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Thread: Prayers

  1. Default Prayers

    (yes or no on the first part, please) With the exception of health related things, have you ever had a prayer granted? What was it, and how did it effect your life?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Prayers

    Yes, many. There have been too many prayers answered to even begin listing. If the answered prayer was a positive thing, obviously it blessed me.

    I believe that God answers every prayer we ask. It's just that sometimes He says no - or just makes us wait. But the key is - He answers in HIS time, not ours. So a lot of times, if He in His wisdom and timing, it's not NOW in ours, we think He hasn't answered. Or we forget.

    A lot of people don't believe in God or the power of prayer. But there are too many things that have no other explanation. Prayer is very powerful. I hope that I can learn to take God's "No" or His "Not Now" as easily as I can the "Yes". I'm just glad that for now He meets me where I am.

    Good question, by the way.

  3. Default Re: Prayers

    If you have seen "Bruce Almighty," then you know how busy God is. The prayers stack up and can get out of control. So, I do not believe he answere every prayer. I believe he is selective. If he DID answer all of them, I guarnatee my life would be different.

    I have had one prayer answered. I gave details in the singles section in the thread "a funny thing happened."

  4. #4

    Default Re: Prayers

    He is God. We are not. We cannot fathom His ways, His power, His abilities. He is not human. Therefore, He is not limited.

    I don't want to debate this. I was just answering the question. As far as your life being different if He answered every prayer - I know from my own experience that God answers - but I'm not always listening or obedient.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Prayers

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    That was a general comment. Talk about sensitive. Good God, it was just simpally a reply, not intended to be a debate.
    I wasn't being sensitive - just giving you my opinion and telling you I didn't want an argument.
    I'm not interested in debating you on every word you say. It is a waste of my time.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Prayers

    Seems to me, mranderson, that you asked for personal experiences and then you wanted to challenge those personal experiences (as if you were there and could verify or nullify the validity of said experiences).

    Since you are not God, and since Hollywood hardly can know everything about God, it seems that neither you nor Hollywood is in a position to judge what God can and cannot handle. And since He is God, it's surely up to him if and how He answers our (all too often selfish) prayers.

  7. #7
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Prayers

    Quote Originally Posted by karlanee
    He is God. We are not. We cannot fathom His ways, His power, His abilities. He is not human. Therefore, He is not limited.

    I don't want to debate this. I was just answering the question. As far as your life being different if He answered every prayer - I know from my own experience that God answers - but I'm not always listening or obedient.
    God is awesome in the way that he works in other peoples' lives. Many of us will never understand God, because he is all powerful. All we can do is to have faith in him.

    Prayer is a very important part of my life, and I believe that God answers all prayers, although, he does it in his timing. We can't rush God, and many times when we get the answer we don't want, we may feel abandoned. God, however, never abandons us.....he just answers prayers in a way that we don't understand.

    For example: There may be a job that you are really wanting, and so you pray to God that he will open that door and allow you to get that job. Excellent benfits, excellent pay, and perfect hours (weekends off). A dream job for anyone. Then, you get the word that they have filled that position, so you get mad and feel that God didn't answer your prayer. However, a few months later, you find out that the well known company that you wanted to work for, had some financial problems that you did not know anything about, and they wound up going out of business. Everyone that worked for that company is now jobless. Yes, God answered your prayer....maybe not the way you thought it should be answered, however, you still have your job. God knew that if he opened the door and allowed you to have that job, then you would be out of a job now.

    I know this is true, because this is a true story...it happened to me.

    I am like karlanee, I have so many examples of answered prayers in my life, I could actually write a book about them.

  8. Default Re: Prayers

    I'm going with Keith on this one.

    I remember being bothered by the Garth Brooks song "Unanswered Prayers" when I was in Jr. High. I remember listening to the lyrics and thinking "No, God answered your prayer...in that case he just happened to say no."

    I think a better way to phrase the question Mr. Anderson is posing is: Have prayed for something and had it turn out the way you wanted? Kind of like making a wish and having it granted.

  9. Default Re: Prayers

    Quote Originally Posted by Underling
    I'm going with Keith on this one.

    I remember being bothered by the Garth Brooks song "Unanswered Prayers" when I was in Jr. High. I remember listening to the lyrics and thinking "No, God answered your prayer...in that case he just happened to say no."

