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Thread: OKC Police & Fire needs

  1. Default Re: OKC Police & Fire needs

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    17 days and counting, and there's never a good 2 week vacation around when you could use one.
    Hell yes! December 9th can't get here soon enough. I'll being voting yes on Maps3 and hope that it passes, but I can see the issue that some here are having.

    I deal with many poverty stricken people on a weekly basis. Many, if not all of the projects in this proposal mean absolutely nothing to them because they are simply out of the realm of their financial or cultural state of being. I've spoken to many "east siders" and for the most part they want no part of a Maps3. This is mainly because it's hard for them to pinpoint the exact benefits that they received from the two previous packages. Yeah, the city obviously prospered, but they don't feel like it has penetrated the area east of I-235 and north of I-40.

    Out of respect, I do not attempt to change their minds. After all, I'm not living their experience. I'm working VERY hard, and I've been blessed as a result. I'm fortunate and buy what I want when I want. However, since I grew up in a similar fashion, I can understand them being somewhat jaded.

    As I said, I'm voting yes for Maps3 and will make no apologies for it. However, I won't pretend that my yes vote is because I care soooo much for this city and want it to prosper and be a beacon of light for the......whatever. I want the park. Period. I think it'll be cool to have a big ass park in the middle of the city. Period. I voted yes last year for the Ford Center because I wanted an NBA team. Nothing more and nothing less. Many of my friends on the northeast side and elsewhere can't afford tickets. That's fine I thought. I'll go to the games, and they can watch on TV. I voted yes. This doesn't make me a bad person it makes me human. I'd do anything for them, but I voted yes for me. We all did...do...will.

    I'd support a tax or funding increase for public safety in a heartbeat. I'll do that regardless of the outcome of this vote. Not because of the FOP or the Fire Union, but simply because it's the right thing to do. The only thing that bothers me about the PS side is the sense of righteousness that abounds in their speech. Please just be real. I was aware that you guys and girls run into burning houses, but I wasn't aware that your point of origin is a burning bush. Some of you are really going overboard on wanting everyone to assume that your motive is flawless when it's gray at best. We know that because that's the best any of us can do. Please stop with the martyr bit. It's not necessary.

    The PS people have a gripe. That fact can't be denied. The Maps3 coalition has a point. That can't be denied. Nobody is "right" here. Right is relative. Any adult should know this. We all want what we want because we get something out of it. In some form the outcome will stroke the ego of one side or the other.

    Maps3 is about growing the city and making it look better to outsiders. It's about vanity and about getting other cities to cast envious glances our way(oops, I mean the city's way). Maps3 isn't going to change lives and that's ok. Nobody has said that it would.

    In like manner, the police and fire unions should stop acting like they work solely for the benefit of others. They respond to crime and emergencies but they don't prevent them. They can patrol an area an scare off some crimes, but they don't change the will of the people who wanted to do so. And the people they scare away don't run out of respect, they run because they're afraid of getting caught.

    I respect our public safety workers, but not a drop more that I respect anyone else. Not half a drop. I'll support any measure to further your/our cause, but it'll have nothing to do with Maps3. I'll do it out of respect for you as a person. Not a cop. Not a fireman. Not an OKCitian. As for my admiration...If you're going to allude to Judas and Jesus, carry the analogy out a little further. If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other. Be meek. Be lowly. Be as soft as a dove. Be slow to anger. Be a maker of peace. Stop jumping in and out of character. That's the giveaway that you're acting or at best attempting to play a role. You can't be a smart ass and claim to "Fight the Good Fight". Nobody hates you guys and you know it. We're just ALL selfish and sometimes we bump heads. That's life.

  2. #802

    Default Re: OKC Police & Fire needs

    As for my admiration...If you're going to allude to Judas and Jesus, carry the analogy
    WHAT???? Who said PS were next to Jesus? I must have missed that.
    Stop jumping in and out of character. That's the giveaway that you're acting or at best attempting to play a role. You can't be a smart ass and claim to "Fight the Good Fight".
    Using sarcasm makes you not a good policemen or fireman?
    Maps3 is about growing the city and making it look better to outsiders. It's about vanity and about getting other cities to cast envious glances our way(oops, I mean the city's way). Maps3 isn't going to change lives and that's ok. Nobody has said that it would.
    Maybe you should take some time reading the rest of the posts. Do us a favor and do that. ok.
    I respect our public safety workers, but not a drop more that I respect anyone else.
    That's another thread. No problem. I always did give them a little respect. I always thought their job was a special one and required a special commitment not only from them but their families but Ok. I fell the same for our troops and their families, but no problem. I know they don't do the job for that reason...I can honestly say you, thankfully, are in the minority...
    We're just ALL selfish and sometimes we bump heads. That's life.
    Speak for yourself. You act as if we want some sort of "personal" gain from this. Let me be very honest with you. I do a good job despite the bull I put up with in this current political game we're in or despite how unappreciative SOME of our citizens are. Despite what I put up with on a daily basis...blah blah blah.
    There is no "personal" gain for me like some others with this MAPS3. Make no mistake. I'll be FINE! I could stick my head in the clouds and the only person suffering is JOHN Q Public(that's you) . The shortage of personnel will affect him more than me. A few tragic "incidents" will raise a few eyebrows. Unfortunately, an "incident" means someone will most likely get hurt or possibly killed to prove the point. That I don't want on my hands.

