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Thread: You know big-picture items for MAPS 3, but there some details you may not

  1. #1

    Default You know big-picture items for MAPS 3, but there some details you may not

  2. #2

    Default Re: You know big-picture items for MAPS 3, but there some details you may not

    See an e-mail from Chamber President Roy Williams regarding internal polling on MAPS 3, which has not been released to the public:
    Oklahoma City Chamber | OKG Scene.com

  3. #3

    Default Re: You know big-picture items for MAPS 3, but there some details you may not

    Quote Originally Posted by urbanity View Post
    See an e-mail from Chamber President Roy Williams regarding internal polling on MAPS 3, which has not been released to the public:
    Oklahoma City Chamber | OKG Scene.com

  4. #4

    Default Re: You know big-picture items for MAPS 3, but there some details you may not

    from the linked article:

    Fairgrounds improvements were not among the citizens’ top 20 ideas, but Cornett defended the proposal.
    “We had a number of people who wanted improvements on the fairgrounds,” he said.
    “It was named by a number of people. It wasn’t just pulled out of the blue.”
    How did Fairgrounds improvements rate in the City's MAPS 3 Survey (that the Mayor has said many times is the basis for proceeding with MAPS 3)?

    "All indications are that the VAST MAJORITY of people in the community want to go forward. That same web site recorded that over 85 percent of respondents said they wanted to pursue a MAPS 3"
    Of the 2,747 individual ideas, a grand total of 22 people (0.8%) suggested Fairgrounds

    So when the Mayor says "a number of people who wanted improvements on the fairgrounds", that number is 22. And I am sure that one of those 22 was Mr. Bennett who has served as the head honcho of the State Fair Board for many years (decades?) now.

    How did the other projects fair in the Survey?
    MAPS 3 | Oklahoma City

    2,747 individual ideas the (%) is of the total number of suggestions and the number next to it is how many respondents suggested it.

    [interesting to note, comprehensive mass transit was suggested by a 3.7 to 1 margin over the next highest suggestion (if I did the math right)]

    Transit (light rail, streetcars, etc.)
    (24.3%) 668
    [would be interesting to see what the breakdown on this was, i.e., were downtown streetcars the component most suggested]

    (5.1%) 140

    (3.7%) 100

    New Convention Center
    (1.45%) 40

    Downtown "Central Park"
    (1.3%) 36
    [this was lumped together w/"General Parks Improvement/Expansion" w/123 suggestions, in the City's MAPS 3 press release, artificially inflating it to (5.8%) 159]

    Senior Citizen Centers
    (1.3%) 36

    Outdoor Amphitheater [supposedly part of the Park]
    (1%) 27

    (0.8%) 22

    Gateways to City
    (0.35%) 12
    [Technically not included in MAPS 3 but the Mayor often links the Boulevard and the Park together. Mayor has described the Boulevard this way, but unknown if that is what respondents had in mind]

    Kayaking/River Improvements aren't remotely suggested in the survey. Most be someone's pet project.

    Here are the items that scored at least as high as the ones that made the MAPS 3 list and/or prior funding methods (bond issues etc), but were not included in MAPS 3:

    69 Downtown Retail
    65 Football or Soccer Stadium
    33 Free Downtown Parking
    29 Lengthen Bricktown Canal
    29 Police
    27 Homeless
    25 Senior Citizen Housing
    23 Youth Athletic Facility
    23 Citywide Wireless Internet

    If the "Gateways to the City" (Boulevard) is included (* items most likely would be a result of MAPS 3):
    20 Amusement Parks
    20 Community Centers
    20 Downtown General Improvements*
    20 Economic Development*
    17 Old Neighborhood Restoration
    16 Opportunity Fund
    15 Health Care
    13 Aquarium
    13 Arts Funding
    13 More Retail in General*

  5. #5

    Default Re: You know big-picture items for MAPS 3, but there some details you may not

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    Here are the items that scored at least as high as the ones that made the MAPS 3 list and/or prior funding methods (bond issues etc), but were not included in MAPS 3:

    69 Downtown Retail
    65 Football or Soccer Stadium
    33 Free Downtown Parking
    29 Lengthen Bricktown Canal
    29 Police
    27 Homeless
    25 Senior Citizen Housing
    23 Youth Athletic Facility
    23 Citywide Wireless Internet

    If the "Gateways to the City" (Boulevard) is included (* items most likely would be a result of MAPS 3):
    20 Amusement Parks
    20 Community Centers
    20 Downtown General Improvements*
    20 Economic Development*
    17 Old Neighborhood Restoration
    16 Opportunity Fund
    15 Health Care
    13 Aquarium
    13 Arts Funding
    13 More Retail in General*
    Well I can certainly see why these items were not included.

