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Thread: Voted!

  1. #51

    Default Re: Voted!

    Quote Originally Posted by SouthsideSooner View Post
    There were no signs on the same street and they were still there...
    Not on the same street. Were they in the same proximity to the polling place?(distance, etc.) Were they in the same space as the yes signs?

  2. #52

    Default Re: Voted!

    Quote Originally Posted by purplemonkeythief View Post
    True, but I believe the No Campaigning Near Polling Places rules sorta trumps that.

    A lady wearing a No shirt had to change it out in her car at my polling place. Nobody thought it was that big of a deal.
    Thank goodness she brought a change of clothes with her to the polling place. Most people don't have that kind forethought.

  3. #53
    SouthsideSooner Guest

    Default Re: Voted!

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    SouthsideSooner, do you mean there were Not This MAPS signs still in place?
    Yes, thanks Betts, sorry if that post wasn't clear. The post should have read...

    There were Not This MAPS signs on the same street and they were still there...

  4. #54

    Default Re: Voted!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    Thank goodness she brought a change of clothes with her to the polling place. Most people don't have that kind forethought.
    maybe she went through the same thing with a Cheny or Obama shirt? I dunno, but like I said, nobody thought it was a big deal and nobody whined about it, including her.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Voted!

    Brad, OCFD does not solicit donations and never has. There are associations that do and we are not part of that. I will tell you what we did do. Hopped on the fire engine and went to Wal-Mart with a DHS wish list and bought a foster child a brand new bike for Christmas, before anyone says it, we paid for it ourselves and went over the limit. I bet she won't hate us this year.

  6. #56

    Default Re: Voted!

    I don't think for a minute that anyone has ever said that the Policeman and Fireman were bad people, they are always generous with their support, it's just that on this issue, MAPS3 supporters couldn't disagree more with your opposistion and the reason we feel your opposed.

  7. Default Re: Voted!

    Just cast my vote for the future of Oklahoma City. Don't be swayed by fear-mongering and defeatist attitudes. VOTE YES!!
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  8. #58

    Default Re: Voted!

    2 more YES votes racked up.

  9. #59

    Default Re: Voted!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikemarsh51 View Post
    Brad, OCFD does not solicit donations and never has. There are associations that do and we are not part of that. I will tell you what we did do. Hopped on the fire engine and went to Wal-Mart with a DHS wish list and bought a foster child a brand new bike for Christmas, before anyone says it, we paid for it ourselves and went over the limit. I bet she won't hate us this year.
    So you used city equipment to run your personal errands? Interesting

  10. #60

    Default Re: Voted!

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerLakers View Post
    So you used city equipment to run your personal errands? Interesting

  11. #61

    Default Re: Voted!

    Two more YES votes in the bag :-))

  12. #62

    Default Re: Voted!

    No soonerlaker, this was sanctioned by administration and the wish list was sent through channels. I will take the bike to the administration office in my personal vehicle so it doesn't get scratched tomorrow, nice that you had my back though. By the way since manpower is low, everything we do is on the fire engine. I hope that's ok with you.

  13. Default Re: Voted!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    Thank goodness she brought a change of clothes with her to the polling place. Most people don't have that kind forethought.
    Couldn't she just zip up her jacket? LOL
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  14. Default Re: Voted!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikemarsh51 View Post
    No soonerlaker, this was sanctioned by administration and the wish list was sent through channels. I will take the bike to the administration office in my personal vehicle so it doesn't get scratched tomorrow, nice that you had my back though. By the way since manpower is low, everything we do is on the fire engine. I hope that's ok with you.
    Maybe if you're oh-so-low on funds it shouldn't have been sanctioned. Taking a city firetruck to deliver one bike to a foster kid?

    And you wonder where the money is. I don't even want to know how much gasoline it takes to putter around OKC in a fire truck.

  15. #65
    Join Date
    May 2005
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    Default Re: Voted!

    2 Yes Votes from my household.

    Mainly because police and fire manpower are low. MAPS is the best effort to increase city revenue for the long term through reinvestment. Without it, we risk becoming even less competitive, which will only ensure revenue declines in the future leading to even lower police and fire manpower.

  16. #66

    Default Re: Voted!

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerLakers View Post
    So you used city equipment to run your personal errands? Interesting
    What a case of rectal-cranial inversion.
    Let me spell it out for you. The OCFD gets a list of DHS kids who would be getting nothing for Christmas. We volunteer to provide them presents. Each station gets as many kids toy lists as they can afford and goes to the store and spends their own money to buy these kids toys. The stations lucky enough to have a store they can shop at, in their district, buy the toys at the same time they are grocery shopping for that shift. The others do it on their own time.
    I hope that was interesting. You can now resume putting you head back where it was.

  17. #67

    Default Re: Voted!

    Maybe norman could give some of their police to okc. lord knows there are plenty of them creeping around down here.

  18. #68

    Default Re: Voted!

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCMallen View Post
    Maybe if you're oh-so-low on funds it shouldn't have been sanctioned. Taking a city firetruck to deliver one bike to a foster kid?

    And you wonder where the money is. I don't even want to know how much gasoline it takes to putter around OKC in a fire truck.
    Read the above.

  19. #69

    Default Re: Voted!

    and i think its nice buying those kids presents. cool stuff

  20. #70

    Default Re: Voted!

    OKCMallen, let not your heart be troubled, the city gets their fuel tax free. And they buy in bulk, much cheaper that way.
    We have tried to make the point, the city has money, they refuse to use it to fund public safety.

  21. #71

    Default Re: Voted!

    +1 yes!!

  22. #72

    Default Re: Voted!

    Out of curiosity - what do the union dues run these days? When I worked for Homeland many years ago I made less than minimum wage after I paid my United Food and Commercial Worker Union dues. I have done much better since I started negotiating my own salary.

  23. #73

    Default Re: Voted!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikemarsh51 View Post
    OKCMallen, let not your heart be troubled, the city gets their fuel tax free. And they buy in bulk, much cheaper that way.
    So you are even cheating us out of the tax revenue to boot!

  24. #74

    Default Re: Voted!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    So you are even cheating us out of the tax revenue to boot!
    No, that's your fine city leaders that swung that deal. They're just in the business of collecting not paying.

  25. Default Re: Voted!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    So you are even cheating us out of the tax revenue to boot!

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