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Thread: Yes Maps 3

  1. #26

    Default Re: Yes Maps 3

    Quote Originally Posted by Urban Pioneer View Post
    Because it is against the law to "bundle" all of the projects spelled out under one box. ...
    Though that may be correct, it also may be pure balderdash.

    Although I favor the OKC residents passing MAPs, I've yet to see a specific reference to what law forbids the city from using the approach previously used.

    If you have a specific reference to a statute or a constitutional provision that either expressly forbids the specificity of the prior MAPs ballot, or at least creates a good faith argument that it could, please share the citation.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Yes Maps 3

    Kevin. Your a non factor. You aren't a resident of OKC and can't vote. Don't waste your time digging through the mess.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Yes Maps 3

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidGlover View Post
    Midtowner says above "The oversight committee will be appointed by the current committee..."
    Yikes... typo.

    Actually, I hadn't read the ballot as to the committee at the time I commented. That said, the same folks will end up on the committee. The type of folks who when they talk about what happens in MAPS, they'll talk about the stuff that "we" did when they were supposed to be handling oversight.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Yes Maps 3

    Using the criteria recently stated by a PS poster here, a good number of his brothers and sisters in uniform, and their union leaders, would be non-factors.

    Might cause some tension at roll calls if this caught on and in-town PS employees took the position to heart and began to get snarky to their non-factor brothers and sisters in uniform.

    Thanks for the Monday morning comedy show.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Yes Maps 3

    Quote Originally Posted by iron76hd View Post
    Kevin. Your a non factor. You aren't a resident of OKC and can't vote. Don't waste your time digging through the mess.
    How many police officers actually live in OKC? Maybe a third?

  6. #31

    Default Re: Yes Maps 3

    They could have created a yes/no vote on each individual project for the ballot The unpopular ones would not have passed the popular ones would have. The oversight comm only makes recommendations and the mayor gets to decide who is on the comm (council can request members, but mayor decides). The comm can not change any of the projects but any majority of future councils can with the way the ballot is written.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Yes Maps 3

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidGlover View Post
    They could have created a yes/no vote on each individual project for the ballot The unpopular ones would not have passed the popular ones would have. The oversight comm only makes recommendations and the mayor gets to decide who is on the comm (council can request members, but mayor decides). The comm can not change any of the projects but any majority of future councils can with the way the ballot is written.

    If we would have done this with the original MAPS how many projects would have passed? 2 or 3? Would we have a Ford Center? An Oklahoma River?

  8. #33

    Default Re: Yes Maps 3

    Mayor and Opposition featured on KGOU FM 106.3 FM right now.

  9. Default Re: Yes Maps 3

    Quote Originally Posted by OSUFan View Post
    If we would have done this with the original MAPS how many projects would have passed? 2 or 3? Would we have a Ford Center? An Oklahoma River?
    Think of how silly and wasteful people thought the canals were during MAPS1. It never would have passed.

  10. #35

    Default Re: Yes Maps 3

    I'm in. Cannot wait to vote for MAPS!

  11. #36

    Default Re: Yes Maps 3

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    I'm in. Cannot wait to vote for MAPS!
    Me too, Soonerguru!!

  12. #37

    Default Re: Yes Maps 3

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    Think of how silly and wasteful people thought the canals were during MAPS1. It never would have passed.
    Yeah, that was me. I'm almost positive I would have voted against it. I think about that fairly often when walking by. That would have been foolish.

  13. #38

    Default Re: Yes Maps 3

    More than anything else I think that's why I support this MAPS. Plus I remember how bad it was before MAPS 1. It wasn't only the economic circumstances which were bad enough but the collective attitude of failure and defeat was awful.

  14. #39

    Default Re: Yes Maps 3

    I hope you idiots that are campaigning people to vote "no" are happy when OKC is sh*tty again in 20 years.

    THE SKY IS FALLING...THE CITY WILL STAB US IN THE BACK. OKC is still a "hick" city and you jackasses are content with it.

  15. #40

    Default Re: Yes Maps 3

    Quote Originally Posted by td25er View Post
    I hope you idiots that are campaigning people to vote "no" are happy when OKC is sh*tty again in 20 years.

