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Out of the 6.5 billion people on this planet nearly 5.8 billion believe in some sort of religion. It ain't going anywhere soon.
Dawkins, Harris and other "enlightened" secular fundamentalists would argue that christianity is bad for society and stands in the way of an so called ordered and intelligent civilization.
Harris states: "the degree to which religious ideas still determine govenmental policies - especially those of the United States - presents a grave danger to everyone."
Dawkins states that opposition to evolutionary dogma "comes from an exceedingly retarded, primitive version of religion, which unfortunately is at present undergoing an epidemic in the United States."
Dawkins and other contemporary aetheists bring nothing new to christianity bashing. People down thru the ages have urged believers to discard their "fairy tales" and "poorly written poems.
The problem with all of this of course is those pesky statistics. To quote Joseph Stalin, "A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic"
Here are a few more statistics for you to consider. These are not people who have died in wars, or by plague, but who were killed by militant aetheistic, christian hating communists, socialists, and facists. They were lined up on a wall and shot, or put in an oven and gassed for believing in God:
USSR from 1917 - 1987 61,000,000 *1
Communist China 1949 to present 35,200,000 *1
MAO's army 1923-1949 3,400,000 *1
Nazi Germany 1932 - 1945 20,000,000 *2
Communist Poland 1945 -48 1,600,000 *1
Communist Cambodia 1975 -1979 2,000,000 *1
Communist Vietnam 1945 - 1975 1,600,000 *1
Communist Yugoslavia 1944-1987 1,000,000 *1
Anti-Christian Mexican Revol 1900-1920 1,400,000
Turkey 1900-1918 1,800,000 *3
Pakistan 1958 - 1987 1,500,000 *4
Japan 1936 - 1945 5,900,000 *5
Total 170,000,000 people put to death at the hands of an aetheistic state, for the betterment of the state or some sort of enlightened Utopia.
So, all of you aetheist out there who wish to thrust your "logic" and danger rhetoric down the rest of us believer's throats, save it. It's nothing new, and has been tried before, and 25,000,000 people died OUTSIDE of those numbers above fighting in wars initiated by those "enlightened" despots.
Damn them pesky details and statitics huh?
Chaplain Howell Forgy; December, 1941 aboard the ship USS New Orleans at Pearl Harbor.