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Thread: Al McAffrey & Jim Roth Endorses Yes MAPS

  1. #1

    Default Al McAffrey & Jim Roth Endorses Yes MAPS

    It is my understanding that Jim Roth has endorsed as well.

    Dear Friend,

    As I visit with fellow House leaders throughout the country, I realize just
    how fortunate we are here in Oklahoma City. Our unemployment is among
    the very lowest in America and much of that credit goes to MAPS. We
    cannot put our strong economy at risk! I am asking you to go to the polls
    on December 8th and vote yes. You may have been hearing conflicting
    information about MAPS. Get the facts at MAPSFACTS.COM.


    Al McAffrey

    P.S. Remember your yes vote will not increase taxes.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Al McAffrey & Jim Roth Endorses Yes MAPS

    Your vote will raise taxes! Geez... That's why we are voting in the 1st place!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Al McAffrey & Jim Roth Endorses Yes MAPS

    How does it raise taxes? The passage of of it will only stop a sales tax deduction. How wrong and foolish looking are people gonna insist upon looking like anyway?

  4. Default Re: Al McAffrey & Jim Roth Endorses Yes MAPS

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    How does it raise taxes? The passage of of it will only stop a sales tax deduction. How wrong and foolish looking are people gonna insist upon looking like anyway?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Al McAffrey & Jim Roth Endorses Yes MAPS


    This is a really big endorsement. McAffrey and Roth will be able to deliver the Gay-Lesbian-Bisexual-Trans community in OKC! Go MAPS!

    What about some of the other major endorsements? Gov. Henry, Gov. Nigh and others are in a nice commercial for MAPS.

    It's coming together. The heavy hitters are getting on board. IF THE MAPS SUPPORTERS MAKE IT TO THE POLLS, IT WILL WIN. But THEY MUST MAKE IT TO THE POLLS.

  6. Default Re: Al McAffrey & Jim Roth Endorses Yes MAPS

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    The National Weather Service says that there is a pretty good chance of a "Significant Winter Weather Event" on Tuesday. I wonder if this development would play a role in the outcome. Hmmmm??

  7. #7

    Default Re: Al McAffrey & Jim Roth Endorses Yes MAPS

    Here I'll explain it to you both. Doug you listening? WHEN, MAPS is voted down. Will this reduce our taxes? YUP!!! Sure Will!

    So voting down MAPS will give us a TAX CUT! End of story.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Al McAffrey & Jim Roth Endorses Yes MAPS

    The National Weather Service says that there is a pretty good chance of a "Significant Winter Weather Event" on Tuesday. I wonder if this development would play a role in the outcome. Hmmmm??
    Nope I plan to use that free ride the Chamber has offered to VOTE NO!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Al McAffrey & Jim Roth Endorses Yes MAPS

    Quote Originally Posted by Decious View Post
    The National Weather Service says that there is a pretty good chance of a "Significant Winter Weather Event" on Tuesday. I wonder if this development would play a role in the outcome. Hmmmm??
    If that happens, I like our odds even more. When the 2007 bond issue was voted on, we had a major ice storm. The results were HUGELY in favor of the bond issue.

    Our side has more determined voters than their side. I think this is true regardless of weather.

    They have a bunch of nihilistic angry people at the core, and then passive voters they can influence with lies at the margins. That is only effective to a point.

    Our voters know what MAPS has done for this city and our side reads and votes. We are in good shape.

    But don't let anyone be complacent. This vote is for the future of our city!

    If you want a future of failure, division, negativity and discord, by all means vote NO. I don't think the majority of voters fit in this category.

    WE ARE GOING TO WIN. This fact is starting to sink in with the opposition. But don't be complacent.


  10. Default Re: Al McAffrey & Jim Roth Endorses Yes MAPS

    Quote Originally Posted by iron76hd View Post
    Here I'll explain it to you both. Doug you listening? WHEN, MAPS is voted down. Will this reduce our taxes? YUP!!! Sure Will!

    So voting down MAPS will give us a TAX CUT! End of story.
    Yeah, I'm listening.

    Are you?

  11. #11

    Default Re: Al McAffrey & Jim Roth Endorses Yes MAPS

    Quote Originally Posted by iron76hd View Post
    ... WHEN, MAPS is voted down. Will this reduce our taxes?
    Whenever MAPs is voted down, that may be, but, it won't be the case on Dec. 8.

