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Thread: SandRidge Center & Commons

  1. #101

    Default Re: Sandridge Plans for Kerr-McGee

    That former Globe Life building isn't so horrible -- just typical international style architecture.

    But I agree with Urbanized about pulling down the one building along Robinson, as that is the one true urban 'canyon' downtown and to replace it with a very large open space would be a big subtraction IMO.

    Do we really need all this open space downtown? They are already re-doing and blending Kerr & Couch parks, Devon is adding a good-sized park, the Myriad Gardens is getting completely revamped, plans are well underway for Central Park, and we already have largely unused plazas at the BOK Building and Leadership Square.

    I love that Sandridge wants to invest in downtown but I'm not sure this is right approach.

    Is anyone occupying the KerMac and former Y buildings?

  2. Default Re: Sandridge Plans for Kerr-McGee

    Pete, the buildings targeted for demolition are all empty. Jack and I, um, got to "visit" the inside of the Braniff and KerMac buildings while their ownership was in transition and we posted photos at our personal website, www.okchistory.com. (just search for Braniff and it should pop up).
    As for other details - I've given all I got. They're withholding some details until January.

  3. Default Re: Sandridge Plans for Kerr-McGee

    Well, this has been an education for me. For years, I've labored under the impression that there were only 3 associated buildings + the tower in the campus. Only by reason of Steve's article has it finally registered that the old YMCA was/is there, too, even though I cannot presently picture it.

    Anyway, from Vanished Splendor is the following postcard and text:

    Also, here's an interesting image from the 6/14/1931 Oklahoman which shows the prominence of the Braniff building (2nd from left) at the time.

  4. #104

    Default Re: Sandridge Plans for Kerr-McGee

    So OKC is still obsessed with tearing down buildings in the CBD? The more things change, the more they stay the same. Pathetic.

  5. Default Re: Sandridge Plans for Kerr-McGee

    So ... I was right? (Seriously Doug, you got me panicking, but I've not had time to check out what everyone had insisted was correct until you challenged me on it). I had assumed I might be needing to make a correction...

  6. Default Re: Sandridge Plans for Kerr-McGee

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    So ... I was right? (Seriously Doug, you got me panicking, but I've not had time to check out what everyone had insisted was correct until you challenged me on it). I had assumed I might be needing to make a correction...
    Yes, you were/are right. I guess I've had a black hole in front of me all this time! I still can't place the building ... I tried using MS Maps birds eye view but the various angles don't show it. Calls for a walkabout.

    The building that I mentioned when talking with you that was destroyed to make way for Ramsey Tower was the YWCA, not the YM.

  7. Default Re: Sandridge Plans for Kerr-McGee

    I always thought that building looked like it had once been two separate structures.

    Doug, the building on the NE corner of Robinson and Kerr makes an L shape, but the eastern section (former Y) is set back a little and you can see where they made a bridge of sorts between the two former structures, with the main entrance in this spot. The two sections have a similar style, but appear to have been remodeled at different times.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  8. #108

    Default Re: Sandridge Plans for Kerr-McGee

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    Larry of course there will be some forward momentum without MAPS passing, but I think one would be fooling oneself if one thought momentum won't increase dramatically if MAPS passes. Why settle for less?
    I have been in full agreement with the "accelerator" slogan. But you bring up an excellent point: Why settle for less ... than a ballot and ordinance that is legal and binds them to build the projects that aren't mentioned?

    Why settle for less than honesty and integrity when it comes to our elected City leaders and the Campaign that they are running?

    There was more spin, half-truths and yes, even an out-right lie in the MAPS 3 flier in Sunday's paper.

  9. Default Re: Sandridge Plans for Kerr-McGee

    Did any of you see the sidebar on how Kerr-McGee fought the Braniff Building being placed on the National Register of Historic Places? My favorite line from the history director: "your argument is weak ..."

  10. Default Re: Sandridge Plans for Kerr-McGee

    I think you must have intended to post this in another thread, Larry.

  11. Default Re: Sandridge Plans for Kerr-McGee

    You can't escape it!

  12. Default Re: Sandridge Plans for Kerr-McGee

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    Did any of you see the sidebar on how Kerr-McGee fought the Braniff Building being placed on the National Register of Historic Places? My favorite line from the history director: "your argument is weak ..."
    Yes, I read the whole article in the paper this morning. Very interesting ... I hope a close inspection is done before a decision is made.

  13. Default Re: Sandridge Plans for Kerr-McGee

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    I always thought that building looked like it had once been two separate structures.

    Doug, the building on the NE corner of Robinson and Kerr makes an L shape, but the eastern section (former Y) is set back a little and you can see where they made a bridge of sorts between the two former structures, with the main entrance in this spot. The two sections have a similar style, but appear to have been remodeled at different times.
    Thanks for the tip. I'll try and get down there tomorrow and that info will help.

  14. #114

    Default Re: Sandridge Plans for Kerr-McGee

    Quote Originally Posted by Doug Loudenback View Post
    I think you must have intended to post this in another thread, Larry.
    Doug, no, sorry, was responding to Betts post #6 in this thread (responding to my post near the beginning of the thread).