  6. #6

    Default Re: You know big-picture items for MAPS 3, but there some details you may not

    [QUOTE=Larry OKC;271824]
    69 Downtown Retail - you can't make successful retail by using tax money. Retail is a result of demographics which are not there in our downtown or most others, for that matter.
    65 Football or Soccer Stadium
    - a valid project, but since no viable user or serious proposal is out there to attract users, it shouldn't be included at this time.
    33 Free Downtown Parking
    - parking doesn't pay for itself. Nothing is free. Perhaps some consideration will be given to free downtown parking for seniors or something when the city's budget problems have been reduced.
    29 Lengthen Bricktown Canal - a lot of us would like to see this.
    29 Police - see the other threads. The funding is there, this is an issue between the citizens and the mayor/council.
    27 Homeless
    - for another thread. Lots of pro's and con's to this.
    25 Senior Citizen Housing
    - nothing would prevent the city from proposing some of the Core-to-Shore property be set aside for subsidized senior citizen housing. Federal Gov't probably has influence and funding for this.
    23 Youth Athletic Facility
    - Core-to-shore area already has Wheeler Park with its ballparks.
    23 Citywide Wireless Internet
    - Not a computer expert but I believe other cities are beginning to try this. What are the successes/problems with this?
    There are reasons some of the issues above are not in the current MAPS.

  7. #7

    Default Re: You know big-picture items for MAPS 3, but there some details you may not

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    There are reasons some of the issues above are not in the current MAPS.
    If issues dont have the support of the political and financial to be gain by a very few.
    Mayor Mickey can twist more around then any other homegrown thief
    (politician) I know.

  8. #8

    Default Re: You know big-picture items for MAPS 3, but there some details you may not

    Again, we hear the worry about financial gain by a few. Life is pretty much like that unless you think we should just put the money everyone makes in a big pot and split it up. I deal with that by not worrying about whether some one else is going to benefit, as long as it benefits a larger group. Right now there is incredible construction going on at the Health Sciences Center. Should we stop that because the contractors are undoubtedly gaining financially? Is the fact that our university is expanding and offering more to the public, as well as the fact that there are a lot of people who have jobs because of the construction of no merit? It's entirely possible (and incredibly likely) that people made money on all the preceding MAPS projects. Would we be better off if they didn't happen? I think we need to spend less time worrying about who is going to make money constructing or selling land, and simply focus on whether the projects that will occur are good for the city.

  9. #9

    Default Re: You know big-picture items for MAPS 3, but there some details you may not

    I love wireless areas in cities. Beats hell out of stealing from your neighbors.

  10. #10

    Default Re: You know big-picture items for MAPS 3, but there some details you may not

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    I love wireless areas in cities. Beats hell out of stealing from your neighbors.
    no kidding..lol

  11. #11

    Default Re: You know big-picture items for MAPS 3, but there some details you may not

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    Again, we hear the worry about financial gain by a few. Life is pretty much like that unless you think we should just put the money everyone makes in a big pot and split it up. I deal with that by not worrying about whether some one else is going to benefit, as long as it benefits a larger group. Right now there is incredible construction going on at the Health Sciences Center. Should we stop that because the contractors are undoubtedly gaining financially? Is the fact that our university is expanding and offering more to the public, as well as the fact that there are a lot of people who have jobs because of the construction of no merit? It's entirely possible (and incredibly likely) that people made money on all the preceding MAPS projects. Would we be better off if they didn't happen? I think we need to spend less time worrying about who is going to make money constructing or selling land, and simply focus on whether the projects that will occur are good for the city.
    No its the bribery I'm concern with Betty.
    Influence peddling is illegal, and I'm pretty damn sure Mayor Mickey does it.
    Are you ok with it?
    When did you stop caring about high standards for elected officials?
    Could it be you're part of the good ole way, of slicking snot in the hands of locals officials?
    When did you stop?
    Could the problem be your aging FAST and feel like this ( giving your opinions) is the only way you can live long enough is to see some fantasy that is built on the limited incomes of some for the benefit of those who have not by their own labor but on others before them.
    Why wont you just answer with the truth?
    You have many times give long and often wordy "explanations", without actually "going there".

  12. Default Re: You know big-picture items for MAPS 3, but there some details you may not

    Quote Originally Posted by urbanity View Post
    See an e-mail from Chamber President Roy Williams regarding internal polling on MAPS 3, which has not been released to the public:
    Oklahoma City Chamber | OKG Scene.com
    Wow, that's quite the smoking gun! This may be the biggest cover up since Watergate!