    52-48, in favor of MAPs 3 ... at minimum. if I'm wrong, gloat away.
    If I'm not, I'll do my best to simply be happy and not gloat or rub it in.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Al McAffrey & Jim Roth Endorses Yes MAPS

    Everyone keeps trying to confuse Iron76hd with true facts and figures, now stop it.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Al McAffrey & Jim Roth Endorses Yes MAPS

    Oh yea. That's what you are doing.

    Give me the numbers on how the white water rapids, rail system and aquatic centers are going to be profitable to this city.

    Since you are voting for them. Dazzle me with some numbers on them. I can't wait. You were a manager of some sort. SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!!!

  14. #14

    Default Re: Al McAffrey & Jim Roth Endorses Yes MAPS

    Quote Originally Posted by iron76hd View Post
    Oh yea. That's what you are doing.

    Give me the numbers on how the white water rapids, rail system and aquatic centers are going to be profitable to this city.

    Since you are voting for them. Dazzle me with some numbers on them. I can't wait. You were a manager of some sort. SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!!!
    Everyone notice how the only thing Iron76hd capitalizes is SHOW ME THE MONEY, I think that's the Union Yell.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Al McAffrey & Jim Roth Endorses Yes MAPS

    So what are you getting Junkie? Dazzle me with some winning numbers on any the projects you are so passionate about.

    The ones you want to waste MY tax dollars on.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Al McAffrey & Jim Roth Endorses Yes MAPS

    Quote Originally Posted by iron76hd View Post
    So what are you getting Junkie? Dazzle me with some winning numbers on any the projects you are so passionate about.

    The ones you want to waste MY tax dollars on.
    You may consider it a waste, but if generates more tax dollars, or gives all citizens (young & old) something to do that helps promote and develop a healthy lifestyle, then my vote is still a YES.

    And Iron76hd, unlike the Police and Fire Unions, everything is NOT ABOUT, SHOW ME THE MONEY.

  17. #17

    Talking Re: Al McAffrey & Jim Roth Endorses Yes MAPS

    Doug. I need more than Cheerleading! I need more than speeches and expensive commercials with no substance. Besides, "Keep the Momentum!"....let's keep the SPENDING momentum going....on whatever....

    You could do better than that if the projects were any good, but they are not.

    Doug. I see YOU want a rail system that's going to connect YOUR neighborhood with the FORD center. That means YOU won't even have to take YOUR car to the Thunder games. YOU must be excited about that idea. YOU want ME to PAY for it...for YOU. Right?

    Doug. I see YOU want a Senior Aquatic Center that YOU can enjoy. YOU want ME to PAY for that also. for YOU. Right? I don't know what is wrong the YMCA. When I worked out there is was great.

    Doug. I see YOU want me to PAY for a park to be built within walking distance from your home. Can YOU at least give me a PLEASE or a THANK you. YOU want ME to PAY for it right?

    That is at least 3 reasons for YOU to vote Yes. That's at least three reasons YOU will gladly take this UNION goons money and get stuff YOU want. And I'll get to pay for the up keep on all of them for YOU to enjoy every year. Yeaaaaa....

    If I vote YES guess what I get. YOUR BILL! No thanks.

  18. Default Re: Al McAffrey & Jim Roth Endorses Yes MAPS

    iron76hd, will you disappear when MAPS3 passes?

  19. Default Re: Al McAffrey & Jim Roth Endorses Yes MAPS

    Of course he will. The budget for the robot runs out on Dec. 8.

    Quote Originally Posted by iron76hd View Post
    Give me the numbers on how the white water rapids, rail system and aquatic centers are going to be profitable to this city.
    Numbers numbers numbers! Gotta have numbers. Give me the numbers on all the jobs that would be created from a 1-cent tax cut.

    No one ever said those would be profit generators. They contribute to a better quality of life, which attracts more people to come here to visit or live, and that expands the tax base for all city services.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  20. #20

    Default Re: Al McAffrey & Jim Roth Endorses Yes MAPS

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    Everyone notice how the only thing Iron76hd capitalizes is SHOW ME THE MONEY, I think that's the Union Yell.
    Ok, now THAT was funny!

  21. #21

    Default Re: Al McAffrey & Jim Roth Endorses Yes MAPS

    Not Hardly. I plan to see to it that this MAYOR is exposed and OUT of office. He'll most likely take or get rid of the City Manager. So I won't worry about that. Along with several of the City Council members. Skip is a gonner. I won't even have to worry about that. Those people he says he represents will see to that. I helped get Prater in OFFICE. I'll do the same to make sure he's a gonner. I know the Firemen were a LARGE reason Marr's is on the council. I'll be working with them to see that he's a gonner.

