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Thread: dirty campaign

  1. #1

    Angry dirty campaign

    Yesterday I was driving along I-40 west of MacArthur and noticed two large "Vote Yes" banners...today I was returning from Thanksgiving and noticed someone had vandalized the banners by ripping them down. It is very disapointing to see the people who don't agree with Maps vandalizing.

  2. #2

    Default Re: dirty campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by Nextlevel View Post
    Yesterday I was driving along I-40 west of MacArthur and noticed two large "Vote Yes" banners...today I was returning from Thanksgiving and noticed someone had vandalized the banners by ripping them down. It is very disapointing to see the people who don't agree with Maps vandalizing.
    It's disappointing no matter what the sign says.

  3. #3

    Default Re: dirty campaign

    A employee has a bumper sticker that says "not this maps", and is not employed.
    It is very disappointing to see employers who dont agree with Maps opposition not allowing free speech.

  4. #4

    Default Re: dirty campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwise View Post
    A employee has a bumper sticker that says "not this maps", and is not employed.
    It is very disappointing to see employers who dont agree with Maps opposition not allowing free speech.
    Are you saying the person was fired after the addition of a Not this Maps bumper sticker?

  5. #5

    Default Re: dirty campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by cafeboeuf View Post
    Are you saying the person was fired after the addition of a Not this Maps bumper sticker?
    He had his annual review, last week, then this past Monday, he put up his sign at home, and on his bumper sticker on his car.
    And now he's gone.
    Circumstantial some will say, even coincidental, but I know his employer, he does not like anyone to disagree with him on anything.

  6. #6

    Default Re: dirty campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwise View Post
    He had his annual review, last week, then this past Monday, he put up his sign at home, and on his bumper sticker on his car.
    And now he's gone.
    Circumstantial some will say, even coincidental, but I know his employer, he does not like anyone to disagree with him on anything.
    Then I would suggest filing a lawsuit against the employer. A Maps vote is not worth firing someone over.

    I'm generally an optimist when it comes to people, so I'm on the cynical side that says "coincidence"... but, if true, it's wrong.

  7. #7

    Default Re: dirty campaign

    But he is talking to someone qualified to do that.
    What I find hilarious is he (employee) was sent a copy of his review.
    And I hope that dumb*ss ( the employer) gave reason speaking of it to someone else.

  8. #8

    Default Re: dirty campaign

    Oklahoma's an at will state. And unless the guy is a public employee, his employer can fire him for just about anything (or nothing) absent some contractual agreement stating otherwise.

  9. #9

    Default Re: dirty campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Oklahoma's an at will state. And unless the guy is a public employee, his employer can fire him for just about anything (or nothing) absent some contractual agreement stating otherwise.
    Also, and it is not clear if it is even applicable to the unemployed person in this thread, but there are also many public employees who are 'at will' employees. The public v. private sector nature of the employer doesn't always create a difference. before deciding to leave some time back, I spent a good while with an agency where 100% of the staff were unclassified service and thus were 'at will' employees.

  10. #10

    Default Re: dirty campaign

    I personally think he should engage in corporate destruction.lol
    Since killing this employer is bound to bring notoriety.

  11. #11

    Default Re: dirty campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Also, and it is not clear if it is even applicable to the unemployed person in this thread, but there are also many public employees who are 'at will' employees. The public v. private sector nature of the employer doesn't always create a difference. before deciding to leave some time back, I spent a good while with an agency where 100% of the staff were unclassified service and thus were 'at will' employees.
    Yes since we last talk he told me he doesnt think he can file a lawsuit.
    But since he rocks at his profession I think he will do ok.
    But I'm going to see why mischief I can cause.
    He (the employer), claims to be a veteran, he isnt and he's been getting government contracts on that basis.

  12. #12

    Default Re: dirty campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwise View Post
    I personally think he should engage in corporate destruction.lol
    Since killing this employer is bound to bring notoriety.
    Sometimes, it's just better to cut your losses.

  13. #13

    Default Re: dirty campaign

    Someone ripped the sign down in my yard... jerks

  14. #14

    Default Re: dirty campaign

    That really is rude. Do you think it was kids?