    I'll just be responsible for covering the Man or Woman I work next too. I'll do whatever it takes to make sure we take care of each other. Lack of Manpower causes fireman and policeman to be put in a little more jeopardy that's what all of us dislike. The calls aren't the problem. The volume by itself isn't the problem.
    Lack of personnel makes officers have to take care of calls short handed. It's all dangerous. That's what they get paid for, but it makes it a little more unsafe for officers and citizens. Officers get hurt more often as do fireman with less personnel to help. Let me tell what's tempting. To just forget about it and let the whole situation play itself out. If i didn't have a conscience or feel a sense of duty. I'd do just that! Lucky you!

    But I agree. December 9th can't get her soon enough.

  3. Default Re: OKC Police & Fire needs

    Iron, I respect the fire that you have for this situation. It seems that you genuinely want to see the best result come to pass for all involved. The manner in which you express those desires is abrasive at times, but that's what happens when you care. I don't at all want the Public Safety officials in this city to feel as if they aren't appreciated by the public that they serve. However, I won't allow myself to be labeled as an anarchist to reason and sensible civil responsibility simply because I'm in favor of Maps3.

    The job that the police and fire do is special and I do believe that it is a calling. I believe that only a select number of our populace can do it and do it well. I view them in the same way that I view our armed services. They are special and they do indeed make a difference. I do not believe that the job that they do is any more vital to the common man than the work that numerous people of many vocations and volunteer capacities perform every day. That includes doctors, nurses etc. Many, many people offer thankless and vital service to millions of people daily...just like the police and fire do. You are not alone in the fight.

    I also hold responsible parents, concerned grandparents, loving siblings, good friends and a number of other sects in high regard. I believe that we should/must support people who aspire to do what's best for others. I also respect people who are doing the best that they can with what they have. Even if the end result isn't what was hoped for, if they give their best I'm satisfied until I can do more to change it with them. That's why I don't hold any objection to you feeling the way you do about this Maps proposal and I would never attempt to change your mind. How disrespectful would that be? I haven't walked in your shoes. I haven't lived your experiences. I would never. You should consider returning the favor. If I were in your shoes, I'd probably feel the same way that you do. I spend the better part of my time attempting to help those that I know need my assitance. I won't go into details, but we need help too. I don't know how we're going to get our funding. Grants? Who knows, but were far past cutbacks.

    I've read some of your posts. They sound like the posts of a man who cares deeply about the cause that he believes in. It bothers me that you and others seem to feel that you're unappreciated. You are not. When I say we're all selfish I am speaking for myself and my kind. Our kind. Your cause may be noble but it is NOT perfect. I've made it perfectly clear that I'm not a head in the sand carrier of the Maps gospel. I've seen too many people who have been totally overlooked to act like it's too far beyond an ego boost and a beauty contest.

    As I'm sure you know, your vote on December 8th is an indicator of you convictions, but you still bear the responsibility of living your convictions from day to day. I believe that you do that. I believe that andy does that and so on. I also believe that Betts does that...and Doug...and Patric...and Mid...etc. I simply detest seeing people being mischaracterized and misunderstood because of their passion. If you view voting NO on this Maps3 as being a part of your civic and moral duty, I wouldn't want you to vote yes even if it meant that you unilateraly could decide the matter alone. I respect and support you because I think that you support all of us. Flaws and all. Public servents support us all. We support you and my voting yes for Maps3 does not make me incapable of charity of good will. Understand that I'm not arguing with you. I haven't studied your posts and aren't interested in point counter point. That's not who I am. You're going to follow your convictions and I'm gonna follow mine.

    In the end we're all going to be okay. I'm hoping that everyone trapped in a burning building is saved. I'm hoping that every officer who leaves his family in the morning returns home safely. I'm hoping that every soldier returns safely from their tour. I'm hoping that the kids that my wife and I sponser at Big Brother Big Sister don't accept the lie that people's treatment of them is indicative of their worth. I'm hoping that people do what they believe is right. I'm hoping that people retire from thinking that their right is the only right. It can't be. Life is too subjective and history has proven that not to be the case. I honestly am hoping for all of those things and I'm hoping for a park downtown as well. If I'm told on December 8th that I can't have the park I'm going to vote for it again the next chance I get. I'm also going to vote that our safety patrols get everything that they need. It just so happens that IMO a Maps3 approval doesn't mean the end to the possibility of that need being met.