    I think a better way to phrase the question Mr. Anderson is posing is: Have prayed for something and had it turn out the way you wanted? Kind of like making a wish and having it granted.
    No. I phrased it intentionally. I am among a lot of people that strongly believe God does NOT answer all prayer. If he did, why have I not found a job I love and have a family?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Prayers

    Perhaps some answers to prayers are conditional.

    I wonder sometimes if people falsely believe that God is an order taker and that simply asking a prayer (without any obligation on our part) should automatically produce the desired result.

    And perhaps some answers come after we've learned something or changed in some way that makes us better prepared for the answered prayer. And sometimes, as Keith pointed out, the answer we want may not be what we really need or the best answer for our future.

  11. Default Re: Prayers

    Perhaps because what you "want" is not what god has in store for you. Simply because your wishes haven't been granted doesn't mean that god didn't "answer" you prayer.

    You might just not like the answer.

    That's all I was saying.

  12. Default Re: Prayers

    Quote Originally Posted by Underling
    Perhaps because what you "want" is not what god has in store for you. Simply because your wishes haven't been granted doesn't mean that god didn't "answer" you prayer.

    You might just not like the answer.

    That's all I was saying.
    I knew that is what you would say. I do not buy it. MY God does not deny people constant misery in their careers.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Prayers

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    I knew that is what you would say. I do not buy it. MY God does not deny people constant misery in their careers.
    Your God wants people to be in constant misery?

  14. Default Re: Prayers

    So, is your God a cosmic cash cow? Can you ask for anything in the whole world, and if he has time to pay any attention to you, the only answer he will ever give is yes?

  15. Default Re: Prayers

    I don't know if it is fair to blame God for job dissatisfaction.

    If you aren't happy in a job, possibly taking a few steps to put yourself in a position to improve your job situation might be in order. How about some online classes or training? Or take a few more college courses - something that might open some doors.

    It is said that God can work miracles but he needs something to work with. How can God put someone in a better position without any applicable job skills or training? Maybe part of answering your prayers was to have a college catalog delivered to your home, or the classified page open to job ads.

    It always amazes me that people will go into bankruptcy, while sitting on the couch not even trying to find a job. Praying that God will provide.

    "God helps those who helps themselves"
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  16. Default Re: Prayers

    I remember a joke my pastor told when I was a kid. It says basically what Karrie just said.

    There's a flood. The local authorities urge everyone to evacuate.

    One man is sitting on his porch when the national guard trucks rolled by. They offered him a ride out of the area.

    The man plesantly thanked them but assured them that he had prayed to God and God would deliver him from the flood.

    A while later, as the water continued to rise, the man was sitting on the roof of his house praying.

    A couple drifted by in a boat and offered the man a lift away from the flood.

    Again, the man thanked them, but assured them that he had prayed to God and that God would deliver him from the flood.

    Still later, the man was standing on his roof, flood waters now up to his neck when a helicopter flew by with a rescue line dangling down. The men in the helicopter urged the man to take the lifeline and be rescued.

    But, the man adamantly refused their assistance, again saying that God would deliver him from the flood.

    The man drowned.

    When he entered heaven and stood before God, he asked "Why Father? Why did you not save me?"

    God looked down at him and said, "I sent you a truck, a boat and a helicopter. What else were you waiting for?"

  17. Default Re: Prayers

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried
    I don't know if it is fair to blame God for job dissatisfaction.

    If you aren't happy in a job, possibly taking a few steps to put yourself in a position to improve your job situation might be in order. How about some online classes or training? Or take a few more college courses - something that might open some doors.

    It is said that God can work miracles but he needs something to work with. How can God put someone in a better position without any applicable job skills or training? Maybe part of answering your prayers was to have a college catalog delivered to your home, or the classified page open to job ads.

    It always amazes me that people will go into bankruptcy, while sitting on the couch not even trying to find a job. Praying that God will provide.

    "God helps those who helps themselves"
    I have. It is called a college degree. As the espression goes "I can't even get arrested." NOT ONE company will interview me. They will not tell me why. So, I have done everything humanly possible to get a job I like... No go.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Prayers

    I still wonder how that's God's fault.

    My experience has been that often "unanswered" prayer can be the result of a lack of obedience or living a life outside of God's will.

  19. #19
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Prayers

    Quote Originally Posted by Scribe
    I still wonder how that's God's fault.

