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Thread: Not a good year for cats

  1. #1

    Default Not a good year for cats

    We just had to put our tomcat, Rufus, down - this is our second within a month. Shannon, our 19 year old matriarch of the furkids had to be helped to give in peacefully to major organ failure.

    In March, Bright Eyes (another rescued former feral cat) was hit by a speeding car.

    We all know that, more than likely, we will outlive our pets, but it's still hard when it happens. Logically, letting them "fall asleep" with dignity is better than allowing them to suffer - I know all that in my head. But my heart aches tonight.

    Thanks, fellow pet lovers for letting me express my sadness.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Not a good year for cats

    I am just so sorry. I know you must be heartbroken.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Not a good year for cats

    Sux to lose a pet...Lost one of our min pins back in June after 5k in vet bills

    Sorry for your loss

  4. #4

    Default Re: Not a good year for cats

    Thanks Penny and Easy - it has been tough.
    Our remaining three cats seem to be both puzzled and sad. It's odd to see pets mourning also.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Not a good year for cats

    Quote Originally Posted by Lauri101 View Post
    Thanks Penny and Easy - it has been tough.
    Our remaining three cats seem to be both puzzled and sad. It's odd to see pets mourning also.
    We've been through that, too. It is hard.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Not a good year for cats

    Awww I'm so sorry for your loss.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Not a good year for cats

    Lauri, how ya feeling, today?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Not a good year for cats

    I loved all my dogs and cats they each had/have their own personalities and somehow make you laugh and cry.
    I'm sorry for your loss.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Not a good year for cats

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    Lauri, how ya feeling, today?
    Today was ok until I drove up in the driveway. Rufus always ran to meet me and seemed to know when it was time for me to get home. I called him without even thinking.

    Our Bengal, Ashley, has been looking around for Rufus also.

    People who aren't pet owners don't understand. One guy at work who heard me talking to another person actullay said "suck it up - it's only a dumb animal."

    Thanks all for your good wishes - it helps. In this house, they're furry kids.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Not a good year for cats

    Lauri....I'm so sad to hear of your losses. Pets are like children to some of us and they are very hard to let go of. We currently have two cats and they have been a great comfort for me as I have been going through a lot of painful and toxic medical procedures the last few weeks. Each of the two cats (though they dont get along with each other very well) have spent time laying beside me and keeping me warm. I thought about getting a nurse hat for the female.

    We've had many pets before and lost several of them to natural and unnatural causes.....it's never easy. We're thinking about you....

  11. #11

    Default Re: Not a good year for cats

    WSS, I hope you feel better, soon. Medical treatment can sometimes make you feel worse than the underlying cause.

    And Lauri, I honestly just want to slap your co-worker. Even if they thought it, to say something like that just floors me.

    It gets easier, but it takes time. I lost my good girl a year ago and still miss her, so much. I expect I always will. Husband talks about a cat he lost almost 15 years ago and it still hurts. WSS is right, for many of us, they are like our babies.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Not a good year for cats

    Your co worker needs his ass kicked.
    When my partner was killed by a drunk driver , an "acquaintance" told a friend I should just go get drunk and get over it.
    The month afterwards I saw him out we had a very serious and on his end a very painful beating.
    Last I heard he moved.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Not a good year for cats

    I don't normally condone violence but good for you, GM. Some people need killing but a good beating is probably the best you can realistically hope for. Glad there was no fallout for you (I hope) and I am sorry about your partner.

    I can't believe he said that, especially after the way your partner died. What is wrong with some people.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Not a good year for cats

    Thank You PQ.