    Nevertheless, I've had too many real problems to loose sleep over Maps3. I'm hoping that we can all eventually get everything that we need so that we can get to needing more all over again. Good night. Going to Bricktown and although I won't be looking over my shoulder while thanking God for the Bricktown substation I appreciate the cops that are there just in case some tipsy dork tries to pinch my wife's ass.

    Gino Guest

  4. #804

    Default Re: OKC Police & Fire needs

    Quote Originally Posted by MGE1977 View Post
    I am not labeling you anything, save for obstinate, and well probably naive, and as to your shape I cannot definitively say.
    Actually you did. Let me remind you of what you wrote specifically with emphasis added by me:
    What gets me is the level of absolute trust that you choose to divulge to a person ,or people, who pandered to get where they got. Why don't you call them out? We are. We're regular guys who are putting in the good fight. Where are you? We are proud to serve, and our popularity rests not with people who earn our favors, but by people who depend on services of which they are ill equipped to provide for themselves. Why does it have to be greed that motivates us? Why not just common good?
    That first sentence is where you call me naive. I think I've not been called naive before although I have been called idealistic. Really I think this label is inappropriate but I can understand why you might think the way you do.

    The second and third sentences you claim moral superiority in the area of bravery. I've had many people claim moral superiority and mostly they were. I think I'm willing to concede the point that police and firefighters in general are braver than I am. Still I think that my comparative cowardice does not negate my position nor does your heroic status automatically affirm yours.

    It's the fourth sentence where you claim to be "regular guys" and the fifth is where you assert I'm not. I don't know what that means specifically. I thought it might refer to people who either earn more than you do, or have more than you do materially, or completed more education than you've had or all three. I wasn't really sure. Now that I understand it has to do with shape I'm having to reflect more on the implication. I'm definitely irregularly shaped so it may well be an appropriate label. I'm not sure what it has to do with MAPS 3 but I'm going to think about it.

    As for the rest I definitely do not serve. I am not particularly greedy and I've been told more than once that in my case it is not a virtue. I think passing MAPS 3 does more for the common good than defeating it but that's where we disagree.

    Quote Originally Posted by MGE1977 View Post
    I might say this regardless of your stance on MIII.
    I'm just guessing but I bet you think your position is principled whereas mine is merely obstinate.

    Quote Originally Posted by MGE1977 View Post
    Why should I not call leaders panderers? Theirs is a job to kiss as much of the public's nethers as possible to promote their agendas. Probably not all, but certainly this last couple of batches.

    When they get voted out they'll move on to the inner circle where the money is really made, pulling the strings, as if public office were just some Narnian fantasy.
    I think that's very sad.

    "Narnian" seems inappropriate as a label for the public office fantasy. In Narnia it is always good that triumphs in the end. In your fantasy it seems evil triumphs.

  5. #805

    Default Re: OKC Police & Fire needs

    Quote Originally Posted by Decious View Post
    Iron, I respect the fire that you have for this situation. It seems that you genuinely want to see the best result come to pass for all involved. The manner in which you express those desires is abrasive at times, but that's what happens when you care. I don't at all want the Public Safety officials in this city to feel as if they aren't appreciated by the public that they serve. However, I won't allow myself to be labeled as an anarchist to reason and sensible civil responsibility simply because I'm in favor of Maps3.

    The job that the police and fire do is special and I do believe that it is a calling. I believe that only a select number of our populace can do it and do it well. I view them in the same way that I view our armed services. They are special and they do indeed make a difference. I do not believe that the job that they do is any more vital to the common man than the work that numerous people of many vocations and volunteer capacities perform every day. That includes doctors, nurses etc. Many, many people offer thankless and vital service to millions of people daily...just like the police and fire do. You are not alone in the fight.

    I also hold responsible parents, concerned grandparents, loving siblings, good friends and a number of other sects in high regard. I believe that we should/must support people who aspire to do what's best for others. I also respect people who are doing the best that they can with what they have. Even if the end result isn't what was hoped for, if they give their best I'm satisfied until I can do more to change it with them. That's why I don't hold any objection to you feeling the way you do about this Maps proposal and I would never attempt to change your mind. How disrespectful would that be? I haven't walked in your shoes. I haven't lived your experiences. I would never. You should consider returning the favor. If I were in your shoes, I'd probably feel the same way that you do. I spend the better part of my time attempting to help those that I know need my assitance. I won't go into details, but we need help too. I don't know how we're going to get our funding. Grants? Who knows, but were far past cutbacks.

