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Thread: Home Defense Weapon

  1. #1

    Default Home Defense Weapon

    The back door to our house was kicked in tonight, about an hour ago.

    It took the police 45 minutes to get here. That didn't stop the animal who kicked in our door from scaring us to death and stealing a microwave and a purse.

    I'm going to H&H tomorrow after my interview at American Farmers & Ranchers downtown.

    I'm leaning towards either a Taurus Judge or a Mossberg 500..

    My reasoning for the Judge is that I plan on getting a conceal carry license here and that would serve many purposes. The Mossberg, of course, needs no explanation.

    anyone have any other home defense suggestions?

    I don't have time to wait for a park or a streetcar to fix this.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by purplemonkeythief View Post
    The back door to our house was kicked in tonight, about an hour ago.

    It took the police 45 minutes to get here. That didn't stop the animal who kicked in our door from scaring us to death and stealing a microwave and a purse.

    I'm going to H&H tomorrow after my interview at American Farmers & Ranchers downtown.

    I'm leaning towards either a Taurus Judge or a Mossberg 500..

    My reasoning for the Judge is that I plan on getting a conceal carry license here and that would serve many purposes. The Mossberg, of course, needs no explanation.

    anyone have any other home defense suggestions?

    I don't have time to wait for a park or a streetcar to fix this.
    I can't believe your unfortunate timing. I'am still not convinced to vote "NO" on MAPS.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by gen70 View Post
    I can't believe your unfortunate timing. I'am still not convinced to vote "NO" on MAPS.
    Maybe your not convinced to vote NO. However, the good thing is you can't vote yes either, can you.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by purplemonkeythief View Post
    The back door to our house was kicked in tonight, about an hour ago.

    It took the police 45 minutes to get here. That didn't stop the animal who kicked in our door from scaring us to death and stealing a microwave and a purse.

    I'm going to H&H tomorrow after my interview at American Farmers & Ranchers downtown.

    I'm leaning towards either a Taurus Judge or a Mossberg 500..

    My reasoning for the Judge is that I plan on getting a conceal carry license here and that would serve many purposes. The Mossberg, of course, needs no explanation.

    anyone have any other home defense suggestions?

    I don't have time to wait for a park or a streetcar to fix this.
    First, I can't believe it took so long and that is a shame.

    I wish one of the gun guys (Dave?) would chime in.

    I like my Smith .357 revolver because I just like it and you can carry it, easily. I even wear it in the house when husband has been out of town a few days. We have a nice neighborhood but live near a crappy, crimeridden one and I worry that they will case the place and notice he is gone. I sometimes wear it inside so it's handy. Husband, however, always keeps his trusty shotgun handy for home defense.

    Husband says a Judge is not very powerful but good for snakes. Maybe that is what you want. But he says he wouldn't get one to carry around because it is oddly shaped and doubts it is fun to shoot.

    We don't have kids in the house and have a couple of safes. You don't want someone coming in and taking the gun when you aren't home so think about that. I don't keep the shotgun and my favorite revolver locked up (so there is that) but we also don't have kids or neighborhood kids wandering through. If I had grandkids or lots of company in and out of the house, everything would be locked up.

    I have seen some great handbags that look exactly like a tote but the center opens for a revolver (closes on the side with heavy duty velcro). You can't tell they are to carry and the gun is easy to get to. It would be heavy because of the pistol so that might remind you that you have it, but you'd have to be very careful to not forget it or leave it for some bozo or child to get hold of.

    If you are carrying, you have to develop a whole different mindset and be constantly conscious that you have a firearm. Too many people don't make that fundamental mental switch and after the scare of a home break in passes and they buy a gun in anger and fear, they settle back down. Once you become a gun owner, it is like adopting a puppy. It changes your need to be vigilent and careful. You CANNOT be careless or thoughtless when you have a firearm. If you have a tendency to be scatterbrained (no offense to you personally), you might want to rethink this. But if you are reasonably attentive, you should be able to stay vigilent if you realize how important that is.