    To touch on what others have said it takes time to get over the loss of a loved pet.....I sometimes felt so bad I swore I'd never have another pet again and have to go through that kind of pain and mourning. But then I think about my previous trips to the shelter and remember there are thousands of pets out there ready to be adopted and love you with all their being

    Sadly I still know a few people who actually believe that animals have no feelings, no emotions whatsoever......nothing could be further from the truth. Maybe its those people who have no feelings or emotion. Don't let them get to you. I can tell almost exactly what mood our cats are in, and read hundreds of different emotions into their faces and posture. Guess they (the ignorant people) never lived with an animal or watched meerkat manor. Ignorance is scary. Again sorry for your loss Lauri

  15. #15

    Default Re: Not a good year for cats

    I'm sorry Lauri about your losses. I used to have 2 cats and they were like my children. The oldest was 17 yo and had him since I was in High School. We had to put him down because he likely had lymphoma. I was pregnant with my daughter so the hormones didn't help. My other cat was 12 yo and had a spinal condition that deteriorated over time and so we had no choice but to put her down.
    It will get easier Lauri and blow off the insensitive comments others make. Some people are just jerks period.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Not a good year for cats

    As my mother would say, I wish I could slap a lung outta your coworker. What an insensitive jerk! Hopefully you can ignore his hateful comment. I firmly believe that even after we lose a pet, they're still with us always. I know that my babies have profoundly changed my life and that even when they're gone they will still be with me; you can't love someone/something this much without always carrying them in your heart.

    As for the weird people that claim animals have no feelings or emotions...I dare them to look at this sweet face and try telling me he has no soul. You can see it right there in his eyes (that's my baby boy Max).

  17. #17

    Default Re: Not a good year for cats

    Quote Originally Posted by MsDarkstar View Post
    As my mother would say, I wish I could slap a lung outta your coworker. What an insensitive jerk! Hopefully you can ignore his hateful comment. I firmly believe that even after we lose a pet, they're still with us always. I know that my babies have profoundly changed my life and that even when they're gone they will still be with me; you can't love someone/something this much without always carrying them in your heart.

    As for the weird people that claim animals have no feelings or emotions...I dare them to look at this sweet face and try telling me he has no soul. You can see it right there in his eyes (that's my baby boy Max).

  18. #18

    Default Re: Not a good year for cats

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    I don't normally condone violence but good for you, GM. Some people need killing but a good beating is probably the best you can realistically hope for. Glad there was no fallout for you (I hope) and I am sorry about your partner.

    I can't believe he said that, especially after the way your partner died. What is wrong with some people.
    Thank you PQ.
    A friend of mine..who was on duty at the time, saw it and suggested the person to get home and he wont charge him on public drunk or A & B.
    Witnesses saw him throwing the first hit..lol
    I was told to go get checked out at the ER.

    psst I make sure my card deck is stacked my way...lol

  19. #19

    Default Re: Not a good year for cats

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwise View Post
    Me too - aaawwwww. Max is a darling.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Not a good year for cats

    Lauri101 sorry to hear about your cats. We lost our 18 yr old cat last May....killed by neighborhood dogs running loose in the middle of the night. We got another cat " Sugar" from the OKC animal shelter. But, she was sick from the start.... put her to rest last September. We got new kitty "Fluffers" a few days later. She loves to cuddle and can't get enough playtime. I hope you are able to get another cat soon. Good Luck......

  21. #21

    Default Re: Not a good year for cats

    OMG - Ms Darkstar - Max is adorable!

    Again - thank you everyone for your support and good wishes. Anyone who has not had the joy of unconditional love from a furry friend cannot "get it". Ya'll do.

    We'll probably stick to three cats for now, at least until another one comes tripping up the driveway. They seem to select us rather than vice versa. We've never bought a cat - although we usually spend a lot of money on each of them. I found Shannon when she was 3 weeks old, in 1991. Her mom and litter-mates had been killed by wild dogs but she had taken shelter under a trashcan lid and was hissing and spitting fiercely. I picked up the lid and she ran up my leg and into my heart where she stayed for nearly 19 years. She's been gone about a month and I miss her daily.

    And GMwise - good on you. Sounds like that was a beating that was needed.

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