    I've read some of your posts. They sound like the posts of a man who cares deeply about the cause that he believes in. It bothers me that you and others seem to feel that you're unappreciated. You are not. When I say we're all selfish I am speaking for myself and my kind. Our kind. Your cause may be noble but it is NOT perfect. I've made it perfectly clear that I'm not a head in the sand carrier of the Maps gospel. I've seen too many people who have been totally overlooked to act like it's too far beyond an ego boost and a beauty contest.

    As I'm sure you know, your vote on December 8th is an indicator of you convictions, but you still bear the responsibility of living your convictions from day to day. I believe that you do that. I believe that andy does that and so on. I also believe that Betts does that...and Doug...and Patric...and Mid...etc. I simply detest seeing people being mischaracterized and misunderstood because of their passion. If you view voting NO on this Maps3 as being a part of your civic and moral duty, I wouldn't want you to vote yes even if it meant that you unilateraly could decide the matter alone. I respect and support you because I think that you support all of us. Flaws and all. Public servents support us all. We support you and my voting yes for Maps3 does not make me incapable of charity of good will. Understand that I'm not arguing with you. I haven't studied your posts and aren't interested in point counter point. That's not who I am. You're going to follow your convictions and I'm gonna follow mine.

    In the end we're all going to be okay. I'm hoping that everyone trapped in a burning building is saved. I'm hoping that every officer who leaves his family in the morning returns home safely. I'm hoping that every soldier returns safely from their tour. I'm hoping that the kids that my wife and I sponser at Big Brother Big Sister don't accept the lie that people's treatment of them is indicative of their worth. I'm hoping that people do what they believe is right. I'm hoping that people retire from thinking that their right is the only right. It can't be. Life is too subjective and history has proven that not to be the case. I honestly am hoping for all of those things and I'm hoping for a park downtown as well. If I'm told on December 8th that I can't have the park I'm going to vote for it again the next chance I get. I'm also going to vote that our safety patrols get everything that they need. It just so happens that IMO a Maps3 approval doesn't mean the end to the possibility of that need being met.

    Nevertheless, I've had too many real problems to loose sleep over Maps3. I'm hoping that we can all eventually get everything that we need so that we can get to needing more all over again. Good night. Going to Bricktown and although I won't be looking over my shoulder while thanking God for the Bricktown substation I appreciate the cops that are there just in case some tipsy dork tries to pinch my wife's ass.

    Gino Guest

  6. #806

    Default Re: OKC Police & Fire needs

    The citizens of OKC should take a close look how they compare to the national standards in relation to crime trends. Check out the following link:
    Oklahoma City Crime Statistics (OK) - CityRating.com

    I can't help thinking that a few more police officers might have effected these ratings. But the City leadership seems to have more important things to put the citizens money toward. More links are provided at www.okcissues.com

  7. #807

    Default Re: OKC Police & Fire needs

    Quote Originally Posted by How to rock View Post
    The citizens of OKC should take a close look how they compare to the national standards in relation to crime trends. Check out the following link:
    Oklahoma City Crime Statistics (OK) - CityRating.com

    I can't help thinking that a few more police officers might have effected these ratings. But the City leadership seems to have more important things to put the citizens money toward. More links are provided at www.okcissues.com
    Unless the OCPD expects to be in every living room or bedroom or hotel room, how do you propose increasing troops to respond after the fact will reduce the crime rate?

  8. #808

    Default Re: OKC Police & Fire needs

    you brought up a very god point with 100sq miles orwhatever that 1 police oficer has to cover. they may not ne densly populated bu do you remember what happened in march of this year? remember those wildfires that destroyed numerous homes in 3 cities. did they ever say how many homes where lost in okc areas? i cant remember that fact but did you see the amount of fire equipment and personal that was out there protecting the less populated part of the city just because there was a need and citizen who needed help. lots of them. not only was that going on but inside the city they had many house fres along with the regular medical calls. I promise that even the police will respond out there in numbers when something happenes. so less force on both fire and police hurt the general good of the poeple.

    both departments are there for your own good and to protect you and serve you. why cant you think that maybe we should help those guys whim day in day out help us with any question of problem we have. Both department members realize that maps 3 projects would be great and would vote for it if things were different like what man people have ben saying.

    Citizens neither department really asks for much from their ctizens. sure you might see a fireman holding a boot collecting money but 100% of that man goes to jerry's kids. it does not go into the department.

    Police and fire are asking for you guys to think of them and stand with them as they serve you, stand with them to show the city that the citizens care about our police and fire and that the city needs to look at what the city NEEDS rather than wants. I am personally getting kind of bored with this forum because it is the same arguments over and over. I just ask that you stand with us on this issue and help the people who are there to help you 24/7 rain or shine.

    like other workers in the nation most of the firemen who are at risk for getting thier jobs cut have families to support. sure people lose their jobs but why should they lose it so that a park and other wants of certain high paying people want to have but dont need it. i am not asing sympathy just saying, anyone who loses thier jb i feel sorry for, so why are you risking families to be hurting because we want to build a park.
    like others said the use tax runs out june 31 2011 with those 10 "promised" and not even mentioning the amount of people that are possibly going to retire in jan.