    THE SKY IS FALLING...THE CITY WILL STAB US IN THE BACK. OKC is still a "hick" city and you jackasses are content with it.
    There are huge parts of OKC that are "sh*tty" right now and need to be taken care of.

    Many of us "idiots" who are voting no want the City to take care of current problems now instead of building ridiculous 3-5 mile long Streetcar systems that nobody will use based on the complete lack of anyone using the current transit system.

    Many of us "idiots" would like to see the areas outside of DT cleaned up and made safe instead of spending money on a backyard playground and a whitewater rapids ride for the elite living downtown.

    I know that since the major problems that do exist are in areas that aren't Downtown, or even Midtown, they don't really deserve any consideration from many of you on this forum(along with the majority of Yes campaigners), that's been made Crystal Clear to the residents of this city. Keep that in mind when people go to the polls on the 8th.

    The rest of your post doesn't deserve much more comment except to observe that once again the "Yes" people resort to name-calling and flaming without reprisal.

  16. #41

    Default Re: Yes Maps 3

    Quote Originally Posted by purplemonkeythief View Post
    There are huge parts of OKC that are "sh*tty" right now and need to be taken care of.

    Many of us "idiots" who are voting no want the City to take care of current problems now instead of building ridiculous 3-5 mile long Streetcar systems that nobody will use based on the complete lack of anyone using the current transit system.

    Many of us "idiots" would like to see the areas outside of DT cleaned up and made safe instead of spending money on a backyard playground and a whitewater rapids ride for the elite living downtown.

    I know that since the major problems that do exist are in areas that aren't Downtown, or even Midtown, they don't really deserve any consideration from many of you on this forum(along with the majority of Yes campaigners), that's been made Crystal Clear to the residents of this city. Keep that in mind when people go to the polls on the 8th.

    The rest of your post doesn't deserve much more comment except to observe that once again the "Yes" people resort to name-calling and flaming without reprisal.

    Good call purple, when our cities elite get backed in a corner and dumbfounded, their true colors come shining through. Where is all of that high dollar education when you need it?.....lol They must still be in the process of getting it. Better yet, how about some spellcheck or grammatical errors when you can no longer substantiate your positions. lol

    NO response necessary elite....

    Just vote NO, NO, NO.......

    Just say NO to public funding for private development....

  17. #42
    SouthsideSooner Guest

    Default Re: Yes Maps 3

    Quote Originally Posted by flintysooner View Post
    More than anything else I think that's why I support this MAPS. Plus I remember how bad it was before MAPS 1. It wasn't only the economic circumstances which were bad enough but the collective attitude of failure and defeat was awful.
    I couldn't agree more. Maps has helped to transform this city from the dark days of the late 80's and early 90's...

    We have found a formula that works very well and we should stay the course.

    People need to tune out the special interest groups (unions) and those that lack vision and vote YES on the 8th...

  18. #43

    Default Re: Yes Maps 3

    no...no way!

  19. Default Re: Yes Maps 3

    Quote Originally Posted by BOBTHEBUILDER View Post
    Good call purple, when our cities elite get backed in a corner and dumbfounded, their true colors come shining through. Where is all of that high dollar education when you need it?.....lol They must still be in the process of getting it. Better yet, how about some spellcheck or grammatical errors when you can no longer substantiate your positions. lol

    NO response necessary elite....

    Just vote NO, NO, NO.......

    Just say NO to public funding for private development....
    That's right! MAPS & MAPS for kids have been incredibly unsuccessful! They've done nothing positive for our city or improved the learning conditions for our children. Only the rich have gained anything from MAPS and M4K's. No one else has gained anything or found any reason to enjoy what MAPS has built for this city.

  20. #45

    Default Re: Yes Maps 3

    This isn't maps 1 or maps for kids is it? NOPE.

    This is for a park and white water rapids...That will make us millions of dollars ...HOW?

    Where is the return? VOTE NO!!!

  21. #46

    Default Re: Yes Maps 3

    Quote Originally Posted by SouthsideSooner View Post
    I couldn't agree more. Maps has helped to transform this city from the dark days of the late 80's and early 90's...

