Truthfully, I can't wait til Tuesday is done with & gone. I haven't seen one post in any other subject thread by Iron76 and it'll be nice to see him share his opinion on other issues not related to MAPS...!
Truthfully, I can't wait til Tuesday is done with & gone. I haven't seen one post in any other subject thread by Iron76 and it'll be nice to see him share his opinion on other issues not related to MAPS...!
three more days, then 52-48 in favor.
As for after the polls close ...
Where is each side holding its watch party?
Start with your Mayor and City Manager. They approve the budget every year. Maybe you could sit down and advise them on where to trim so fat. Maybe they can start with the 3 assistants the City Manager. He has three goons sucking off your tax dollars to the tune of over 100,000 a year...EACH!
That's right! Half a MILLION dollars a year of YOUR.. AND MY tax dollars for 4 city MANAGERS. That doesn't include their benefits. That's just their SALARY!
Good point... OKC Sales Tax breakdown:
4.5 cents - Oklahoma State sales tax
2 cents - OKC General Fund
3/4 cent - Public Safety
1/8 cent - OKC Zoo
1 cent - MAPS
65% of General Fund budget goes to Public Safety, so that's 1.3 cents on the dollar, plus .75 cent dedicated to Pubic Safety.. Means that from every hundred dollars you spend, you'll give $1 to MAPS and $2.05 to police and fire.
Doug in all fairness. Where are the other Thousands of people that are voting NO. You forgot them in your picture. I'm pretty sure the vote will be close. Not an accurate portrail really is it?
Since you've made up your mind, I haven't been less than impressed with your post your journalism.
Can you research how the projects that YOU are voting yes for have faired in other cities they've been built in?
I was wondering how much money is contributed to the "General Fund" from fines collected through our court system, permits, tickets etc.....
I guess our "General Fund" is too small. Other cities have adequate staffing and are managing ok. Maybe we do have some fat to trim. Start at the top and work your way down.
Let's be a little realistic. .75 was needed almost twenty years ago to meet the needs of police and fire. Shouldn't we have increased that a long time ago. You are still distorting the TRUTH. What else is the general fund used for? Sewers, City employee's pay, water, trash, ALL city vehicles, paying electric bills for ALL buildings, City Managers pay to the tune of almost half a million dollars, streets, lawsuits, I could go on and on. Everything! That's what the GENERAL fund is used for correct?
Fees and fines account for 17% of the general fund.
And yes, the General Fund is used for a whole lot of things. I think the point is that well over half of it is used for public safety and only 35% is used for all over the other roles the city must play (including paying city managers a high salary for the stressful and highly technical job of operating a city of 550,000 and managing a workforce of close to 5,000)
Don't Edmond My Downtown
Each person in the cartoon represents a group.
I'm having trouble understanding what you just said, so I don't know how to respond.Since you've made up your mind, I haven't been less than impressed with your post your journalism.
Probably, but I'm done researchin'. After Tuesday's vote, I'm done with this topic and will revert to things I enjoy much more than politics.Can you research how the projects that YOU are voting yes for have faired in other cities they've been built in?
Some of the rhetoric is over the top, to be certain. But not so sure that's a good idea. A bit of what I refer to as the loyal opposition is also good for government, be it via a union, or via some other aspect.
VOTE YES, but never completely discount what the opposition is saying.
Not bad advice for the vote nope crowd for that matter.
I just don't think the union bosses should be paid with taxpayer money when they are not at the same time working as a police officer and a firefighter.
Don't Edmond My Downtown
Can you tell me exactly how much Lt G Hensly makes?
That was a nice number you came up with. What are the exact numbers? Since you seem to know.
I spent two days this week delivering materials for the Chamber of Commerce and campaigning every chance I had free time. I would like to thank Iron and his friends for that, as I probably would not have been motivated enough to do it without them. Thanks, Iron and friends.
I don't. I think one assistant maybe. I was wrong. I thought that's what Chiefs, department heads, Majors, Captains, Lieutenants and all of the rest in management did.Gee, I think the city manager probably needs assistants to run a city of nearly 600,000.
Couch is doing it all alone therefore, needs 3 assistants. mmm..![]()
This is kinda funny... Iron76hd is making the nomaps people look ridiculous. f they r reading his posts they r prolly prayin he shuts his face. Makes the entire group of them look like crazy radicals!
I would be tempted to bet money that the three assistant city managers do a lot more for their salaries than the two union bosses that do an extremely poor job for their members.
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