Voted yes!
andy, trust me, there are people on both sides "cleaning up". When YES signs put up in the middle of last night disappear en masse, there's organization behind the "clean up". Again, let he that has no sin cast the first stone.
Standing in line to vote right now. There's around 30 other people here. Everyone's talking about why they're voting No
I'm predicting it passes 54-46 or better.
Well I was torn on which way to vote but after reading some of these threads for the Pro Fire/Police unions I decided to vote YES.
Great...everyone voted. Good or bad, now the dust can settle and the mud be washed away. And then the fun can start all over again.
I voted yes and was told the turnout had been good at that point inspite of the weather.
I vote at a church close to SW119 and Portand and when i was driving up, there was a young man putting out YES signs on the street leading up to the polling place. When I left 10 minutes later, they were gone...
Yes Mr. Neese everyone knows. You have made that statement 5 or 6 times here, and other places as well. Your point is clear. If you need the satisfaction of thinking you have punished the Firefighters, and if this is the punitive action that will satisfy your need then by all means, keep your $25. If you would like to have your name removed from the call list I'm sure that can be arranged. However it may give you greater satisfaction to wait until you are contacted to give the caller a piece of your mind. If you like send me a pm, I would be happy to assist you.
But andy, wasn't the plan to oppose MAPs basic intent to do the same thing? Aren't the police and firemen punishing the mayor and city council for being recalcitrant on issues that concern you? I know we've heard about the ballot, and the economy et al, but all those arguments occurred long after the decision was made by the union to oppose MAPS, and most of the police and firemen you talk to are pretty honest about their motivations to vote no.
SouthsideSooner, do you mean there were Not This MAPS signs still in place?
I voted yes. Only #12 at 815 this morning.
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