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Thread: Now that MAPS has passed, what comes first?

  1. #1

    Default Now that MAPS has passed, what comes first?

    I know the mayor said he wants the Central Park to be opened by the time the boulevard opens in 2014. I wonder if the streetcar would be first so it would line up with the Devon 180 project. That way, when the streets are ripped up, the rail lines could go down and they streets could be redone around that. If this tax is supposed to bring in $100 million a year, both of these could be funded in less than three years. Thoughts?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Now that MAPS has passed, what comes first?

    Who knows? Wouldn't it have been nice to actually have a plan before you voted for it? Sorry, bitter goon syndrome.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Now that MAPS has passed, what comes first?

    If I were to wager, it'd probably be in this order.

    1: Park
    2: Beginning of the rails/sidewalks
    3: Trails/sidewalks
    4: Fairgrounds
    5: Convention Center
    6: White Water Facility
    7: Aquatic center

    I predict the first two for the same reason you do. After that it's the relatively cheap but still visible trail system. I think sidewalks will just go in as they go along with other improvements. The Fairgrounds and convention center will take longer, but those are big money makers for the city and they'd come next, followed by the white water facility and the aquatic centers at last (probably as the last thing funded in case it falls short).

  4. Default Re: Now that MAPS has passed, what comes first?

    The first thing might be a legal challenge. I just saw on Channel 9's newscast that the police union chief said he would be talking to lawyers and seeing if a legal challenge could be made on the wording of the ballot. I hope he's just upset he lost, and will reconsider. I wouldn't want this to get delayed by a legal challenge; there's virtually no chance of it getting stuck down at least.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Now that MAPS has passed, what comes first?

    If they challenge it, I hope the city brings down the thunder on their contract negotiations from now on. Scorched earth.

  6. Default Re: Now that MAPS has passed, what comes first?

    Quote Originally Posted by brianinok View Post
    The first thing might be a legal challenge. I just saw on Channel 9's newscast that the police union chief said he would be talking to lawyers and seeing if a legal challenge could be made on the wording of the ballot. I hope he's just upset he lost, and will reconsider. I wouldn't want this to get delayed by a legal challenge; there's virtually no chance of it getting stuck down at least.
    I saw that, as well.
    It will only serve to add more egg to the face of union bosses.

  7. Default Re: Now that MAPS has passed, what comes first?

    I think it would go like this:

    1. lay the rails and build stops in the core, so it coincides with the 180 streetscape transformation
    2. sidewalk rebuilds, again - so it coincides with the 180 transformation
    3. Central Park, so it coinsides with the I-40 completion
    1a. building of the transit hub and commuter rail link
    4. Convention Center
    1b. purchase streetcars (mostly modern, but hopefully a few 'heritage trolleys' as well).
    5. Fairgrounds
    6. White Water Facility
    7. Aquatic centers
    1c. if any money left over, streetcar extensions to capitol campus, OCU/Asia District, and hopefully Capital Hill

    notice, in my plan - all of the downtown work is first and builds on synergy of other projects including the devon tower, the 180 streetscape, I-40 relocation, the Ford Center expansion, OCU Law, potential highrise residential, and other already announced/planned private investment. I think this should be done to be as frugal as possible - so we can build as large as possible convention center and rail network.

    In fact, I hope the city has quietly already planned the initial alignment of the streetcar rail alignment, so bids can go out the same time as the 180 bids do.

    Talk about a double whammy stimulous, yet using taxpayer money frugally.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Now that MAPS has passed, what comes first?

    I have a feeling there will be a lot of stuff going on that won't be sexy such as buying land and rights of way, relocation of utilities and tearing down dilapidated structures and cleaning up junk yards.

  9. Default Re: Now that MAPS has passed, what comes first?

    I-40 construction will undoubtedly factor into park construction and Oklahoma River project timing, I would imagine.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Now that MAPS has passed, what comes first?

    Since Oklahoma City is an Olympic training site, we really need the river venues first. Then the street car, which can be planned as the river is developed.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Now that MAPS has passed, what comes first?

    Quote Originally Posted by brianinok View Post
    The first thing might be a legal challenge. I just saw on Channel 9's newscast that the police union chief said he would be talking to lawyers and seeing if a legal challenge could be made on the wording of the ballot. I hope he's just upset he lost, and will reconsider. I wouldn't want this to get delayed by a legal challenge; there's virtually no chance of it getting stuck down at least.
    Anyone remember Moshe Tal? If they try to file a lawsuit, the police union can forever kiss their reputation bye bye in this city, and can forever forget about us ever voting for them anything again. The public has spoken....period. This is a democracy. Majority rules. I couldn't see any judge overturning the will of the people....it could happen, but that judge wouldn't be in office much longer as he/she would become very unpopular.

    All I can say in response to the police union chief is.....SORE LOSER!

  12. Default Re: Now that MAPS has passed, what comes first?

    I hope the police and fire union leaders aren't so stupid as to try something like that. If they think they will EVER be supported anywhere in this city, that would be a major mistake.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Now that MAPS has passed, what comes first?

