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Thread: Wayne Coyne's opinion on MAPS 3

  1. #1

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Wayne Coyne's opinion on MAPS 3

    Knowing where this guy lives, it's interesting that he isn't whining about why MAPS isn't about his neighborhood like many are. Hopefully, next Tuesday we see more people with his sense of community and love for the city as a whole than we see people just looking for what MAPS could do for their special interest or their specific district.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Wayne Coyne's opinion on MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by BDP View Post
    Knowing where this guy lives, it's interesting that he isn't whining about why MAPS isn't about his neighborhood like many are. Hopefully, next Tuesday we see more people with his sense of community and love for the city as a whole than we see people just looking for what MAPS could do for their special interest or their specific district.
    See, I guess I just don't understand their mentality. I don't live in Oklahoma City. I live about 300 feet outside of it. So I don't get to vote for MAPS 3 (and could I vote, it would be a "Yes"). But I spend most of my time and money in the city. I work here, I shop here, it's as much my home as where my house actually sits. I want to see the city grow and prosper. MAPS 3 won't build anything in my neighborhood. But I don't expect it to. I understand the idea of the larger community, that what is good for the city as a whole is good for all of us.

    I doubt Wayne Coyne and Larry Nichols agree on much when it comes to politics. I'll bet they voted for different people for President. I'll bet they have different ideas when it comes to a lot of divisive national issues. But they agree on a vision for Oklahoma City. When oil barons and rock stars come together on an issue, people should take notice.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Wayne Coyne's opinion on MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    When oil barons and rock stars come together on an issue, people should take notice.
    Yeah because the opinions of regular people who don't have streets in Bricktown named after them are the least important opinions of all.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Wayne Coyne's opinion on MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by purplemonkeythief View Post
    Yeah because the opinions of regular people who don't have streets in Bricktown named after them are the least important opinions of all.
    No, because they're on opposite sides of the spectrum. I don't have a street named after me and I support MAPS 3.

  6. Default Re: Wayne Coyne's opinion on MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by purplemonkeythief View Post
    Yeah because the opinions of regular people who don't have streets in Bricktown named after them are the least important opinions of all.
    I hope you're not voting on anything, at ANY time, if you couldn't pick up on hoya's simple point.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Wayne Coyne's opinion on MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCMallen View Post
    I hope you're not voting on anything, at ANY time, if you couldn't pick up on hoya's simple point.
    I'll keep that in mind.

    There was obviously no surprise on my end that you couldn't pick up on my simple point either.

    I'd explain it to you, but there's no Crayola font.

  8. Default Re: Wayne Coyne's opinion on MAPS 3

    Hey, you're the one whose screenname is purplemonkeythief.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Wayne Coyne's opinion on MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by purplemonkeythief View Post
    I'll keep that in mind.

    There was obviously no surprise on my end that you couldn't pick up on my simple point either.

    I'd explain it to you, but there's no Crayola font.
    Yes, there is. Here

    I'd understand where you are coming from better if you used it.


  10. Default Re: Wayne Coyne's opinion on MAPS 3

    It doesn't show up in the hyperlink..

  11. #11

    Default Re: Wayne Coyne's opinion on MAPS 3

    Maps should be a nonpolitical issue, and when we try to politicize it we don't put our city first.

  12. #12
    Lord Helmet Guest

    Default Re: Wayne Coyne's opinion on MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    Maps should be a nonpolitical issue, and when we try to politicize it we don't put our city first.
    When we don't vote Yes we don't put our city first either.

  13. Default Re: Wayne Coyne's opinion on MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    I doubt Wayne Coyne and Larry Nichols agree on much when it comes to politics. I'll bet they voted for different people for President. I'll bet they have different ideas when it comes to a lot of divisive national issues. But they agree on a vision for Oklahoma City. When oil barons and rock stars come together on an issue, people should take notice.

    Coyne's neighborhood is a direct beneficiary of the "invisible hand" of MAPS. I'm talking about the Plaza District, of course.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Wayne Coyne's opinion on MAPS 3

    Coyne's neighborhood is a direct beneficiary of the "invisible hand" of MAPS. I'm talking about the Plaza District, of course.
    Which I do believe has benefited from some Main Street money. So, I guess there is a funding source for other neighborhoods, too. Maybe I should be running an anti-Main Street Program campaign every time it doesn't choose projects in my neighborhood.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Wayne Coyne's opinion on MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by BDP View Post
    ... Maybe I should be running an anti-Main Street Program campaign every time it doesn't choose projects in my neighborhood.
    You start that silliness and I hope somone drop kicks ya into next week, but leaves ya well enough to still down and vote YES of course.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Wayne Coyne's opinion on MAPS 3

