Sorry guys I voting NO , not this maps. Its just not right for the city at this time.
Sorry guys I voting NO , not this maps. Its just not right for the city at this time.
Vote NO!
Vote YES!
Vote NO! why would you vote yes?
Mpas didnt put this city on the map, 1993 tornado, 1999 bombing did. none around the country knows anything about okc maps. why do we want to be like chicago or New york. If you want to become big like htat you better start increasing ff wages by i dont know over 100%. go look at their wages for chicago, go look at cost of living, yeah thats where i want to be where it cots and arm and a leg to live there.
Look the "dissapearing" sings were illegaly placed signs, even in your front yard, yes your front yard they have to be so far off the curb r they ar illegal. did you go down and see all the signs they picked up. over 90% not for maps signs and the city was calledout on it and it stopped.
I have gone door to door for hours talking to people. the city might have the moeny adn they need it. they dont have people who have heart, who are going and talking to the citizens, they have to BRIBE their helpers with thunder tickets. if its so good why arent yes epopel going oout f their way like the not for maps. thats right cause they dont really care. they are mostly found in the housing areas around walker and nw 15th. they are too good for the less fortunate people in okc.
honestly people i have talked to i have gotten a 94% vote no rate with many signs being placed. Yes it si going to be close, like the Bush election. I dont think either side has a clear margin of victory. Sorry but with the people i talked to they didnt realize that so many people ar against maps and now that they are they are also stepping forward. they relaize they arent the only ones. Maps will fail. the city will go back and rewrte it and this time include the money for manpower, better streets and other infrastructure, and it will pass.
Did you know that the jail is over crowded and within the next year our taxes possibly property taxes will be going up to fix our jail because the fed governemnt is forcing our hand.
You little roll call of people on theses threads really frustate me but the more i look at the names the more i relaize it is the same people in different threads saying the samething even spreading the same lies. just like our mayor, whom is nothing more than a CEO of a bank whom just got stimulus money and is now giving himself and his friends a bonus. but thats ok. you wealthy people can have your mayor and your attempt to trick and lie to the citizens, while the blue collar people who have something to LOSE. OUR JOBS. will continues to come rushing lights and sirens to your needs when you dial 911 and treat you like you are our own family and help you when you are indistress. you may not have had to deal with fire or police when you needed help yet but that time would come. and i pray that you or a family memember is not in serious life position and you have to wait for someone to come and be there for them or you because we had to close 2 engines.
look at firehouse magaizen. we have some of the busiest engines and trucks in the NATION. that should say something.
really point is i hope maps fails and i hope that we can get it figured out. i would love to use some of the features of maps but not during a recession where i have to worry about if i am going ot have a job to support my family after christmas. just not worth it.
Im riding with my Police and Fireman buddies on this one. I was at the meeting, here is what was said. No plan, No specifics and no guarantees. These are my friends. Im sticking with them.
What absolutely puzzles me is anyone thinking there will be more jobs if MAPS doesn't pass. Certainly there will be no new construction or project related jobs. There is absolutely no guarantee there will be anymore jobs for firemen, and you lose the use tax. The best hope for increasing sales tax collection in the city, 3/4 of a cent of which goes to police and firemen is by creating more businesses and retail to collect it. MAPs not passing will hurt our local economy, which hurts us all.
I have five people I can call Monday and all I have to say is "vote yes for me on Tuesday for Maps 3," and they will drop whatever they are doing, and do it.
So five more votes the city never knew was coming for the cause.
Then there is my fiance and I. I told her to vote yes, and she will do so, just because she is my fiance, and we stand behind each other.
Oh and LOL at 1993 Tornado, and 1999 bombing. Nothing even happened in 1993. 1995 Bombing, and 1999 Tornado is what he meant.
Not that I agree with his overall post but those two events have definitely helped shape our city and our thought processes of today. Except, wasn't it the 1993 bombing and the 1999 tornado? (smile)
Anyway, the bombing turned our attention from trying to vote taxes to give to corporations to locate in OKC. Thank God none of those went through. Instead, OKC turned to MAPS and started voting tax money on facilities for ourselves. What an incredible job has been done in the first 2 MAPS programs and what an economic effect its had on our city! What effect would money to American Airlines or the microchip plant (that never was built in SLC) have on our city? Secondly, OKC has had an amazing inferiority complex for many, many years. This complex still comes through with a lot of the posters on this site. The bombing showed the world we are tough people and a tough city and handled the bombing with great strength and a will to NOT let it get us down. Our leaders, our police and especially the fire, rescue and medical people were amazing and the world saw it.
The tornado hit OKC at a time when real estate prices in the city were incredibly depressed. There were parts of the city where home prices had hit 1950's levels. The tornado took so many homes off the market and so many people were displaced from their homes, the entire city's real estate market saw a boost in home values that is still with us today.
Vote YES!!!
We can deal with the REAL issues of public safety during the next election.
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!
the next election. when is that. so next year fire and police can coime and ask for a 1 cent sales tax and you will give it to them. please. yes thats what i meant sorry it was late trying to get to bed whn i typed it.
The lady at teh city council meeting tuesday said it best. if we start being like chicago and new york we are going to have thier problems, their issues. the firefigters that get paid a hell of a lot more than down here so if you want to play big pay big.
the maypor is only telling part of teh sotry, he is lieing by omission. he ofreed a use tax, of 10% of teh use tax which only applies to items bought out fo the state. that is only 1 maybe 2 positions. sure it is better than nothing but being 50 short now and being another 39 short is still going to shut down fire engines and brush pumpers.
[QUOTE=tehvipir;276439]the next election. when is that. so next year fire and police can coime and ask for a 1 cent sales tax and you will give it to them. please. yes thats what i meant sorry it was late trying to get to bed whn i typed it.
Sooner than you think if MAPS fails. They'll adjust it, repackage it and bring it out again quickly.
There may be a lot of pro-MAPS people who aren't going to be feeling very friendly towards the policemen and firemen if MAPS doesn't pass, and then there are the anti-tax people who won't give it to them. Politics makes strange bedfellows, as I've said before.
If you'd stop sending an entire fire truck full of firemen to every 911 call, in addition to the two EMS people, you'd probably have enough employees right now.
Policemen and firemen do get paid a lot more in New York, but have you looked at housing prices there? Cost of living affects wages. It's cheap to live in Oklahoma, so we all get paid less then people at comparable jobs in cities with higher cost of living.
Does it really matter what happened in 1993 or whenever? The point was, Oklahoma City was such a nonentity of a city that no one took notice until we had a disaster worthy of ambulance chasing television networks.
We are still behind every other city I consider worth visiting. We have so much catching up to do that it's foolish to waste time. If we stop moving forward, we essentially backslide.
Does it really matter? I don't know, I didn't bring it up, I just ask a question. Since your a mother I'll ask you. If it was your 4 day old little girl swept from her car seat into the flood waters of lightning creek never to be seen again, would you consider that something?
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