    I'm hoping, now that we've got all sorts of new things to work on, that the mayor's focus on the boulevard lessens. Maybe we need to push for a boulevard with a smaller number of lanes.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Now that MAPS has passed, what comes first?

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick View Post
    Anyone remember Moshe Tal? If they try to file a lawsuit, the police union can forever kiss their reputation bye bye in this city, and can forever forget about us ever voting for them anything again. The public has spoken....period. This is a democracy. Majority rules. I couldn't see any judge overturning the will of the people....it could happen, but that judge wouldn't be in office much longer as he/she would become very unpopular.

    All I can say in response to the police union chief is.....SORE LOSER!
    They've already shown that they're completely tone deaf when it comes to their public perception. Idiotic and self-defeating, also. I wouldn't hold my breath hoping for them to get a burst of conscience after the scorched-earth tactics they've already deployed.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Now that MAPS has passed, what comes first?

    don't discount the possibility of loans going out to the city at small % rates to build some of these things now .. the river stuff first and fore most ..

  16. #16

    Default Re: Now that MAPS has passed, what comes first?

    Realistically, the rails are going to have to go in first. Once rails are in place private sector development will take off and you want to get the private sector involved as soon as possible. No one is going to build a 600 room hotel until they know where the tracks are. They simply won't risk that kind of money and then find out they are 3 blocks from the nearest station.

    People might buy land on speculation about where the rails will go but no one is going to sink money into construction until there are parallel veins of iron running down the street. You only need to look at downtown Memphis to see what kind of private development will take place along tracks in downtown OKC. The sooner that development can start the better.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Now that MAPS has passed, what comes first?

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick View Post
    Anyone remember Moshe Tal? If they try to file a lawsuit, the police union can forever kiss their reputation bye bye in this city, and can forever forget about us ever voting for them anything again.
    Wow, I hope not. I think there are legitimate constitutional questions here which need to be answered. While I'm a huge supporter of MAPS, I'm an even bigger fan of the Oklahoma Constitution. And if Article 10, section 19 means what it says, i.e., these sorts of ballot measures should distinctly specify what's being voted on, then the city made a calculated risk that didn't pay off and will have to go back to the drawing board to do things right.

    Now, the unions' approach might not be my approach and their reasons for filing the suit may not be pure as the driven snow, but if a lawsuit is filed and these projects are tossed out as unconstitutional, then that's what should happen.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Now that MAPS has passed, what comes first?

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    don't discount the possibility of loans going out to the city at small % rates to build some of these things now .. the river stuff first and fore most ..
    I'm not certain the city can authorize bonds without another vote.

    If it can, this might be a worthy loophole in ANY constitutional issue. In one of the Fent cases where some projects were cancelled because of logrolling concerns, one project was actually greenlit because bonds had already been issued.

    I guess the moral of the story is that if you plan to violate the Constitution, do it with gusto and you might get away with it...

  19. #19

    Default Re: Now that MAPS has passed, what comes first?

    How about let's closet the torches for a few days and try to celebrate please? If they contest this the public will crucify them.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Now that MAPS has passed, what comes first?

    Quote Originally Posted by HOT ROD View Post
    1b. purchase streetcars (mostly modern, but hopefully a few 'heritage trolleys' as well).
    if you're talking about those damnable red trolleys we have now, I hope we dont.
    They're the most uncomfortable things then a hot rock in the desert.
    Service headaches, heating and air conditioning issues..Yes I know they are going to be new,(but I somehow know they're the product of a kickback to someone..) I dislike them with a passion, let the "tourists" get them..egads!

  21. #21

    Default Re: Now that MAPS has passed, what comes first?

    To begin...

    Streetcars (needs to coincide with Project 180 anyway)

  22. #22

    Default Re: Now that MAPS has passed, what comes first?

    Surely we can sell those trolleys to some unsuspecting city and keep one for rentals. I know two people who used them to deliver the bridal party to a wedding, and they were pretty charming in that role.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Now that MAPS has passed, what comes first?

    Give them to Guthrie.

  24. Default Re: Now that MAPS has passed, what comes first?

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    I'm not certain the city can authorize bonds without another vote.

    If it can, this might be a worthy loophole in ANY constitutional issue. In one of the Fent cases where some projects were cancelled because of logrolling concerns, one project was actually greenlit because bonds had already been issued.

    I guess the moral of the story is that if you plan to violate the Constitution, do it with gusto and you might get away with it...
    Why would we do this and just end up raising the cost of everything? Patience is a virtue.....

  25. #25

    Default Re: Now that MAPS has passed, what comes first?

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    ....Patience is a virtue.....
    America is a fast society..
    We go into debt to fight not only unnecessary but poorly planned occupational ones.
    We go in debt personally for bright and shiney things.

    we have fast food..

    fast weight loss..ie liposuction
    We just want it NOW

    see how i worked those together?

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