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Thread: Editorials on MAPS 3

  1. #1

    Default Editorials on MAPS 3

    I've been reading editorials on MAPS 3 from papers and blogs all day, almost all of which are in favor of it. I was happy to see OkiePundit endorse it and take a veiled shot at Mark Shannon, especially considering it's run by pretty conservative Republicans. Just goes to show you what I had said earlier in this debate: it's not partisan and in most cases just joins the fringes of both sides in one hell of an awkward display Their editorial is here. My favorite part:

    The Police and Firefighter unions have the most to be ashamed of, however. We are usually supportive of these organizations, but in this instance, they made fools out of themselves and came off as self-serving incompetents in their ill-conceived bid to increase their political clout. We understand they need more money, but that isn’t a valid reason to obstruct this proposal. In fact, considering the increased tax revenue that will likely result from MAPS 3, a large portion of which will go into their budget, their opposition amounts to self-destructive stupidity.
    Here's another good editorial by the Journal Record.

    If you see any other good editorials, pro or con, please post them here so we can have them in one place ahead of tomorrow's vote. (My apologies if someone has already done this and I missed it!)

  2. #2

    Default Re: Editorials on MAPS 3

    Great editorials. I think the Journal Record one was pitch perfect! Go MAPS 3!

  3. Default Re: Editorials on MAPS 3

    Oklahoman articles are all editorials.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Editorials on MAPS 3

    I don't like calling the teapartiers fringe.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Editorials on MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by king183 View Post
    I've been reading editorials on MAPS 3 from papers and blogs all day, almost all of which are in favor of it. I was happy to see OkiePundit endorse it and take a veiled shot at Mark Shannon, especially considering it's run by pretty conservative Republicans. Just goes to show you what I had said earlier in this debate: it's not partisan and in most cases just joins the fringes of both sides in one hell of an awkward display Their editorial is here. My favorite part:

    Here's another good editorial by the Journal Record.

    If you see any other good editorials, pro or con, please post them here so we can have them in one place ahead of tomorrow's vote. (My apologies if someone has already done this and I missed it!)
    Last time I checked Americans still have freedom of speech, right to assemble peacefully, and the right to vote.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Editorials on MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by Golfer View Post
    Last time I checked Americans still have freedom of speech, right to assemble peacefully, and the right to vote.
    And how is that relevant to the editorials, and to this thread?

    The thread is about editorials. If you wish to comment on the editorials, feel free to contribute.

    We all agree with the First Amendment here, but this thread is not about the First Amendment. It is about editorials.

    Are there any additional editorials you wish to add to the discussion?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Editorials on MAPS 3

    No one's 1st amendment rights are being trampled... please people, quit playing the victim card that Republicans complain so much about.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Editorials on MAPS 3

    I would think it is about time the mods step in and ban Mr. Hunt for the 3rd time.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Editorials on MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    I don't like calling the teapartiers fringe.
    I'm not calling Tea Partiers fringe. But that doesn't mean there aren't some among them that are fringe, a la Mark Shannon. Just check out his website. It seems like he's lost his mind, typing in all caps and advancing conspiracies. That what many of these editorials have mentioned: some of the opposition is relying on conspiratorial themes. It's odd, to say the least.

  10. Default Re: Editorials on MAPS 3

    I think that the featured pieces by non-Oklahoman people that the Oklahoman has been running would qualify as editorials, so I'll add my personal favorite, the 11/30 piece by Tom McDaniel:

    I was particularly fond of ...

    Vision is not about what we are. It is about who we are and who we aspire to be. Vision is limited for those with short-term, selfish goals and naysayers who see every glass half empty.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Editorials on MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by king183 View Post
    I'm not calling Tea Partiers fringe. But that doesn't mean there aren't some among them that are fringe, a la Mark Shannon. Just check out his website. It seems like he's lost his mind, typing in all caps and advancing conspiracies. That what many of these editorials have mentioned: some of the opposition is relying on conspiratorial themes. It's odd, to say the least.
    I was just referencing the editorial. I haven't listened to Mark Shannon so don't know anything about him.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Editorials on MAPS 3


  13. #13

    Default Re: Editorials on MAPS 3

    What do 3 dots mean?

  14. #14

    Default Re: Editorials on MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    What do 3 dots mean?
    Usually, that someone wrote something and then removed it.

    Except in the movie mamma mia

  15. #15

    Default Re: Editorials on MAPS 3

    Mid, were you talking smack but came to your senses after posting?