    If you get a pistol, I'd suggest you get a gun that is fun to shoot since you'd be more likely to go down to the range and shoot it. I personally don't like one with a smaller calibur because it jumps around like a rabbit and that startles me and hurts my hand.

    My two cents for what it is worth. Good luck.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    I am back after consulting the gun expert in my house who is short on humility. He says you need a shotgun but if you want a revolver, you need to think about this and do some research before you go make H&H rich.

    That being said, Mr. You Need to Think About This says that a Judge is a gimmick and you need to get a Smith .357 Stainless and there is no thinking about it beyond that.

    He also said that being mad at the police was not a good argument because under the best of circumstances, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

    So that is the message from on high.

    I am used to this.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by purplemonkeythief View Post
    It took the police 45 minutes to get here. That didn't stop the animal who kicked in our door from scaring us to death and stealing a microwave and a purse.
    I am really sorry you were victimized. It is a terrible thing and I feel badly for you.

    As has been stated more than once during the MAPS discussion the police do not prevent crime but attempt to apprehend criminals. In my experience they aren't so good at the latter when it involves property crimes like you experienced.

    I invested in a good alarm system and other preventive measures but I decided against firearms even though I did train long ago. I decided I was not really prepared to kill anyone or anything for that matter.

    Wish the best for you.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by purplemonkeythief View Post
    It took the police 45 minutes to get here.
    A crime which is not currently in progress is not a priority call, so this isn't a shock.

    I hope this pending upgrade to your home security system works out for you.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    I'm curious - were you home and if not, how do you know when the door was busted in. I understand stealing the purse but a microwave?? Who risks that for a microwave???? Unless they had a car, I'd look next door. That is a weird crime. At least they didn't steal the cat.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    I'd lean toward the Taurus. But you might need both It's going to get worse here in this city before it gets better. I'll send you a PM in reference to CC class.
    A crime which is not currently in progress is not a priority call, so this isn't a shock.

    I hope this pending upgrade to your home security system works out for you.
    Is that right! Loud music isn't a priority, but when I lived in Moore while my home was being built. I called for that and they were there in 9 minutes!!!!!!!!

    That's right. Faster than OCPD's Priority response of almost 11 minutes!!!!!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    I'm curious - were you home and if not, how do you know when the door was busted in. I understand stealing the purse but a microwave?? Who risks that for a microwave???? Unless they had a car, I'd look next door. That is a weird crime. At least they didn't steal the cat.
    Not every holiday song has the same words you grew up with PQ. Some are rewritten thusly

    Street sell the micro, and then buy a crackpipe
    Or use as free pressie, and hope for a new rock
    Or trade it for dope or whatever it brings
    These are a few of my favorite things

  11. #11

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    I've always heard a shotgun being recommended for home defense for a couple reasons. The first is the sound of chambering a round is quite distinctive and can scare off some intruders all by itself, and the second is that the shot used will penetrate walls less then rounds from a handgun making it safer to use in a residence.

    An actual gun person would probably have some more specific (and possibly more accurate) information.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Not every holiday song has the same words you grew up with PQ. Some are rewritten thusly

    Street sell the micro, and then buy a crackpipe
    Or use as free pressie, and hope for a new rock
    Or trade it for dope or whatever it brings
    These are a few of my favorite things

    Honestly, I would die of shame that I risked my reputation, freedom and (depending on the homeowner), my life on such a petty crime. To violate someone's home and steal their sense of security over a frickin' microwave oven! But then, that is what your brain does when drugs are in the driver's seat. I would at least take their car. Good lord, some people just don't take pride in their work.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    And you don't have to be right on target with a shotgun. If someone is in the bedroom doorway, you should be able to fire it in the direction of intruder and make a hit.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    Go with the Mossberg loaded with 3" magnum 00 buchshot. A pump racking causes a pucker factor of 10 and will likely scare the intruder out of your house. If not, the 3" mag 00 buckshot will take care of it.