  15. #15

    Default Re: dirty campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by diggyba View Post
    Someone ripped the sign down in my yard... jerks
    I have spare signs for my yard.

    Go down to the Chamber, they have an entire hallway full.

  16. #16

    Default Re: dirty campaign

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwise View Post
    ... He (the employer), claims to be a veteran, he isnt and he's been getting government contracts on that basis.
    If he has in fact done something wrong, it's not generally difficult to make appropriate folks aware of any relevant information to which you have access.

    Do as your mind leads you. I'm reminded of a note I shared with Kerry. if something troubles you, present the facts to an appropriate source, and they can handle the rest.

  17. #17

    Default Re: dirty campaign

    The MAPS Yes people are getting smoked in my neighborhood. My wife and I have a sign and there are two other houses with Pro-MAPS signs, but there are at least a dozen anti-MAPS signs in our 'hood.

    I hope I'm wrong, but the people running the campaign are getting seriously outworked.

    Apparently the polling is still good for MAPS passing, though, and they're starting to run their poorly executed TV spots now.

  18. #18

    Default Re: dirty campaign

    I put out signs for the Ford Center MAPS, and remember thinking it was really late when we started distributing them.....like 2 weeks beforehand. I think I volunteered to deliver signs again this time and haven't heard anything, but again, perhaps they'll do it later. It is true that if you put them out too early, people stop paying attention to them and they fall apart.

  19. #19

    Default Re: dirty campaign

    I've seen several businesses by where I live have their signs disapear.

  20. #20

    Default Re: dirty campaign

    Well, then start training cameras on those signs to see if it's more than just kids doing it. And put it up on You Tube.

  21. #21

    Default Re: dirty campaign

    I find it odd that I am resident of MWC and I got a Pro Maps Campaign brocure. At last check, I cannot vote for MAPS unless MWC has decided to sign on for part of the tax dollars. If can vote, I am voting No.

    I just do not think it is time for the city to go on another spending spree. They need to show the citizens they can go without the extra sales tax for a little while. If it passes, they should allow 12 months to pass by before the next one starts. Give the citzens a few extra dollars in their pocket. Prove to the people that MAPS is not the city's crack.

    We all know if this one passes as soon it expires they will be lined up with another one.

  22. #22

    Default Re: dirty campaign

    Signs in right-of-ways are illegal and are routinely removed by city employees. It isn't ALWAYS vandalism.

  23. #23

    Default Re: dirty campaign

    The sign was not in the right-of-way. It was screwed to a giant wall.

  24. #24

    Default Re: dirty campaign

    It's disappointing no matter what the sign says.
    Are you saying the person was fired after the addition of a Not this Maps bumper sticker?
    YES! Why do you think Chesapeake has polled some of their own employee's? Why? Why would they care? They want to know who to let go...is their any other reason? If you don't think, this group involved in this election isn't vindictive, think again. Even the Mayor and City Manager plan on making it hard on anyone in opposition to MAPS. They've said so. Like small children throwing a temper tantrum when the don't get their way. I think it's ok for someone to have a different stance than mine. I'm proud that they even care. There are plenty more out there that wouldn't even know there was an election on December 8th if not for the publicized controversy it's caused. That's what MAPS3 supporters were hoping for, but that's not going to happen now.
    Oklahoma's an at will state. And unless the guy is a public employee, his employer can fire him for just about anything (or nothing) absent some contractual agreement stating otherwise.
    Yup!!! Thank you Keating. When are all the jobs going to pour in because we are at will? That's what was promised! Then the guy wouldn't have any problem finding a job.

  25. #25

    Default Re: dirty campaign

    I just do not think it is time for the city to go on another spending spree. They need to show the citizens they can go without the extra sales tax for a little while. If it passes, they should allow 12 months to pass by before the next one starts. Give the citzens a few extra dollars in their pocket. Prove to the people that MAPS is not the city's crack.

    We all know if this one passes as soon it expires they will be lined up with another one.
    Now that's real talk. Spread the word. You may be in OKC limits with a lot of your services from another city. So you may be able to vote. I guess the County Election Board may be able to tell you that if you give them your address. Good luck!

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