    Once again look out for those people that look out for you and vote no this time.

  9. #809

    Default Re: OKC Police & Fire needs

    National standards include sleepy little towns of 20,000 people. If you look at other cities the crime rates for OKC look comparable at worst. I specifically looked at the smaller NBA cities, and Kansas City, as I consider them about as comparable to us as you can get, and we looked fairly good, actually.

  10. #810

    Default Re: OKC Police & Fire needs

    Quote Originally Posted by tehvipir View Post
    you brought up a very god point with 100sq miles orwhatever that 1 police oficer has to cover.
    I noticed the letter stating that fact in the Oklahoma Gazette. It wasn't clear precisely what was being referred to, as the numbers don't add up. Oklahoma City is 622 square miles in size, and we have 1,029 police officers. That comes out to a figure of 1 police offer per .55 square mile. Now, obviously people have to have time off. Not counting vacations, there are about 4 40 hour shifts a week, which brings the math up to 1 police officer per 2.3 square miles or so. I'm not going to do the math to factor in vacations, but it probably puts you up, at most, to 1 officer per 4 square miles. Even if you had half of your officers in administrative positions, we're talking one officer per 8 square miles.

    For one officer to have to cover 100 square miles, we'd have to have a force of about 35 officers or so, or 70 if half were administrative.

  11. #811

    Default Re: OKC Police & Fire needs

    Quote Originally Posted by flintysooner View Post
    What concerns me about this entire thread is the outright disrespect for and anger towards the citizens of Oklahoma City by the police and firefighter posters.

    I can understand negotiating tactics, labor dissatisfaction with management, and various other situations where emotions run hot. But this thread to me presents the police and firefighters as seeing the very people they are supposed to protect and serve as the enemy.

    Berating people like Doug and Betts and Patrick and a good many other members of the forum is not going to win many converts and it seems to me a trend.

    There is a notable exception.

    andy157 has been patient, reasonable, and consistently cogent in presenting the position he supports and it is apparent to me that his concern is for the well being of the citizens as well as the police and firefighters.

    Others by and large to me lean to hysterical bullying, uncontrolled outbursts of anger, name calling, and personal attacks. The possibility of having to depend upon such individuals for assistance in time of need is not reassuring to me.

    On the merits of the question of need by police and firefighters I am more persuaded by andy157 than I am by the bullying. I would like to hear the other side as I have lived long enough to know there undoubtedly is one.

    I don't like the organized opposition of MAPS 3 by the unions but I won't hold it against them either if the chance arises later to do something about the staffing and other issue presented by andy157.
    Flintysooner, thanks for your comments. I do try to be all of those things, I am concerned, and I do care about both sides, of course sometimes I fail. This situation is so tangled with emotions, passions, egos and agendas it is virtually impossible for the two sides to stay grounded and remain humble.

    The events that lead up to their actions are extreamly convoluted, and hard to explain, and even harder for some to understand.

    The inner workings of this City are no different today than they were 50 years ago. Whats different is, for me anyway, is that in the last ten years I've been able to see how things work and what goes on in City Government. At least right or wrong, I believe I have, and frankly, as a citizen I don't like a lot of what I've seen.

    Isn't there a saying, something to the effect that, you can't fight City Hall. Well, and again, right or wrong, you can and they can make it tuff. It's to bad this fight has spilled out into the streets. Dec. the 9th can not get her fast enough.

  12. #812

    Default Re: OKC Police & Fire needs

    Quote Originally Posted by andy157 View Post
    Flintysooner, thanks for your comments. I do try to be all of those things, I am concerned, and I do care about both sides, of course sometimes I fail. This situation is so tangled with emotions, passions, egos and agendas it is virtually impossible for the two sides to stay grounded and remain humble.

    The events that lead up to their actions are extreamly convoluted, and hard to explain, and even harder for some to understand.

    The inner workings of this City are no different today than they were 50 years ago. Whats different is, for me anyway, is that in the last ten years I've been able to see how things work and what goes on in City Government. At least right or wrong, I believe I have, and frankly, as a citizen I don't like a lot of what I've seen.

    Isn't there a saying, something to the effect that, you can't fight City Hall. Well, and again, right or wrong, you can and they can make it tuff. It's to bad this fight has spilled out into the streets. Dec. the 9th can not get her fast enough.
    The sad thing is, regardless of which side "wins", Oklahoma City loses. The streets are not the place for this battle. And, December 9th will make nothing go away. MAPS losing won't put a penny in the pockets of the police and fire departments, and actually, would likely result in less than if MAPS passes. The bad blood it will generate between your departments and city government will do nothing to advance your cause, as far as I can tell, and that bad blood may well extend into "the streets". I sincerely think it's a potentially lose-lose situaton for you all.