  15. #15
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by HVAC Instructor View Post
    Go with the Mossberg loaded with 3" magnum 00 buchshot. A pump racking causes a pucker factor of 10 and will likely scare the intruder out of your house. If not, the 3" mag 00 buckshot will take care of it.

    Took the words right out of my mouth.

  16. #16

  17. #17

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by purplemonkeythief View Post
    It took the police 45 minutes to get here. That didn't stop the animal who kicked in our door from scaring us to death and stealing a microwave and a purse.
    Hold on a minute - were you in the house with the intruder? If not, how could the police have stopped this person from stealing your microwave and purse?

    Nice Maps tie-in, by the way. Are you sure you're mature enough to carry a firearm?

  18. #18

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    Good for her! Although, now I wonder if the guy she shot was crazy or high. What a shame and a waste, if so.

    Not far from us they recently had a woman home sick from work and three guys tried to break in. She had military training and called 911, then confronted them and told them to leave. They started to leave but one came back and tried to break in. She shot him dead. It was broad daylight and I never heard if he was high or what. He had a record but it just seems so nutty to have done that. If they'd left, that probably would have been the end of it.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    They stole a microwave? Seriously? The purse I can understand, but how much are you going to unload a microwave for at a pawn shop? $10 maybe? Wow.

    I have never been robbed, (other than spare changed jacked out of my console in my car one time) I hope I never do. But, I have a gun for home defense.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by MrBigglesworth View Post
    They stole a microwave? Seriously? The purse I can understand, but how much are you going to unload a microwave for at a pawn shop? $10 maybe? Wow.

    I have never been robbed, (other than spare changed jacked out of my console in my car one time) I hope I never do. But, I have a gun for home defense.
    Yah, it's easy to just break in and jack a 30 pound microwave. I'm actually surprised the thief didn't go after the living room couch, or bookshelf.

    But the point is...it took the overworked, and underpaid police almost an hour to get to his house, probably because Oklahoma City is so ridden with crime they were all at a bloods vs crips shootout and couldn't make it to a lowly robbery.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    I'm thinking that the guy was probably in and gone inside of five minutes. I'm still wondering if anyone was home - that is when you want the police there, immediately. Anytime someone comes in your home, it takes it to a higher level, seems to me.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    My father (retired OK Highway Patrol) & my fiance (Air Force Staff Sgt) both advise shotgun for home defense for just the reasons David listed - the sound is enough to scare many intruders, you don't have to be a crack shot, and there's less chance of something going thru a wall. For personal use, they both say the calibur isn't as important as how comfortable you feel using it. It's awful that you experienced this.

    I live in a decent area of Moore (4th & Bryant) and last December someone busted my bedroom window & tried to reach in to unlock it. At around 8:30 that evening my doorbell rang; I had just gotten out of the shower so it took me a minute to get decent enough to get to the door. By the time I got there, no one was on the porch. I shrugged it off & finished getting dressed. Ten minutes after the doorbell rang I heard glass shattering. My two large dogs (the larger being a german shepherd) responded immediately by barking & raising a general ruckus - obviously scaring the would be intruder off. I retrieved my gun (Walther P22...small but what I'm comfortable with) & called 911, then my father. My dad lives on the other side of Moore & was at my house in seven minutes; it took Moore Police 50 minutes to arrive, and I had to loan the officer a flashlight so he could investigate the area outside my window. I was then told that it was most likely my 17yr old next door neighbor, not because the officer had any proof but because the kid "is a troublemaker." When I made a comment about the response time the officer told me that if it happens again, since I have a gun I may as well use it; that instead of calling 911 immediately I'm within my rights to shoot first, shoot to kill and THEN call 911. Suffice to say, I've got a shotgun now in hopes that if it DOES happen again, the sound of it will be enough to scare someone off.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    Why is this even in the Metro Area Talk section? This isn't a development or civic issue.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    Maybe it had something to do with police response?

  25. Default Re: Home Defense Weapon

    I don't know about guns and I don't think anyone brought this up before but a damn well-trained, loud and large sized dog is a pretty good deterrant to something like that happening again.

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