  16. #16

    Default Re: Editorials on MAPS 3

    Haha...great. Those three dots are because Mid quoted one of the loonies on the board so that he could keep it on record if the guy tried to remove it later to protect himself. One (maybe Blazerfan?) of the posters said Bezdek got caught by cops removing anti-MAPS signs and that KFOR and Fox would be running a story on it (very likely a complete fabrication). Either the guy got banned or he removed his quote, realizing he'd be made a fool of. Unfortunately, Mid's quote of him was removed as a result.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Editorials on MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by king183 View Post
    One (maybe Blazerfan?) of the posters said Bezdek got caught by cops removing anti-MAPS signs and that KFOR and Fox would be running a story on it (very likely a complete fabrication). Either the guy got banned or he removed his quote, realizing he'd be made a fool of.
    You should read some of UP's posts about getting caught by the police before you jump to the conclusion that it's a complete fabrication. Check out the thread on stolen signs. Getting the news stations to cover it is highly unlikely, but he admits what he did.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Editorials on MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by Wambo36 View Post
    You should read some of UP's posts about getting caught by the police before you jump to the conclusion that it's a complete fabrication. Check out the thread on stolen signs. Getting the news stations to cover it is highly unlikely, but he admits what he did.
    Given that both sides seem to be doing it, I don't think there's much to complain about them not reporting it. The report makes both sides look petty and ridiculous.

  19. Default Re: Editorials on MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    I don't like calling the teapartiers fringe.
    I think it's pretty safe to call the teapartiers fringe in the overall political arena ESPECIALLY in this debate. What is there to tea party over in OKC? Not a whole lot. In fact if teapartier idiots weren't opposing MAPS, Mayor Mick might just join in on some of their events.

    You can't just say you oppose everything for no reason. If you oppose government inefficiency and waste, that's great, but that's not MAPS. Move along and find something better to spend your effort on.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Editorials on MAPS 3

    I've been reading editorials on MAPS 3 from papers and blogs all day, almost all of which are in favor of it.

    Try KFOR's blog...

  21. #21

    Default Re: Editorials on MAPS 3

    Yeah, I don't put much credence in blogs, to be honest with you. Prior to MAPS for the Ford Center passing, the blogs were full of people lambasting it and it won pretty handily.

  22. Default Re: Editorials on MAPS 3

    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  23. #23

    Smile Re: Editorials on MAPS 3

    You sit here Dear.




    Well, what have you got?

    Well, there’s egg, bacon and MAPS; egg, sausage and MAPS; egg, bacon, sausage and MAPS; MAPS, bacon, egg and sausage, MAPS, egg, MAPS and MAPS; MAPS, sausage, MAPS, bacon, MAPS and egg; MAPS, bacon, tomato and MAPS; MAPS, MAPS, MAPS, baked beans and MAPS..

    Council (vikings):

    Or Lobster Thermidor, a Crevette with a mortnay sauce served in a Provencale manner with shallots and aubergines garnished with a truffle pate, brandy and with a fried egg on top and MAPS..

    Have you got anything without MAPS?

    Well, there’s MAPS, egg, sausage and MAPS, that’s not got much MAPS in it..

    I don’t want ANY MAPS!

    Why can’t she have egg, bacon MAPS and sausage?

    That’s got MAPS in it!

    Hasn’t got as much MAPS in it as MAPS, egg, sausage and MAPS has it?

    Council (vikings):

    SHUT UP!!!

    Well, could you do the egg, bacon, MAPS and sausage without the MAPS then?


    What do you mean “urgghh!”? I don’t like MAPS!

    Council (vikings):
    Lovely MAPS, wonderful MAPS!

    SHUT UP!!!

    Council (vikings):
    Lovely MAPS, Wonderful MAPS!

    Shut up!! Bloody Council! You can’t have egg, bacon, MAPS and sausage without the MAPS!

    I don’t like MAPS!

    Shh Dear, don’t cause a fuss. I’ll have your MAPS, I LOVE MAPS! I’m having the MAPS, MAPS, MAPS, baked beans and MAPS!

    Council (vikings):
    MAPS, MAPS, MAPS! Lovely MAPS, wonderful MAPS!

    SHUT UP!!! Baked beans are off Love.

    Well could I have her MAPS instead of the baked beans then?

    You mean MAPS, MAPS, MAPS, MAPS and MAPS?

    Council (vikings):
    MAPS, MAPS, MAPS! Lovely MAPS, Wonderful MAPS! MAPS, MAPS, MAPS!!!

    some like MAPS, some don't... :-)

  24. Default Re: Editorials on MAPS 3

    Now that was clever. Thanks for a morning smile.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Editorials on MAPS 3

    ROFLMAO! You can't go wrong with a Monty Python bit!

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