanes for construction, and people will complain. Leave the roads as is, and people will complain.

  11. Default Re: Seriously, enough with these roads

    Quote Originally Posted by cafeboeuf View Post
    Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Close roads/lanes for construction, and people will complain. Leave the roads as is, and people will complain.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  12. #37

    Default Re: Seriously, enough with these roads

    Quote Originally Posted by cafeboeuf View Post
    Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Close roads/lanes for construction, and people will complain. Leave the roads as is, and people will complain.

  13. #38

    Default Re: Seriously, enough with these roads

    The 2007 bond issue is a big start on upgrading roads, but it won't solve the problem. We'll need a couple more bond issues to bring all the streets up. That's probably a 20-year project.

  14. Default Re: Seriously, enough with these roads

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    I really don't see what room there is to complain. There is hardly a city in the US of OKC's size or larger where roads are perfect - kinda comes with the territory of being a big city. Not every city can have the money, such as the DFW metro, to pave all the major roads with 18-inch thick concrete that won't decay for 100 years. Our roads are perfectly reasonable compared with any large city. Be thankful OKC isn't in a cold climate where asphalt crumbles like a stale piece of bread.
    Drive on Dallas and Houston arterials. Not the FM roads or Texas highways. I'm talking Post Oak Road here in Houston where even on a dry day you have to do 25 MPH just to kepp from doing major damage to the bottom of your car.
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  15. #40

    Default Re: Seriously, enough with these roads

    You also have to remember the soils in the OKC area are much more elastic (due to the clay) which can be hard on both concrete and asphalt roads as the ground acts like a sponge swelling greatly when wet and contracting greatly when dry. That is something that many other areas don't have to deal with, here in Austin it is almost all some form of limestone not too far below the surface, that really helps with the stability of the roads. I know that I kind of had to "retrain" my brain when it came to foundations after moving to Austin. Dallas is very similar to Austin but I have seen some of the roads built when I lived there (91-93) in bad shape as well, most of those were concrete and they have had to come back and grind them smooth in recent years...of course some of that could be due to poor construction even if it is made of concrete.

    Also, I think many of the roads in the more rural parts of OKC have traditionally been maintained by Oklahoma County, I know the ones outside the city limits are but I vaguely recall seeing "county signs" on some road building projects.

  16. Default Re: Seriously, enough with these roads

    Quote Originally Posted by drumsncode View Post
    You're right! I drive that stretch a lot and it's killer. Anyone who thinks we have good roads in Edmond, get onto N.W. 164th between Penn and Western, and try to do the speed limit without busting something or spilling your Starbucks all over your lap.

    I've seen moonscapes with smoother surfaces.
    That stretch of road is up for widening, if not already.
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  17. #42

    Default Re: Seriously, enough with these roads

    Quote Originally Posted by okcpulse View Post
    That stretch of road is up for widening, if not already.
    Here's my standard answer - if you're ever looking for answers on street improvements, call Public Works at 297-2581. Ask for an update on a specific project. The person who answers will be able to direct you to someone who can answer the question.

  18. #43

    Default Re: Seriously, enough with these roads

    jbrown 84, thanks for reply. I have read a little on this forum, and am aware of millions and millions of bond dollars as well as gasoline taxes earmarked for the maintenance of streets and highways, and other improvements. I have also driven in most states in the U.S. and in several countries in Europe, and have compared. I just don't believe the money is effectively put to good use. It is sad when I see road workers with a load of asphalt, getting a shovel full, throwing it in a pothole, then letting cars run over it to compress it, and calling this a "fix". And I'm assuming this is their "marching orders".

  19. Default Re: Seriously, enough with these roads

    You can't compare what is done here with European countries. For starters, their gasoline taxes are far higher than ours are and always have been. Yes, they do maintain their highways better than we do but they don't have nearly the miles to maintain that we do in the US. As far as roads inside major cities, I believe the ones in OKC are comperable to those in European cities. Finally, European countries are generally the size of states in the US, so they don't have to rely on DC politics to dictate how much money is distributed every several years. They tax, they spend. None of the DC shenenigans to deal with like we have to put up with.

  20. #45

    Default Re: Seriously, enough with these roads

    This is exactly the reason the MTP is a great idea. It will make for less cars on the road and they won't have to be fixed as frequently. Add to that a major hub and potential for light rail.

  21. Default Re: Seriously, enough with these roads

    Ray, don't try to say that all they're doing with this money is patching potholes. That's absurd.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  22. #47

    Default Re: Seriously, enough with these roads

    I was actually thinking the other day how good the city has been recently about resurfacing. I live near 23rd and May. May has just been redone in the area (with incredible speed I might add) and the 23rd St. repairs have been going very well (despite how much I fuss about it on my way to work).

    We are a very large low density city, with a HUGE amount of roads for our population. I can definitely see my tax dollars at work in road resurfacing, and I've been very satisfied so far.

  23. Default Re: Seriously, enough with these roads

    Thanks for talking sense, EBAH!
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  24. #49

    Default Re: Seriously, enough with these roads

    Quote Originally Posted by EBAH View Post
    I was actually thinking the other day how good the city has been recently about resurfacing. I live near 23rd and May. May has just been redone in the area (with incredible speed I might add) and the 23rd St. repairs have been going very well (despite how much I fuss about it on my way to work).

    We are a very large low density city, with a HUGE amount of roads for our population. I can definitely see my tax dollars at work in road resurfacing, and I've been very satisfied so far.
    I live in the same area and drive neighborhood streets to get to I-44, but will be looking forward to when they are done, I hear as soon as February. I believe then they will begin work on the area from May to Villa.

  25. #50

    Default Re: Seriously, enough with these roads

    Thanks to MAPS3, we'll have new sidewalks, walking/jogging trails and a new trolley system, you can sale your car and never have to drive on city streets again.

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