Andy, when JBrown84 said ...
... he was saying that Sipe apologized for the impossible-to-understand words of ironhd76, he being referred to as Sipe's overheated talking point robot. Go back a few messages and you'll see that the above stemmed from a comment, and my reply to, ironhd76, where the latter said,Originally Posted by jbrown84
Not understanding what iron was trying to convey, I replied,Originally Posted by ironhd76
JBrown84 was just funnin' when he said that Sipe was apologizing for iron, that's all.Originally Posted by Doug Loudenback
Now that I've explained what JBrown was doing, would you PLEASE explain what ironhd76 meant to say, in his comment to me, above?
If you can do that, I'll be eterna ... uh ... I'll be grateful for 5 minutes.
Iron doesn't speak for Sipes or anyone other than his self. They aren't even in the same department. And where did the $240,000 figure come from? Both union presidents make the same salary that they would being back in the field and I guarantee it isnt $240,000.
Of course he doesn't. jbrown was just kidding around. A sense of humor isn't a bad thing to have at this particular time.
$120,000 each after benefits. Which is beyond ridiculous.
Don't Edmond My Downtown
There are over 160 people amongst the 4,000 City employees that make over $100,000.** Over 120 of them are police officers and firefighters.** And both of the union heads cost the taxpayers over $100,000 each.
Off to put out more signs. I just got a call for a big one next to a fire house.
By Byron's.
I don't know about the FOP Pres, but I do about Fire. You want to make it sound like he gets $120,000. Sure I know you included those 2 words "after benefits" jb everyone gets benefits,. You yes people sure like to cry out to accuse the NO side is all based on misinformation and lies, but this is ok.
Can you back this statement up without adding in thousands of dollars that are considered benefits? Because everyone gets benefits. If you can thats great. If you can't or won't then it is what it is. Did you consider the O.T. that P & F are paid, because they work it?
andy, I think you're projecting a bit.
Yes, all full time city govt. folks get benefits. likewise, there is a dollar figure attached to those benefits. That was accounted for in the statement you take issue with.
If he hadn't included the phrase 'after benefits', that would have been closer to warranting a misinformation charge. As written, it seems rather accurate.
There are benefits and there are benefits. Many people get only partial benefits. Many receive very little in the way of retirement benefits and, short of the military, I know no one who can retire as early as the age of 38 and receive a pension besides policemen and firemen.
OKC Police and Fire can retire with full benefits after 20 years of service, all other City Employees can retire with full benefits after 25 years of service. All OKC Employees get basically the same excellant benefits, it's just that the Police and Fire demand more salary and benefits and have stooped so low to hold their support for MAPS3 hostage until they get what they want.
It is amazing how these threads drift.
I know that there are jobs where 20 years is a really, really long time. I think police work and firefighting are two of those.
Rc you need to get your facts straight or stop posting lies. This is not and never has been about wages.
Don't Edmond My Downtown
And if you knew what you were talking about you wouldn't post such ridiculous statements. I actually did read the thread by the way, all i tried to do was point out that the issue is not about money or contracts. You do know that the contracts for both police and fire were settled before this storm started don't you?
Yes. That's been made quite clear. Someone from your camp complained that the city manager has 3 assistants and that the taxpayers shouldn't be paying for that, which is pretty incredulous when taxpayers are paying Sipe and Hensley to do nothing but work for the union. They are not working their day jobs.
Don't Edmond My Downtown
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