    We are lucky to have Wayne Coyne here. Technically, he's too wealthy and cool for Oklahoma City. He could live in Gaillardia, and yet, he's living in a neighborhood that's merely up and coming. He's had a big hand in the School of Rock, and we've got the always fun Ghouls Gone Wild Halloween parade. So a big thanks to him for all of the above.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Wayne Coyne's opinion on MAPS 3

    I would hope Wayne likes some of the projects and maybe has not thought about alternative funding mechanisms - hard to believe a guy that seems to like Barack Obama - would also think regressive sales tax is the best way to fund projects. Invisible Hand - seems an odd metaphor to interject since Adams Smith was one of the first to push progressive taxation "It is not very unreasonable that the rich should contribute to the public expense, not only in proportion to their revenue, but something more in proportion."

  18. #18

    Default Re: Wayne Coyne's opinion on MAPS 3

    David, I'm a Democrat, I voted for Barack Obama, AND I support MAPS wholeheartedly. Remember, there are many ways one can contribute to the public expense, outside of taxes. You have no way of taking into account both charitable donations and volunteer work done by anyone here or elsewhere.

    I do think, and, although I'm only one person I'll do what I can, that this MAPS tax, like the first one, should contain a tax rebate for people under a certain income level. That can be a provision added later, and I think should be.

    Oh, and Mr. Anderson could not answer my question about whether sales tax paid by businesses is part of the MAPS tax collection. He's referred it to his colleagues in the Finance Department. So, I would assume that the data he gave you two years ago is still open to question.

  19. Default Re: Wayne Coyne's opinion on MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidGlover View Post
    I would hope Wayne likes some of the projects and maybe has not thought about alternative funding mechanisms - hard to believe a guy that seems to like Barack Obama - would also think regressive sales tax is the best way to fund projects. Invisible Hand - seems an odd metaphor to interject since Adams Smith was one of the first to push progressive taxation "It is not very unreasonable that the rich should contribute to the public expense, not only in proportion to their revenue, but something more in proportion."
    Well, David, you don't want to get into a debate with Wayne Coyne. You just dont. It would be too ugly. As for me, I contributed a meager sum to the Obama campaign and proudly had the front of my home adorned with Obama signs, just like I did with with the March 4 vote, and today with MAPS 3 signs (even though I've had to replace them after the 1st batch was swiped from the premises). I'm a democrat and supporter of Obama and proud of it. I'm a Wayne Coyne fan and proud of it. I was a March 4 vote fan and proud of it. I AM a MAPS 3 fan and proud of it.

    Since you bring up traditional politics and since you have once again attempted to become something of a public figure, but since you say very little about yourself, questions about you become fair game. What's your political party? Who did you support for president? If you were old enough to vote in 1993, did you vote yes or no on the original MAPS? We already know that you opposed the March 4 vote, so no question needs to asked about that. And, last, since you don't even live in Oklahoma City, why are you even involved in this discussion?

  20. #20

    Default Re: Wayne Coyne's opinion on MAPS 3

    Doug, Your logic puzzles me: "since you don't even live in Oklahoma City, why are you even involved in this discussion? " Please elaborate, I don't understand the rationale behind your question.

  21. Default Re: Wayne Coyne's opinion on MAPS 3

    He is saying that you don't live in the reservation, ergo, you shouldn't be so vocal about tribal politics. What's not to understand about the rationale?

  22. #22

    Default Re: Wayne Coyne's opinion on MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Hey, you're the one whose screenname is purplemonkeythief.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Wayne Coyne's opinion on MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post

    Coyne's neighborhood is a direct beneficiary of the "invisible hand" of MAPS. I'm talking about the Plaza District, of course.
    Ahh, yes. I'm sure Wayne Coyne is in it for the free money....

  24. Default Re: Wayne Coyne's opinion on MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidGlover View Post
    Doug, Your logic puzzles me: "since you don't even live in Oklahoma City, why are you even involved in this discussion? " Please elaborate, I don't understand the rationale behind your question.
    What I said has nothing to do with logic. I though that you live in Warr Acres, am I mistaken about that?

  25. Default Re: Wayne Coyne's opinion on MAPS 3

    Quote Originally Posted by RedDirt717 View Post
    Ahh, yes. I'm sure Wayne Coyne is in it for the free money....
    There's no free money. That's the point. The Plaza District is a revitalized area that never would have happened if it weren't for MAPS and the new pride in the inner city that it generated. No MAPS money went directly to that area. Hence the "invisible hand".
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

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