    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  13. #13

    Default Re: You know big-picture items for MAPS 3, but there some details you may not

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwise View Post
    No its the bribery I'm concern with Betty.
    Influence peddling is illegal, and I'm pretty damn sure Mayor Mickey does it.
    Are you ok with it?
    When did you stop caring about high standards for elected officials?
    Could it be you're part of the good ole way, of slicking snot in the hands of locals officials?
    When did you stop?
    Could the problem be your aging FAST and feel like this ( giving your opinions) is the only way you can live long enough is to see some fantasy that is built on the limited incomes of some for the benefit of those who have not by their own labor but on others before them.
    Why wont you just answer with the truth?
    You have many times give long and often wordy "explanations", without actually "going there".
    I post my opinion here, and I don't recall making any claims that my opinion is more than just that. Truth independent of opinion has links to hard data. If you're sure the mayor is doing something illegal, then, call the presses, call the city attorney, but don't post innuendo here that has no proof to back it up.

    The "some" with limited incomes can apply for a rebate on the sales tax. A lot of the rest of us feel we're getting a lot for our penny, or we wouldn't keeping voting "yes" on the MAPS proposals. I have utilized almost every one of the first MAPS amenities, some more than others. I don't have chilren in school here, but I was very happy to be able to contribute towards the improvement of our older schools and the construction of new ones. There are a lot of middle and lower income people who received benefit from that being done, in my opinion. I personally would use a lot of the things being proposed in the new MAPS proposal and I can see them significantly improving Oklahoma City for residents and visitors. My opinion.

  14. #14

    Default Re: You know big-picture items for MAPS 3, but there some details you may not

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    from the linked article:

    How did Fairgrounds improvements rate in the City's MAPS 3 Survey (that the Mayor has said many times is the basis for proceeding with MAPS 3)?

    Of the 2,747 individual ideas, a grand total of 22 people (0.8%) suggested Fairgrounds

    So when the Mayor says "a number of people who wanted improvements on the fairgrounds", that number is 22. And I am sure that one of those 22 was Mr. Bennett who has served as the head honcho of the State Fair Board for many years (decades?) now.

    How did the other projects fair in the Survey?
    MAPS 3 | Oklahoma City

    2,747 individual ideas the (%) is of the total number of suggestions and the number next to it is how many respondents suggested it.

    [interesting to note, comprehensive mass transit was suggested by a 3.7 to 1 margin over the next highest suggestion (if I did the math right)]

    Transit (light rail, streetcars, etc.)
    (24.3%) 668
    [would be interesting to see what the breakdown on this was, i.e., were downtown streetcars the component most suggested]

    (5.1%) 140

    (3.7%) 100

    New Convention Center
    (1.45%) 40

    Downtown "Central Park"
    (1.3%) 36
    [this was lumped together w/"General Parks Improvement/Expansion" w/123 suggestions, in the City's MAPS 3 press release, artificially inflating it to (5.8%) 159]

    Senior Citizen Centers
    (1.3%) 36

    Outdoor Amphitheater [supposedly part of the Park]
    (1%) 27

    (0.8%) 22

    Gateways to City
    (0.35%) 12
    [Technically not included in MAPS 3 but the Mayor often links the Boulevard and the Park together. Mayor has described the Boulevard this way, but unknown if that is what respondents had in mind]

    Kayaking/River Improvements aren't remotely suggested in the survey. Most be someone's pet project.

    Here are the items that scored at least as high as the ones that made the MAPS 3 list and/or prior funding methods (bond issues etc), but were not included in MAPS 3:

    69 Downtown Retail
    65 Football or Soccer Stadium
    33 Free Downtown Parking
    29 Lengthen Bricktown Canal
    29 Police
    27 Homeless
    25 Senior Citizen Housing
    23 Youth Athletic Facility
    23 Citywide Wireless Internet

    If the "Gateways to the City" (Boulevard) is included (* items most likely would be a result of MAPS 3):
    20 Amusement Parks
    20 Community Centers
    20 Downtown General Improvements*
    20 Economic Development*
    17 Old Neighborhood Restoration
    16 Opportunity Fund
    15 Health Care
    13 Aquarium
    13 Arts Funding
    13 More Retail in General*
    just so you know ... no online survey of 2,747 people has any real statical relevance

  15. #15

    Default Re: You know big-picture items for MAPS 3, but there some details you may not

    f you're sure the mayor is doing something illegal, then, call the presses, call the city attorney, but don't post innuendo here that has no proof to back it up.
    Gmwise. she has to see on video they mayor and someone from the chamber in a back alley handing him an envelope with money falling out. Ahhhh take that back. She'd just say the video was tampered with...and the mayor was set up...better yet...the police planted the money one him...you'd pull the money out of his right pant pocket and the mayor would yell..."these ain't my pants"...