    I don't know how to make it a win-win. I suspect neither side is willing to compromise enough to make it work, despite all the public protestations, but if you don't find common ground, everyone suffers.

  13. #813

    Default Re: OKC Police & Fire needs

    It can not get HERE fast enough either.

  14. #814

    Default Re: OKC Police & Fire needs

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    The sad thing is, regardless of which side "wins", Oklahoma City loses. The streets are not the place for this battle. And, December 9th will make nothing go away. MAPS losing won't put a penny in the pockets of the police and fire departments, and actually, would likely result in less than if MAPS passes. The bad blood it will generate between your departments and city government will do nothing to advance your cause, as far as I can tell, and that bad blood may well extend into "the streets". I sincerely think it's a potentially lose-lose situaton for you all.

    I don't know how to make it a win-win. I suspect neither side is willing to compromise enough to make it work, despite all the public protestations, but if you don't find common ground, everyone suffers.
    Betts, I'm quite sure that what I am about to say will be viewed by some as biased, jaded, egotistic, self serving or what ever. Nevertheless. The Administration and the Management of this City were presented with a legitimate problem concerning staffing issues within the F.D. (I can't speak to anything else).

    They were also presented with fair, honest, and just solutions. Even though they stand on the steps of City Hall and say they were not.

    Did they have a financial impact on the City's budget? Yes they did. Everything that happens in this City has an impact. But they were minimal, and even in this time of sluggish revenues they were workable. Even though they're quoted in the paper telling you they were not.

    The problem could have been fixed. They could have fixed it. They were not interested in doing so. This issue could have been resolved. They chose not to.

  15. #815

    Default Re: OKC Police & Fire needs

    Quote Originally Posted by andy157 View Post
    Betts, I'm quite sure that what I am about to say will be viewed by some as biased, jaded, egotistic, self serving or what ever. Nevertheless. The Administration and the Management of this City were presented with a legitimate problem concerning staffing issues within the F.D. (I can't speak to anything else).

    They were also presented with fair, honest, and just solutions. Even though they stand on the steps of City Hall and say they were not.

    Did they have a financial impact on the City's budget? Yes they did. Everything that happens in this City has an impact. But they were minimal, and even in this time of sluggish revenues they were workable. Even though they're quoted in the paper telling you they were not.

    The problem could have been fixed. They could have fixed it. They were not interested in doing so. This issue could have been resolved. They chose not to.
    I understand what you are saying, although I've yet to see a disagreement like this where one side is giving 100% and the other nothing. Not saying your department wasn't the more flexible one, because I'm not privy to any of that information, but there are almost always some arguments to support each side of an issue.

    That's not my point. My point is that the battle with the city does spill over into its citizens and, in my opinion, in a very big way. I don't think that's fair to us, either. To me, it indicates self-interest on the part of your departments. MAPS should stand alone. Your needs should stand alone. I think the arguments linking them are not strong enough to justify doing it.

    All of us take jobs that are imperfect. Right now, I'm awake because I'm in the middle of a 15 day, 24 hour a day, no days off shift, and I've been getting phone calls. I don't get the next 15 days after that off, I just go back to working my regular day job, with an occasional weekend call thrown in for good measure. I don't get paid any overtime for these middle of the night hours. Fair? I don't think about fair or unfair. Those are the terms of the job, and I took the job. I have the option to quit, as does everyone who has any job. But, at least we have one. There are a lot of people out there who would be thrilled to have your job or mine and have none. Unfair is better than unemployment.

  16. #816

    Default Re: OKC Police & Fire needs

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    I understand what you are saying, although I've yet to see a disagreement like this where one side is giving 100% and the other nothing. Not saying your department wasn't the more flexible one, because I'm not privy to any of that information, but there are almost always some arguments to support each side of an issue.

    That's not my point. My point is that the battle with the city does spill over into its citizens and, in my opinion, in a very big way. I don't think that's fair to us, either. To me, it indicates self-interest on the part of your departments. MAPS should stand alone. Your needs should stand alone. I think the arguments linking them are not strong enough to justify doing it.

    All of us take jobs that are imperfect. Right now, I'm awake because I'm in the middle of a 15 day, 24 hour a day, no days off shift, and I've been getting phone calls. I don't get the next 15 days after that off, I just go back to working my regular day job, with an occasional weekend call thrown in for good measure. I don't get paid any overtime for these middle of the night hours. Fair? I don't think about fair or unfair. Those are the terms of the job, and I took the job. I have the option to quit, as does everyone who has any job. But, at least we have one. There are a lot of people out there who would be thrilled to have your job or mine and have none. Unfair is better than unemployment.
    The City wasn't giving 100%. If thats how you took it then I didn't do a very good job of explaining.

