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Thread: Oklahoman offers ‘paid volunteer leave’ for employees campaigning for MAPS 3

  1. #76

    Default Re: Oklahoman offers ‘paid volunteer leave’ for employees campaigning for MAPS 3

    I find it rather humorous that those opposed to MAPS3 are complaining about a few companies paying thjeir employees (volunteers) to campaign for it's passage, when 2 of the most vocal on the Not This Maps side (Police and Fire Union Presidents) are on the City payroll.

  2. #77

    Default Re: Oklahoman offers ‘paid volunteer leave’ for employees campaigning for MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    I find it rather humorous that those opposed to MAPS3 are complaining about a few companies paying thjeir employees (volunteers) to campaign for it's passage, when 2 of the most vocal on the Not This Maps side (Police and Fire Union Presidents) are on the City payroll.
    What's so humorous about it? The Union presidents, be they right or wrong, are doing the job they are expected to do as union presidents by campaigning for or against MAPS3. The police dept and fire departments are not issuing orders or memos to its employees to actively campaign while on the job.

    The Daily Oklahoman, however, is telling its employees that they can get paid volunteer leave, but ONLY if they volunteer to campaign for MAPS3.

    I've also seen it mentioned in this thread that the Oklahoman withdrew this memo, but I've not seen this documented anywhere. does anyone have a link?

  3. #78

    Default Re: Oklahoman offers ‘paid volunteer leave’ for employees campaigning for MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by purplemonkeythief View Post
    d volunteer leave, but ONLY if they volunteer to campaign for MAPS3.

    I've also seen it mentioned in this thread that the Oklahoman withdrew this memo, but I've not seen this documented anywhere. does anyone have a link?
    Dude the link is already posted in the thread. Go back a couple of pages and read it.

  4. #79

    Default Re: Oklahoman offers ‘paid volunteer leave’ for employees campaigning for MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    Dude the link is already posted in the thread. Go back a couple of pages and read it.
    I did. I don't see anywhere on there that says the Oklahoman withdrew the memo, just that the NIC dept of the Oklahoman won't do it.

  5. #80

    Default Re: Oklahoman offers ‘paid volunteer leave’ for employees campaigning for MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by purplemonkeythief View Post
    I did. I don't see anywhere on there that says the Oklahoman withdrew the memo, just that the NIC dept of the Oklahoman won't do it.
    You're not looking closely enough. The Gazette updated its story. It has a link to a memo from Kelly Dyer. It's on the thread.

  6. #81

    Default Re: Oklahoman offers ‘paid volunteer leave’ for employees campaigning for MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    You're not looking closely enough. The Gazette updated its story. It has a link to a memo from Kelly Dyer. It's on the thread.
    I don't know how much more closely I can look at it.

    The only thing from Kelly Dyer Fry on there is that the NIC will not participate.

  7. Default Re: Oklahoman offers ‘paid volunteer leave’ for employees campaigning for MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by purplemonkeythief View Post
    The Daily Oklahoman, however, is telling its employees that they can get paid volunteer leave, but ONLY if they volunteer to campaign for MAPS3.

    I've also seen it mentioned in this thread that the Oklahoman withdrew this memo, but I've not seen this documented anywhere. does anyone have a link?
    Look at posting #13 in the thread. They realized it was wrong and they withdrew the memo several days ago.

  8. #83

    Default Re: Oklahoman offers ‘paid volunteer leave’ for employees campaigning for MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    Look at posting #13 in the thread. They realized it was wrong and they withdrew the memo several days ago.
    And again, the only thing that post 13 has is a statement that the NIC department of the Daily Oklahoman would not be participating, nothing about the memo being withdrawn.

  9. Default Re: Oklahoman offers ‘paid volunteer leave’ for employees campaigning for MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by purplemonkeythief View Post
    The Daily Oklahoman, however, is telling its employees that they can get paid volunteer leave, but ONLY if they volunteer to campaign for MAPS3.

