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Thread: Mayor Cornett to address city TONIGHT

  1. #1

    Default Mayor Cornett to address city TONIGHT

    Please forward to everyone you know.


    Tonight, on all local news stations (KFOR-4, KOCO-5, KWTV-9, KOKH-25), Mayor Cornett will be appearing with a special message to voters on the importance of MAPS and continuing our momentum. The message will run during the first break of the 10 o'clock news (approximately 10:10 - 10:12) on KFOR-4, KOCO-5 and KWTV-9, and just before 10:00 (approximately 9:58 PM) on KOKH-25. Be sure to tune in to catch this important announcement, and please forward the above info to everyone you know who has a stake in the future of our city. Our livelihood, success, safety and very future as a united community depends on the positive outcome of this most important election.

    Thank you for your help and time, and vote YES on December 8 to keep OKC moving!

    Every Vote counts on December 8th!

    Andrea French

  2. #2

    Default Re: Mayor Cornett to address city TONIGHT

    I'll be tuning in!!

    Vote YES!!!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Mayor Cornett to address city TONIGHT

    Good for you.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Mayor Cornett to address city TONIGHT

    Just curious, any specific reason 25 will get to air it first?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Mayor Cornett to address city TONIGHT

    My guess is that they are using time spots they have already paid for.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Mayor Cornett to address city TONIGHT

    yeah, that makes sense. Brain kind of froggy today after a few too many ugly pictures on a wall. It'll reengage at some point.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Mayor Cornett to address city TONIGHT

    Channel 25 runs their news segment between nine and ten o'clock or 9:30 to 10:00

  8. #8

    Default Re: Mayor Cornett to address city TONIGHT

    That makes even more sense Popsy. Lol

  9. Default Re: Mayor Cornett to address city TONIGHT

    How did it go?

  10. Default Re: Mayor Cornett to address city TONIGHT

    Pretty good, I thought. I was watching on News9. Twice later in the broadcast was another pro-MAPS ad that was equally, perhaps even more, effective, an attractive series of sound-bite comments from Ron Norick (who opened and closed the sequence), George Nigh, David Prater, Brad Henry, Jane Jaroe (sp?), and perhaps one or two others I've forgotten.

    I grew up in Lawton in the 1950s-1961 and got used to hearing the artillery go off at Ft. Sill. I got the feeling that the artillery is going off.

  11. Default Re: Mayor Cornett to address city TONIGHT

    They still have 1/3 of their campaign funds (and they've probably gotten more funds too) to spend on the election, last week efforts..

  12. Default Re: Mayor Cornett to address city TONIGHT

    The ad with Henry, Nigh, et al is much better than the first YES ad that came out.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

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