  17. #817

    Default Re: OKC Police & Fire needs

    Quote Originally Posted by andy157 View Post
    The City wasn't giving 100%. If thats how you took it then I didn't do a very good job of explaining.
    Not meaning to imply that at all. What I was actually implying was that, even if your side was being more flexible, I doubt you were giving 100%. There has to be flexibility on both sides for a compromise to be reached, and I've simply usually found in such situations that there is still some selfishness on both sides. Both sides make their sound good, but the truth is almost always somewhere in between.

  18. #818

    Default Re: OKC Police & Fire needs


    I want to make one thing very clear. I do not think myself better, nor braver, nor more anything than anyone else. I as well as other PS personnel simply have the training and tools necessary to control out of control situations. That is the service we provide and the service in which we are most proud of. Please know that I do not feel worthy of accolades, I do an above average job in a profession that I love.

    I only called you naive definitively in the second post, in my first I was calling to arms. As to earnings and education as the measure of "regular", absolutely not. My contrast is to the politicians who again are not "regular" due to the inherent properties in their job. The "shape" comment was tongue in cheek from your irregularity response. (note I refrained from using your possible lack of fiber in diet for the punchline).

    If I am offensive, I do not wish to be, though sometimes I attempt humor, sometimes illconcieved, I mean only to speak to the issues. I am constantly impressed with the intelligence of the posts on this site. I am proud for the debate, I think it silly that some (not necessarily you Flinty) want PS to pull punches. I am not against city government, how could I be? I am concerned, genuinely with the plumbness of this administration, and with the methods in which they conduct their business. This became heated when the Unions brought these practices to light, for us it began at the bargaining table, it then spread outwardly in the administration's refusal to present to the public a square deal.

    The very point of my postings is that we are not special people, the job is special and we do it well.

  19. #819

    Default Re: OKC Police & Fire needs

    Quote Originally Posted by MGE1977 View Post
    Please know that I do not feel worthy of accolades
    Of course I do not know you personally but I've known a good many firefighters and police officers and I think all of you deserve every accolade we manage to give you and then some. I know you weren't bragging and I respect your opinion and your posts.

    Quote Originally Posted by MGE1977 View Post
    The "shape" comment was tongue in cheek from your irregularity response.
    I know! I laughed out loud when I read that and thought "well done."

    Quote Originally Posted by MGE1977 View Post
    If I am offensive, I do not wish to be, though sometimes I attempt humor, sometimes illconcieved, I mean only to speak to the issues.
    I haven't been offended and I understand your position and appreciate what you've written.
    Quote Originally Posted by MGE1977 View Post
    I am concerned, genuinely with the plumbness of this administration, and with the methods in which they conduct their business. This became heated when the Unions brought these practices to light, for us it began at the bargaining table, it then spread outwardly in the administration's refusal to present to the public a square deal.
    I believe that you and others are very concerned and passionate and have legitimate issues with the administration. There is no argument there at all.

    I support now and will support in the future additional funding for both the fire and police departments. If someone will get a measure I can vote on I will vote in favor of it. I might plant a sign in my yard -- well, probably not as I truly hate those things. But I'll talk it up.

    If there should be more citizen review of city administration practices about distributing revenue to the departments then I will support some way to accomplish that.

    But in both of these cases someone is going to have to get something done politically so there is more for me to support than posts on this forum.

    In the meantime I will write and send emails to my council representative, Mayor, City Manager, Police Chief, and Fire Chief letting them know that I have concerns about the unresolved conflict between the City and its public safety departments and urge greater effort to resolve.

    But I still intend to vote YES for MAPS 3.

    And regardless of what I've written above I do not believe that the firefighter and police positions are the only truth. I do not believe that all politicians are liars and crooks. Rather I think most people who decide to serve in leadership positions truly want to do a good job and work very hard to find solutions to very difficult problems. I also think the professional city administrators and staff also work very hard trying to do their jobs well.

    Quote Originally Posted by MGE1977 View Post
    The very point of my postings is that we are not special people, the job is special and we do it well.
    Actually I do think you who serve as firefighters and police officers are special people.

  20. #820

    Default Re: OKC Police & Fire needs

    December 8th will affect the CURRENT Police Department and Fire Department. They will be further stretched! I wish I knew for sure the MANPOWER needs would be addressed. But from a city that's already broke...how? They didn't do anything to relieve the problem in FAT years, so how are they going to do it now???

    If you believe they will, well that's because you've not heard it year after year after year. They could have addressed it before MAPS3 or at the same time by adding a Permanent Tax but they didn't.

    Come On December 8th!!!!!

  21. #821

    Default Re: OKC Police & Fire needs

    Quote Originally Posted by iron76hd View Post
    December 8th will affect the CURRENT Police Department and Fire Department. They will be further stretched! I wish I knew for sure the MANPOWER needs would be addressed. But from a city that's already broke...how? They didn't do anything to relieve the problem in FAT years, so how are they going to do it now???