    I've also seen it mentioned in this thread that the Oklahoman withdrew this memo, but I've not seen this documented anywhere. does anyone have a link?
    OK, you're correct about the withdrawal issue and NIC. However, the original memo simply points out that this time is available and asks if anyone wishes to campaign for MAPS, they can use the paid volunteer time to do so. It doesn't state that if they wish to campaign for the "no" side that they CANNOT use this time. In looking at that, the DOK probably shouldn't have sent the memo but its not too out of line, IMO.

  10. Default Re: Oklahoman offers ‘paid volunteer leave’ for employees campaigning for MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    I guess I missed the part where DOK told staff you can ONLY use the perk for YES work? Was that actually the directive, or was that merely a presumption by some?
    It is a presumption. The memo says nothing about only being able to do this for the YES side. It's simply a matter of the Oklahoman promoting the opportunity because they support MAPS, and reminding employees of the paid volunteer time option. It's ridiculous to be upset that this "endorses" MAPS and therefore is bad. It's obviously no secret they are in favor of MAPS as a company. If they had said you can only campaign for the YES side, that would be a problem, but that was never stated in any way shape or form.

    Quote Originally Posted by purplemonkeythief View Post
    The Daily Oklahoman, however, is telling its employees that they can get paid volunteer leave, but ONLY if they volunteer to campaign for MAPS3.

    Quote Originally Posted by purplemonkeythief View Post
    I've also seen it mentioned in this thread that the Oklahoman withdrew this memo, but I've not seen this documented anywhere. does anyone have a link?
    That is also wrong. They sent an email reminding the newsroom staff (the journalists) that--as always--they are not eligible for this benefit.

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    the original memo simply points out that this time is available and asks if anyone wishes to campaign for MAPS, they can use the paid volunteer time to do so. It doesn't state that if they wish to campaign for the "no" side that they CANNOT use this time.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  11. #86

    Default Re: Oklahoman offers ‘paid volunteer leave’ for employees campaigning for MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    It is a presumption. The memo says nothing about only being able to do this for the YES side. It's simply a matter of the Oklahoman promoting the opportunity because they support MAPS, and reminding employees of the paid volunteer time option. It's ridiculous to be upset that this "endorses" MAPS and therefore is bad. It's obviously no secret they are in favor of MAPS as a company. If they had said you can only campaign for the YES side, that would be a problem, but that was never stated in any way shape or form.


    “As we have said all along, OPUBCO (Oklahoma Publishing Company) employees should feel free to vote as they please next Tuesday, but if you are in favor of MAPS 3 and would like an opportunity to earn paid Volunteer Leave to support this initiative, this is a worthy opportunity for you!”

    Show me the part that says you get to take advantage of this "worthy opportunity" if you are not in favor of MAPS3 and would like to volunteer for NTM.

  12. Default Re: Oklahoman offers ‘paid volunteer leave’ for employees campaigning for MAPS 3

    It doesn't say you can't either. It's an ongoing policy, not a one-time thing just for MAPS. If the policy covers volunteering for YFM, it covers volunteering for the NO campaign.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  13. #88

    Default Re: Oklahoman offers ‘paid volunteer leave’ for employees campaigning for MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    It doesn't say you can't either. It's an ongoing policy, not a one-time thing just for MAPS. If the policy covers volunteering for YFM, it covers volunteering for the NO campaign.
    you actually expect anyone to believe that?

  14. #89

    Default Re: Oklahoman offers ‘paid volunteer leave’ for employees campaigning for MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    OK, you're correct about the withdrawal issue and NIC. However, the original memo simply points out that this time is available and asks if anyone wishes to campaign for MAPS, they can use the paid volunteer time to do so. It doesn't state that if they wish to campaign for the "no" side that they CANNOT use this time. In looking at that, the DOK probably shouldn't have sent the memo but its not too out of line, IMO.
    "not too out of line" . Is that like being "sort of pregnant"? The memo seems to carry the implied expectation that employees use their time to campaign for maps.

  15. #90

    Default Re: Oklahoman offers ‘paid volunteer leave’ for employees campaigning for MAPS 3

    for those the question why we don't have more police and fire with the passing of maps 1 and our "growth" ..... did you ever think that if maps 1 didn't pass ... that OKC would have far less police and fire then we do now????