    My experience has been that often "unanswered" prayer can be the result of a lack of obedience or living a life outside of God's will.
    Exactly. You can't expect God to answer prayers for you if you are not living a life pleasing to Him. If you say, "well, if God doesn't answer my prayers the way I want him too, then I will not serve Him and will not make Him the most important part of my life," then, no, your prayers will not be answered.

    If you expect God to answer your prayers, then you need to be obedient to Him, and live for Him. He will help you in all situations, however, in return, He expects you to live a life according to His will. With God, there is no "Let's Make a Deal."

    Personally, I would be very wrong to expect God to answer my prayers, if I was not living for Him. God will help those who help themselves, however, you gotta serve Him.

  20. Default Re: Prayers

    If not one person will interview you, then I think the problem might be your resume. Have you thought about hiring a professional to help you create a fail proof resume?

    What kind of work do you like and what job do you think would make you happiest? Maybe your degree isn't in the field you are applying for?

    Life is too short to be so miserable in a job - maybe God is answering your prayers by having you post here and get some assistance?
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  21. Default Re: Prayers

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried
    If not one person will interview you, then I think the problem might be your resume. Have you thought about hiring a professional to help you create a fail proof resume?

    What kind of work do you like and what job do you think would make you happiest? Maybe your degree isn't in the field you are applying for?

    Life is too short to be so miserable in a job - maybe God is answering your prayers by having you post here and get some assistance?
    The jobs have been as advertising director at radio stations. They are well within the degree field of Broadcasting. I can not see how it was the resume as it was as complete as possible.

    I bet it is my age. Most employers want young people who they can brainwash into believing certain things and will work for minimum wage. I never even got phone calls. This after including air checks with the 2,500 resumes over a three year period, and to several states.

    After the investment of time and monetary expenses, I gave up, being tired of not even getting the tie of day. As a result of not being able to find what I want, I have made the decision to just hang it up and retire when I lose my dad.

    Even my current employer is blindsiding me. They want to promote only into sales. That puts me right back into the rut I am trying to get away from. I want OUT of sales beause I have no talent for it with today's lack of morals and ethics. (some still posess these, but it is rare)

    I intended this thread to be about if God answered certain prayers. Not for a discussion of why I have not been able to get what I want out of my working life.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Prayers

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    I intended this thread to be about if God answered certain prayers. Not for a discussion of why I have not been able to get what I want out of my working life.
    Many have answered your original question. And they have likewise responded to your subsequent comments.

  23. Default Re: Prayers

    No. I phrased it intentionally. I am among a lot of people that strongly believe God does NOT answer all prayer. If he did, why have I not found a job I love and have a family?
    ~ sigh ~

    I was trying to help answer your above question .....

    However, I do agree with you that this is not the original topic, but you brought up the job issue and asked a question.

    To tie it all together and following the natural course of this discussion, I don't think God not answering your prayers has anything to do with why you don't have the job you love.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  24. Default Re: Prayers

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried
    ~ sigh ~

    I was trying to help answer your above question .....

    However, I do agree with you that this is not the original topic, but you brought up the job issue and asked a question.

    To tie it all together and following the natural course of this discussion, I don't think God not answering your prayers has anything to do with why you don't have the job you love.
    I know, and appreciate it. I was probably a bit harsh. Sorry. I just wanted to know what prayers has been answered for people.

  25. Default Re: Prayers

    No problem Mr A - I just want you to be happy in life....

    Well, I'm still alive and breathing so I guess I can attest to one prayer being answered.

    This sounds a bit strange but I was driving North on 235 in the pouring rain with my two boys and I could hardly see, I was just going over the overpass of 40 ( I think) where all the lanes slow and curve. The rain was so hard and all of the sudden, my windshield wipers stopped working! I couldn't see a thing! I rolled down the windows and was trying to drive and look ahead out my window and try to pull off the road but there were lots of cars and I could barely see the lines on the road.

    I was driving blind and just knew I was going to hit someone.

    I said out loud"oh please, please God" and wallah! Instantaneously, my windshield wipers came back on! I could see again. I looked at my 12 year old and he looked at me and both of our expressions said 'wow, that was so weird!" I didn't care how strange it was, and there may have been many other reasons, but the fact was the minute I called out for help, it was given to me - I was so relieved! Thank you God
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

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