  15. Default Re: Sandridge Plans for Kerr-McGee

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    You can't escape it!
    Happens in every gang war. Bullets meant for other people or even slugs just meant to shock the system hit innocent grandmothers and babies all of the time. It's hard to escape when the graffiti is being spread with such reckless abandon. Let's hope that this thread isn't a mortal victim. This thread feels like a safe haven. I feel protected. LOL!!

    Will this have any bearing on the yet to be constructed Chamber of Commerce? Might it help the city to reconsider the going design?

  16. Default Re: Sandridge Plans for Kerr-McGee

    Decious, the Chamber hq building project is on hold and is, from everything I know, totally unrelated to the SandRidge plans, and vice versa. I think I understand your question - but I just don't see any linkage, at least right now. SandRidge is, I think, a block south of the chamber site.

  17. Default Re: Sandridge Plans for Kerr-McGee

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    Decious, the Chamber hq building project is on hold and is, from everything I know, totally unrelated to the SandRidge plans, and vice versa. I think I understand your question - but I just don't see any linkage, at least right now. SandRidge is, I think, a block south of the chamber site.
    Thanks Steve.

  18. #118

    Default Re: Sandridge Plans for Kerr-McGee

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    Decious, the Chamber hq building project is on hold and is, from everything I know, totally unrelated to the SandRidge plans, and vice versa. I think I understand your question - but I just don't see any linkage, at least right now. SandRidge is, I think, a block south of the chamber site.
    Do we know why the Chamber building is on hold? Not that I care, really, as I like the little triangle of grass, as does my dog, but I am curious. I don't remember reading anything about it being put on hold in the past.

  19. Default Re: Sandridge Plans for Kerr-McGee

    There was a slight hit to the economy last year that may have made fundraising a bit more challenging... at least that's what I gathered after watching Jim Cramer on CNBC. I only know what Jim tells me.

  20. Default Re: Sandridge Plans for Kerr-McGee

    My understanding is that it is "the economy," Betts.

  21. Default Re: Sandridge Plans for Kerr-McGee

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    Spartan, that's not the plan. I'll explain later. For now, see my latest post on this at OKC Central - Information about Oklahoma City, Bricktown and beyond
    Well Ms. Floyd's website says that her design WON and will be implemented. Are you second-guessing the Cottage District Queen? (I take that back, she's done a lot of awesome projects.)

    And it bothers me that these buildings are being torn down when there are developers who would buy these buildings in a heartbeat and be ready to go with loft apt conversion despite all of the faltering projects elsewhere downtown. The KerMac at least needs to stay. They would tear it down for what, a plaza? How about..no. They don't need a wider moat around the SandRidge fortress. What we need to do instead is bring quality urbanism back to this part of downtown.

  22. Default Re: Sandridge Plans for Kerr-McGee

    Alright. Here's the short answer, Spartan: Way back when, Downtown OKC Inc. hosted a contest for architects to submit a redesign for the park. Someone screwed up - there wasn't funding available for this redesign.
    Flash forward several years, and the Kerr-McGee tower sells to SandRidge and the company, along with Chesapeake, plan their own makeover of the park, but it doesn't involve the designs by Floyd. Needless to say Randy ain't too happy about this, and there were some conversations, but to my knowledge, her plans are not going to proceed.

  23. Default Re: Sandridge Plans for Kerr-McGee

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    Decious, the Chamber hq building project is on hold and is, from everything I know, totally unrelated to the SandRidge plans, and vice versa. I think I understand your question - but I just don't see any linkage, at least right now. SandRidge is, I think, a block south of the chamber site.
    I think Decious was thinking about the debate around the street configuration, perhaps and not necessarily the chamber site plan itself. I would contend that the chamber's street configuration options are highly dependent on what SandRidge does, as well.. unless there's something I'm just overlooking. (Aside from the fact that the Chamber doesn't think they can get the configuration changed to something better.)

    I like how Decious brought up the chamber, because he we basically have two very glitzy and nice-looking projects that just are anti-urban from a planning paradigm, right next to each other. They would literally be effecting the walkability of a huge corner of downtown, for better or for worse. That's why it's so important that we get these projects thinking more urban. Do we want to make A-Alley even more detached, or do we want to bring in the districts north of downtown?

  24. Default Re: Sandridge Plans for Kerr-McGee

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    Alright. Here's the short answer, Spartan: Way back when, Downtown OKC Inc. hosted a contest for architects to submit a redesign for the park. Someone screwed up - there wasn't funding available for this redesign.
    Flash forward several years, and the Kerr-McGee tower sells to SandRidge and the company, along with Chesapeake, plan their own makeover of the park, but it doesn't involve the designs by Floyd. Needless to say Randy ain't too happy about this, and there were some conversations, but to my knowledge, her plans are not going to proceed.
    Oh alright. Shame, I liked her plans. The idea of the lit-up sections of fiberglass insets was unique and cool.

    Instead they brought in some horrific New York firm with no OKC connections..and some pretty poorly designed public space projects in their portfolio.


  25. Default Re: Sandridge Plans for Kerr-McGee

    I'm with you Spartan about the planning of both these projects (chamber and sandridge). How about we put the Chamber building on this block?? Density, density, density!
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

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