  16. #91

    Default Re: Oklahoman offers ‘paid volunteer leave’ for employees campaigning for MAPS 3

    BoulderSooner- The passage of previous maps has absolutely nothing to do with staffing levels. The only benefit public safety has seen is in the form of use tax monies for capital improvements such as firetrucks, police cars, etc. The staffing requirements are actually set for the fire dept. at 948 firefighters from the 3/4 cent sales tax of 1989. Which by the way the city has tried twice to drop below this number and the firefighters have had to file suit to keep these positions. So this issue is not a new one and has been ongoing for quite some time. Try again!

  17. Default Re: Oklahoman offers ‘paid volunteer leave’ for employees campaigning for MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by Wambo36 View Post
    "not too out of line" . Is that like being "sort of pregnant"? The memo seems to carry the implied expectation that employees use their time to campaign for maps.
    The memo didn't carry any implied expectation. It outright said it, what it did NOT do was say they can't use the time for anti-MAPS volunteer work. It was a poor choice on the DOK's part, but it wasn't something to boil them in hot oil over.

  18. #93

    Default Re: Oklahoman offers ‘paid volunteer leave’ for employees campaigning for MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    The memo didn't carry any implied expectation. It outright said it, what it did NOT do was say they can't use the time for anti-MAPS volunteer work. It was a poor choice on the DOK's part, but it wasn't something to boil them in hot oil over.
    I think we're on the same page about this. I think the impied expectation was that it was only to campaign for maps. The ommision of campaigning for the other side wasn't accidental, in my mind.

  19. Default Re: Oklahoman offers ‘paid volunteer leave’ for employees campaigning for MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by Wambo36 View Post
    I think we're on the same page about this. I think the impied expectation was that it was only to campaign for maps. The ommision of campaigning for the other side wasn't accidental, in my mind.
    Probably not.

  20. #95

    Default Re: Oklahoman offers ‘paid volunteer leave’ for employees campaigning for MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    Probably not.
    I think you might be way too charitable.

  21. #96

    Default Re: Oklahoman offers ‘paid volunteer leave’ for employees campaigning for MAPS 3

    when did maps 1 get passed? we are 50 people LESS than in 1998. the only resaon we are werewe are is cause of the 1989 tax of 200 additional fireifhtgers adn we are at teh number. maps 1 really ahsnt done that much tio help get jobs so once agian the yes people are misinformed. i am sorry that you yes people are less eduicated when it comes to the real matter of the fd staffing. maybe one day you will learn. no wait you wont.

  22. Default Re: Oklahoman offers ‘paid volunteer leave’ for employees campaigning for MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by purplemonkeythief View Post
    you actually expect anyone to believe that?
    Not everyone has a crippling distrust in government and business.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  23. #98

    Default Re: Oklahoman offers ‘paid volunteer leave’ for employees campaigning for MAPS 3

    The only problem I have with the Oklahoman giving paid leave to campaign for Yes on Maps (if it's campaigning ONLY for yes) is that as a news organization, they should be neutral. I mean the owners, etc. can and should support whatever they want, but it just makes the paper seem bias (imagine that) and non objective. A restaurant, car dealership, clothing store, textile factory, whatever - cool. But not a journalistic institution.

  24. Default Re: Oklahoman offers ‘paid volunteer leave’ for employees campaigning for MAPS 3

    Isn't that kind of pointless when the company's position is more than obvious?

    And there is no proof that they were denying the same paid volunteer time to NO campaigners.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  25. #100

    Default Re: Oklahoman offers ‘paid volunteer leave’ for employees campaigning for MAPS 3

    Well that's what I was wondering, jbrown. I mean if both the Yes and the No sides are allowed paid volunteer time, then I see nothing wrong.

    But as far as the company's position, I would expect a news organization to be, at least on the surface, impartial. Everyone and their dog knows the Oklahoman's position on Maps, but the TYPE of company the Oklahoman is makes all the difference. But then on second thought, news papers endorse political candidates all the time, so maybe I'm off base with my concerns.

    I hope Maps3 passes, btw.

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