    If you believe they will, well that's because you've not heard it year after year after year. They could have addressed it before MAPS3 or at the same time by adding a Permanent Tax but they didn't.

    Come On December 8th!!!!!
    You know I really hate this attitude that everything is going to hell and there's nothing that can be done about it and woe is me and poor me and we're victims of big bad Mayor Mick.

    You act like it is a one way street. You all could have done something. In fact, I'll say it more strongly - should have done something. You had the same time that the City had to do something.

    Instead of being negative and destructive you should regroup and find positive ways to actually get something done constructively for yourselves and the city.

    Instead of fearing progress and change you should embrace the future and vow to work harder for a safer, more secure City.

    If you defeat MAPS 3 there is not one additional penny that will be spent on fire and police. Not one.

    What's so irritating is that you all know this full well and are going ahead with this Sherman to the sea scorched earth policy.

    Absolutely disgusts me.

  22. #822

    Default Re: OKC Police & Fire needs

    The more I think about this the more irritated I get.

    You firefighters and police representatives present your side as being totally victimized by the City and claim that these problems developed over the years since the first MAPS. That's 16 years now or will be in a few days.

    I am certain that there were collective bargaining negotiations conducted during that time. Apparently other than this most recent contract you all negotiated and agreed to contracts.

    So what exists is what you agreed to live under.

    If, during this time, you felt that things were deteriorating why did you not try to do something?

    Why was an initiative not attempted?

    Was it ineffective leadership on your part?

    Now as far as the illegal activity or activities that is alleged on the part of the City of Oklahoma City I want to know if the City Auditor agrees with your position? Has a formal complaint been made to the City Attorney and/or to the City Council?

    If there is illegal activity it seems to me it is likely criminal so has the Attorney General or the Federal Attorney been contacted? Who are you alleging performed these criminal acts and exactly what are they? Is it one individual or a large conspiracy?

    On another note I cannot find the email address for the Chief of Police on the City website. I also can't find the email for the City Attorney or for the City Auditor. But they have FAX so I suppose I'll contact them that way.

  23. #823

    Default Re: OKC Police & Fire needs

    Quote Originally Posted by iron76hd View Post
    December 8th will affect the CURRENT Police Department and Fire Department. They will be further stretched! I wish I knew for sure the MANPOWER needs would be addressed. But from a city that's already broke...how? They didn't do anything to relieve the problem in FAT years, so how are they going to do it now???

    If you believe they will, well that's because you've not heard it year after year after year. They could have addressed it before MAPS3 or at the same time by adding a Permanent Tax but they didn't.

    Come On December 8th!!!!!
    you won't be further stretched ... if maps passes ... but i assure you of this if maps fails the bad will the police and fire are creating with the public will hurt your depts in the long run ... and the city will continue with there hard ball tactics ..

  24. #824

    Default Re: OKC Police & Fire needs

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    I noticed the letter stating that fact in the Oklahoma Gazette. It wasn't clear precisely what was being referred to, as the numbers don't add up. Oklahoma City is 622 square miles in size, and we have 1,029 police officers. That comes out to a figure of 1 police offer per .55 square mile. Now, obviously people have to have time off. Not counting vacations, there are about 4 40 hour shifts a week, which brings the math up to 1 police officer per 2.3 square miles or so. I'm not going to do the math to factor in vacations, but it probably puts you up, at most, to 1 officer per 4 square miles. Even if you had half of your officers in administrative positions, we're talking one officer per 8 square miles.

    For one officer to have to cover 100 square miles, we'd have to have a force of about 35 officers or so, or 70 if half were administrative.
    You lost me on this one...Sorry but may have missed it, but how many patrol officers per shift are there for that 622 square miles? If I am reading your post correctly you are having all 1,029 PD working the same shift?

  25. #825

    Default Re: OKC Police & Fire needs

    If each officer works a 12 hour shift, which is what I'm accustomed to, they would work 3.3 shifts per week, calculating a 40 hour work week. I don't know if they work 40 hours but since that's an average, that's the figure I used. There are 168 hours in a week, which comes out to 4.2 forty hours shifts to be covered. That would give us, at any given time, 244 officers working, excluding vacation. If each officer has 4 weeks vacation/sick leave, we would actually have 216 officers working at any given time. That would give us one officer per 2.87 miles. Then I assumed 50% working in some other capacity such as administration, which seems high, but what do I know, and that stretches it out to one officer per 5.76 square miles. If there's a mathematical error you spot, please forgive me, as I'm not a mathematician. But, I cannot come up with any mathematical formula that has 1,029 police officers unable to achieve a density of less than 100 square miles per officer, since at any given time we would only have to have 6.22 officers in the field to do so.

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