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Thread: Devon Energy Center

  1. #1526

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    What is all those posters/art or advertisements on the construction temp wall? Don't remember seeing those?

  2. #1527

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by circuitboard View Post
    What is all those posters/art or advertisements on the construction temp wall? Don't remember seeing those?
    Those are murals from various Oklahoma City schools that Devon asked them to do, and they're displaying them on the temp wall.

  3. Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    i go to OU, so each week i drive home on the weekends and go by downtown. I cannot wait until it starts to get into the air. it is gonna look awesome.

  4. Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    This is such a daunting task for the workers. I hope they know what they are doing. Good luck to anyone who is part of this project and remember: NO HALF-A$$ING IT, OK!

  5. Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Won't they be digging out a couple floors deeper?
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  6. #1531

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Pics from Tuesday 11-24-09.....

    In the top two pics, you can see nine separate boring/drilling machines, various sizes, at work.

  7. Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    are there any renderings of the finished remodeled parking garage

  8. Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    There is one floating around here somewhere.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  9. #1534

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Thanks as always Del! Wow, there is a lot of simultaneous activity on that site.

    Here you go worthy:

  10. #1535

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Pete, there is also this rendering. I don't know which of the renderings reflect the one being utilized. (View is looking south, along Hudson).

  11. Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    I never noticed there were two different renderings from that angle. I think I like the first better.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  12. #1537

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    I wish the renderings had bigger "windows" or openings for the parking garage. The more sunlight the better right?

  13. Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    It appears the W face of the garage has a steel mesh type covering, which allows light/air in but screens the interior somewhat. (Much like what is on the E face @ OU's Memorial Stadium)

  14. #1539
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    I don't know about anyone else, but it's going to suck parking elsewhere for a couple months (the coldest of the year). I hope Devon appreciates my sacrifice. LOL.

  15. #1540

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by DelCamino View Post
    Those are murals from various Oklahoma City schools that Devon asked them to do, and they're displaying them on the temp wall.
    The boundaries of the Devon Energy Corp. tower construction site are being converted into a gallery of murals created by Oklahoma City schoolchildren. Devon Energy worked with the Oklahoma City Arts Council and the Oklahoma City Public Schools Foundation to assemble a mural at the construction site across from Myriad Gardens.
    Devon Energy provided wood panels and a stipend for painting supplies to 33 Oklahoma City public schools.

    Each class was asked to adhere to the project's theme of "Building Momentum" but also was allowed to interpret the theme however they saw fit.

    Devon's $750 million, 50-story tower is expected to be completed in 2012.


    DVN,ERGY BRIEF: Childrens' murals adorn construction of Devon tower

  16. #1541

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    The Structure on the Parking Garage is going up. It is going to be like an erector set due to thier use of precast concrete structural elements and precast walls. It will begin to go up quickly! I am wondering if the view from the Web Cam is going to be obscured sooner than we think! Which is an awesome thing to behold!

  17. #1542

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    I think that I prefer the first rendering as opposed to the one with all metal mesh screen all the way up becuase its scale seems more pleasing and there is some contrast. Although the metal mesh exudes a lightness that to me says that that in order to presserve architectural integrity the two should be reversed with the heavier mass on the bottom. I hope that they are planning to do some creative lighting on the metal mesh. Stone or concrete is a much more tactile and pedestrian level type material. There have been some really great uses of the material and light on other parking garages that make them a more vibrant part of the street scene. One in Austin...I'll see if I can dig up the photos.

    Also, I worry about the creation of pedestrian dead zones. By that I mean areas that when you are walking down them say at night, there is something breaking up the wall effect. It would have been beautiful if they had planned pocket retail to go on the ground floor on the street facing sides of the parking garage so that it would allow for more vibrancy at all times at street level. Sure it would have taken up parking spaces but that could have been accomodated in the height of the structure. For sure the parking garage as they existed previously certainly created dead zones, but with the renovation and expansion it could have provided for the opportunity to reclaim a street frontage. Now don't get me wrong I do not mean to criticize. I am just passionate about OKC and design that is comprehensive and pedestrian conscious. This is a tremendous development and am excited for the morale, economic and national awareness increase that it will provide for OKC. Just cognizant of what might have been by taking into account comprehensive planning not just on the money shot sides of the building.
    Last edited by OKC@heart; 12-01-2009 at 05:20 PM. Reason: clarification

  18. Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    for all those who are dumb when it comes to construction like myself, what are all those machines going around and doing? drilling piers?

  19. #1544

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by worthy cook View Post
    for all those who are dumb when it comes to construction like myself, what are all those machines going around and doing? drilling piers?
    You're not as dumb as you think, Yes the ones that there are multiple of around the site are drilling rigs that are augering out the pier locations to support the foundations. In some cases a row of piers side to side are used to act as a shoring between structures, and are called soldier piers. I wouldn't know if they are being used with out looking at the plans. Man I wish I had a set of those! Around the perimeter of the site you will start seeing them building the soil retention system. Looks like a wall that will hold back the earth of the excavation prior to them placing the mat foundation in place.

  20. #1545

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    actually they are called secant piers. SecantPiles.com: A technical resource forum for design and construction of secant piles.
    this is what the construction plans call them anyway....been around construction for 18 years and this is the first time i have seen them used

  21. #1546

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by WWW View Post
    actually they are called secant piers. SecantPiles.com: A technical resource forum for design and construction of secant piles.
    this is what the construction plans call them anyway....been around construction for 18 years and this is the first time i have seen them used
    Interesting. Based on the information in the link, I wonder if Devon is doing that as part of the LEED certification they are trying to achieve.

  22. #1547
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    That was interesting WWW. I found some more info on the process that I think others would be interested in.

    Here's an example photo of what it will look like once they start the digging (coincidentally, right beside a parking garage).

  23. #1548

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk View Post
    That was interesting WWW. I found some more info on the process that I think others would be interested in.

    Here's an example photo of what it will look like once they start the digging (coincidentally, right beside a parking garage).
    Mad Monk.. I think you have shown with the pics what would be very hard to describe in print. I have been involved in this process but, don't think I could (In print) describe it and It be understood. Thanks!!

  24. #1549
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    No problemo. I meant to post the link to the pdf file. It has a little more info. Here it is.

  25. Default Re: Devon Tower: Officially Under Construction

    Someone said they wish they had a copy of the plans. Is it not possible to go to the building department for the city and get a copy?? I know it would cost a bit, but is that still done?? I know i have done it before in different states. But it was Pre-9-11. Things may have changed.

    Love the pics too guys. Its great for those of us who cant get down there much.

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