    We have found a formula that works very well and we should stay the course.

    People need to tune out the special interest groups (unions) and those that lack vision and vote YES on the 8th...

    I know for a fact that the so called unions ("employee work group" may be a better term) are not the only groups in OKC against MAPS 3. There are a multitude of groups (non-union and/or employee work group members) who are against this thing for a variety of reasons. These big nasty unions are really powerful, but they should be the least of your "yes" camps worries. lol
    There are some equally powerful groups that are also in the "NO" camp.
    The one thing that each one of these groups have in common is their non-support for MAPS 3. Be rest assured that these citizens will not only be voting NO on December 8, but ABSOLUTELY NO.....

  22. Default Re: Yes Maps 3

    Quote Originally Posted by iron76hd View Post
    This isn't maps 1 or maps for kids is it? NOPE.

    This is for a park and white water rapids...That will make us millions of dollars ...HOW?

    Where is the return? VOTE NO!!!
    The same way MAPS1 has provided a return on the original investment. By removing blocks upon blocks of blighted areas and encouraging private development around the public areas. By attracting more and larger conventions and meetings to our city which will bring in tax revenue and by providing support to an already vastly improved national image of our city that we are a "can do" city.

    The park will attract thousands to the downtown area for enjoyment, entertainment and events. The park will also be a focal point for downtown residential development. White water rapids - the same thing as Bricktown. It will bring people downtown to spend a few bucks at the whitewater park and perhaps at other establishments downtown.

    You're arguements simply don't hold water. They clearly ignore any and all positive aspects of what is being proposed in MAPS3. They are nothing more than an obvious union directed campaign to take down and obviously positive 3rd step for our city simply because you want some new co-workers and a raise.

    I bet you said the exact same things about MAPS1 - or was it that your union didn't direct you to oppose MAPS1? (smile)

  23. #48

    Default Re: Yes Maps 3

    Quote Originally Posted by BOBTHEBUILDER View Post
    Just say NO to public funding for private development....
    Precisely what are you referring to here? Everything I'm voting for is public. Exactly what part of MAPS is private development?

    And Bob, since I've asked everyone else, I'll ask you too. Tell me all the good things voting no will accomplish for Oklahoma City. Tell me how it will make it a better place for all of us.

  24. #49

    Default Re: Yes Maps 3

    You're arguements simply don't hold water.
    Precisely what I was thinking as I was laughing and reading your post.
    The same way MAPS1 has provided a return on the original investment.
    This is NOT maps1.
    By removing blocks upon blocks of blighted areas and encouraging private development around the public areas.
    This is usually done by PRIVATE investment. Not taxpayers footing the bill.
    The park will attract thousands to the downtown area for enjoyment, entertainment and events.
    The park will be a haven for bums. Who's gonna keep them out?
    Your entire reason for a yes VOTE is nothing more than a regurgitation of one of the MAPS commercials. No substance at all. Laughable.
    I haven't heard of ANY substance in any commercial. Vibrant...Momentum ..positive this and that. Good luck. The YES side is gonna need it from what i'm hearing.

  25. #50

    Default Re: Yes Maps 3

    Of course it's not MAPS 1. We have new things to accomplish. Iron, you rant and rave about the wealthy, and yet you're telling us to sit back and let them do everything. Make up your mind. When private development occurs, the citizens have no say in what is done. Do you seriously think private development is going to fund a streetcar or mass transit system? Do you think private development is going to build sidewalks, walking and bike trails? Build parks? We've been incredibly fortunate in that local philanthropists like Larry Nichols and Aubrey McClendon have donated money for the Chespeake boathouse and the Myriad Gardens, but we cannot expect them to do it all. You talk about corporate welfare, but you are figuratively standing there with your hand out, waiting for corporate manna, it seems.

    This is my city, and as a citizen, I help to build it. If I help to build it, then we have public works like art museums, libraries, mass transit and parks. I make my city a better place in which to live by my actions. If, as you seem to think, MAPS 3 doesn't pass, tell me precisely how you as a citizen have made Oklahoma City a better place in which to live. What have you done for your fellow citizens to improve their quality of life?

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