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Thread: Home Defense Weapon

  1. #26

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by PLANSIT View Post
    Why is this even in the Metro Area Talk section? This isn't a development or civic issue.
    Why are you complaining about it?

  2. #27

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    I don't know about guns and I don't think anyone brought this up before but a damn well-trained, loud and large sized dog is a pretty good deterrant to something like that happening again.
    I knew it! Pit Bull huh!
    Why are you complaining about it?
    Geez Really!

  3. #28

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    I don't know about guns and I don't think anyone brought this up before but a damn well-trained, loud and large sized dog is a pretty good deterrant to something like that happening again.
    Not really... 2 cans of spam can fix that for long enough to get in and out. Dogs are easily distracted.

    I would recommend a shotgun, as mentioned above, the look and sound will scare most people away, and if it doesn't, you can hit the broad side of a barn with your eyes closed.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by HVAC Instructor View Post
    Why are you complaining about it?
    Because moderation has been hands off lately and this should be in an appropriate section.

  5. Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by SkyWestOKC View Post
    Not really... 2 cans of spam can fix that for long enough to get in and out. Dogs are easily distracted.

    I would recommend a shotgun, as mentioned above, the look and sound will scare most people away, and if it doesn't, you can hit the broad side of a barn with your eyes closed.
    I noted "well-trained." Trained guard dogs will ignore food. Plus, if there's some loud, big-dog-mean-sounding barking racing at someone who just kicked in a door, the perp's likely to leave. Most home burglars aren't Green Beret's.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    I noted "well-trained." Trained guard dogs will ignore food. Plus, if there's some loud, big-dog-mean-sounding barking racing at someone who just kicked in a door, the perp's likely to leave. Most home burglars aren't Green Beret's.
    I haven't seen a bullet proof dog yet.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by PLANSIT View Post
    Because moderation has been hands off lately and this should be in an appropriate section.
    A members house getting broken into sounds like a civic problem to me, and a civic duty to recommend a good pump shotgun for home defense Indeed it was my civic pride to participate in this thread.

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  8. Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by HVAC Instructor View Post
    I haven't seen a bullet proof dog yet.
    Oh, I'm not putting down owning a gun. I have no problem with them and may get one of my own sometime - though it may take a break-in at my house to get me off my ass. Dogs are just another great deterrant.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by purplemonkeythief View Post
    The back door to our house was kicked in tonight, about an hour ago.

    It took the police 45 minutes to get here. That didn't stop the animal who kicked in our door from scaring us to death and stealing a microwave and a purse.

    I'm going to H&H tomorrow after my interview at American Farmers & Ranchers downtown.

    I'm leaning towards either a Taurus Judge or a Mossberg 500..

    My reasoning for the Judge is that I plan on getting a conceal carry license here and that would serve many purposes. The Mossberg, of course, needs no explanation.

    anyone have any other home defense suggestions?

    I don't have time to wait for a park or a streetcar to fix this.
    I'm not saying it didn't happen, but what I am saying is that I don't believe you.

  10. #35

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    To clarify, purplemonkeythief, you say your back door was kicked in an hour ago (as of time of posting). You then say it took the police 45 minutes to get to your home. This leaves you 15 minutes to talk to the police, show them the damaged door, show them the missing items, give them a description of the suspect, watch them fill out their reports, answer their questions, etc. Then the first thing you did after they left was jump on the computer and come here to complain.

    It takes the police longer than 15 minutes to conduct a brief investigation. You are lying.

  11. #36

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    A-little off the subject, but the lady who killed the intruder that broke into her back patio door is a fine example of why to have a gun to protect yourself and your family.

    It is sad she had to be put in that position, all the blame is his.

    GOOD GUYS 1........BAD GUYS 0

  12. #37

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    He's probably trying to make an anecdotal point (not a truthful one) about us needing to vote no on MAPS because if we do, police response times will magically get better.

    It's a rather thinly veiled attempt as his only purpose in joining this place was to promote the 'no' campaign. He'll probably be gone after Dec. 9th anyhow.

  13. #38

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    He's probably trying to make an anecdotal point (not a truthful one) about us needing to vote no on MAPS because if we do, police response times will magically get better.

    It's a rather thinly veiled attempt as his only purpose in joining this place was to promote the 'no' campaign. He'll probably be gone after Dec. 9th anyhow.
    According to the introduction her name is Noreen and she moved back to Oklahoma City to care for a grandparent and was directed to OKCTalk to discuss MAPS 3.

  14. Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by purplemonkeythief View Post
    The back door to our house was kicked in tonight, about an hour ago.

    It took the police 45 minutes to get here. That didn't stop the animal who kicked in our door from scaring us to death and stealing a microwave and a purse.

    anyone have any other home defense suggestions?

    I don't have time to wait for a park or a streetcar to fix this.
    I would recommend joining Oklahoma Shooters list serve. You would get lots of ideas and recommendations. Here is the link...I belong to it also with the same user id.

    Oklahoma Shooters Association


  15. #40

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    Thanks for the support and suggestions. Its been a hectic last few days what with getting the door replaced, dealing with insurance, etc..

    I went with the shotgun. The people at H&H were outstanding and talked with me for over 2 hours about what options I had, about carry information and helping me out on the range. I had to spend most of friday getting my license(drivers) changed over to OK before I could go back and buy it, but I'm all set now.

  16. #41

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by purplemonkeythief View Post
    Thanks for the support and suggestions. Its been a hectic last few days what with getting the door replaced, dealing with insurance, etc..

    I went with the shotgun. The people at H&H were outstanding and talked with me for over 2 hours about what options I had, about carry information and helping me out on the range. I had to spend most of friday getting my license(drivers) changed over to OK before I could go back and buy it, but I'm all set now.
    Glad to hear that PMT. Good that you got some range time with some knowledgeable folks.

    What model shotgun did you get?

  17. #42

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by HVAC Instructor View Post
    Glad to hear that PMT. Good that you got some range time with some knowledgeable folks.

    What model shotgun did you get?
    a 20 ga. mossberg persuader

  18. #43

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    Good for you. I am sorry that happened but glad you liked H&H and that they treated you well.

  19. #44

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    My Browning Sweet 16 (Belgium) will do. .

  20. #45

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    The timing of this "ordeal" was curious, to say the least.

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