    He better make some very strong friends with the Chamber. He's gonna need'em.

    Gov Henry is out of here so who cares.

    No my work and the work of a lot more has only begun.

    You see I don't want a guy calling me a bully and that's a LIAR for Mayor. You see knowingly distorting the truth to me is a lie. I can live with someone who makes an honest mistake in a conversation. Heck we are human. I would NEVER go on tv or say something that I KNOW is not EXACTLY the truth to further my agenda. That says a lot to me about someones character.

    One that has the interests of a special few in mind, and wants to misuse my tax dollars for their benefit. I don't want a MAYOR that has mixed his OATH to do what is best for this city's citizens by pushing Private businesses WANTS to the front. Instead of this City's needs. Violating articles blatantly and blurring the lines of his office and position.

    I don't want a City Manager that truly bullies SMALL Businesses like COUCH did with Hobby's Hoagies and intimidates how they run their business or what they post in their business. That's an abuse! What if a group of officers walked into the store and threatened the business owner to VOTE a certain way. I'd be disgusted and take pride in putting them in JAIL myself. I'd demand they be stripped of their badge and sent to the unemployment line.

    I won't be gone and either will many others. Let's get a fresh set of eyes up there. A fresh set of ideas. Not MONEY Losing Projects in the midst of a budget shortfall that will lead to the lay off of already understaffed departments that are essential to every CITY in this country.

    Nope we are just getting started.

  22. #22

    Wink Re: Al McAffrey & Jim Roth Endorses Yes MAPS

    They contribute to a better quality of life, which attracts more people to come here to visit or live, and that expands the tax base for all city services.
    Hahahahahaha. Your killing me here... How will a Senior Aquatic Center do that exactly. How will a white water rapids do that? what we make in revenue will be used to subsidize it! Geez.. How will bike trails do that exaclty?

    i don't know if ONE job will be created, but that's at least 777 MILLION DOLLARS that could be put right back into our economy right NOW! As we are facing budget shortfalls. Right?

  23. Default Re: Al McAffrey & Jim Roth Endorses Yes MAPS

    Where are your numbers?? Oh right, you don't have them, because that's impossible for either side.

    You just don't get it. Those things add up. No one single project has a significant impact, but they all add up to a better place to live. Do you think people want to move to Dallas all the time just for a change of scenery or so they can have twice the commute time? NO, it's because Dallas has created more opportunities for jobs, recreation, transportation options, and entertainment.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  24. #24

    Default Re: Al McAffrey & Jim Roth Endorses Yes MAPS

    Notice how the opposition jacks every thread? The original post was about Roth and McAffrey's endorsements, and what a huge lift that is for MAPS.

    What big endorsements does the no crowd have to crow about? None.

    We've got Brad Henry, we've got Wayne Coyne, we have George Nigh, we have Jim Roth. Who they got?

  25. Default Re: Al McAffrey & Jim Roth Endorses Yes MAPS

    Quote Originally Posted by iron76hd View Post
    Doug. I need more than Cheerleading! I need more than speeches and expensive commercials with no substance. Besides, "Keep the Momentum!"....let's keep the SPENDING momentum going....on whatever....
    Who, me?

    You could do better than that if the projects were any good, but they are not.
    Who, me? They aren't?

    Doug. I see YOU want a rail system that's going to connect YOUR neighborhood with the FORD center. That means YOU won't even have to take YOUR car to the Thunder games. YOU must be excited about that idea. YOU want ME to PAY for it...for YOU. Right?

    Doug. I see YOU want a Senior Aquatic Center that YOU can enjoy. YOU want ME to PAY for that also. for YOU. Right?

    I don't know what is wrong the YMCA. When I worked out there is was great.
    None with a pool within walking distance from where I live. I want you to pay for one that is.

    Doug. I see YOU want me to PAY for a park to be built within walking distance from your home. Can YOU at least give me a PLEASE or a THANK you. YOU want ME to PAY for it right?
    Yes, and ...

    That is at least 3 reasons for YOU to vote Yes. That's at least three reasons YOU will gladly take this UNION goons money and get stuff YOU want. And I'll get to pay for the up keep on all of them for YOU to enjoy every year. Yeaaaaa....
    Like I said,

    If I vote YES guess what I get. YOUR BILL! No thanks.
    Well, then, I take back my Thank you's.

    Thank you very much.

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