  16. #16

    Default Re: You know big-picture items for MAPS 3, but there some details you may not


    Take a look...
    Cornett Blogs

  17. #17

    Default Re: You know big-picture items for MAPS 3, but there some details you may not

    Quote Originally Posted by iron76hd View Post

    Take a look...
    Cornett Blogs
    Quit linking to Shannon's blog like that is proof of anything. Most people don't take him too seriously.

  18. #18

    Default Re: You know big-picture items for MAPS 3, but there some details you may not

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    just so you know ... no online survey of 2,747 people has any real statical relevance
    Don't disagree and the survey site, clearly points out it's "limitations" (non-scientific, 4 month, open to anyone, didn't have to be a registered OKC voter, received suggestions from all 50 states and several foreign countries, taken over 2 years ago, could vote early and often, etc.)

    Yet it is this Survey that the Mayor keeps using as the basis to move forward with a MAPS 3...mentioned that they are listening to the people (12 of the 14 top suggestions are either addressed in MAPS 3 or other things like the 2007 General Obligation and School bond issues).

    They say they are listening, but what did they hear? The Mayor has correctly stated mass transit means different things to different people and it was the most suggested item in the Survey (all lumped together). What did we end up getting when MAPS 3 was revealed? Just the Downtown Streetcars. Since they lumped it all together in the Survey, we don't know if Streetcars were the most favored or not. But just like when the City lumped General Park improvements with the Central Park (in a MAPS 3 press release), it artificially inflated the Park to make it look much more prominent (the 2nd most requested).

    Just to be clear, in the earlier posting listing the rankings and which items made the cut and didn't, I wasn't advocating one way or the other on them. Or suggesting that they were/weren't MAPS worthy. These were suggestions that (for the sake of argument) were made by our fellow OKCitians.

    Shoot, they only included the items suggested by at least 10 people. An Oklahoma columnist, mentioned that someone suggested a Pirate Ship!

  19. #19

    Default Re: You know big-picture items for MAPS 3, but there some details you may not

    And before any one says the Mayor never said that...

    From the Mayor's 2009 state of the City address:

    "All indications are that the VAST MAJORITY of people in the community want to go forward. That same web site recorded that over 85 percent of respondents said they wanted to pursue a MAPS 3"
    But 85% of 2,747 respondents in a city of just over a half-million people hardly can lead to a blanket statement that "the VAST MAJORITY of people in the community" want a MAPS 3. IMO

  20. #20

    Default Re: You know big-picture items for MAPS 3, but there some details you may not

    Quote Originally Posted by OSUFan View Post
    Quit linking to Shannon's blog like that is proof of anything. Most people don't take him too seriously.

  21. #21

    Default Re: You know big-picture items for MAPS 3, but there some details you may not

    If theres smoke there's fire

    Or if they are heard to be into nesting others eggs for their gain...
    Mayor Mickey will be a subject of a federal investigation sooner or later.

  22. Default Re: You know big-picture items for MAPS 3, but there some details you may not

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    I love wireless areas in cities. Beats hell out of stealing from your neighbors.
    Beats being the neighbor people are probably stealing from.

  23. #23

    Default Re: You know big-picture items for MAPS 3, but there some details you may not

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    And before any one says the Mayor never said that...

    From the Mayor's 2009 state of the City address:

    But 85% of 2,747 respondents in a city of just over a half-million people hardly can lead to a blanket statement that "the VAST MAJORITY of people in the community" want a MAPS 3. IMO
    Perhaps the mayor has talked to "a few" other people besides those surveyed. I have. Obviously my selection is not random, as they're people I'm at least vague acquaintances of, with the exception of the two people outside the Ford Center at the AC/DC concert.

    I have yet to talk to a single person in person who doesn't think MAPS was a smashing success and who's not fervently in favor of continuation. In fact today I talked to several twenty-somethings who were having a conversation with a friend of mine. One said, "Anyone who thinks Oklahoma City has made it has not lived anywhere else. It's fine, but my husband and I have already been talking about moving to a city with more going on." The other said in response, "The only reason I'm staying is because I love Oklahoma." Both said, unsolicited by me (as the conversation was already going on when I joined it), that they couldn't imagine not voting for MAPS.

  24. #24

    Default Re: You know big-picture items for MAPS 3, but there some details you may not

    People, we need to pass this thing (quit nitpicking) and stay on a roll; because if we don't, Police and Fire Departments will continue to use this as a bargaining chip, whenever they want to position themselves to negotiate against the City.

    We will never get on a roll like this again and this City will continue its decay of the late '80's and we will lag further behind the agressive cities like Phoenix, Nashville, Raleigh, Austin, Fort Worth and Albuquerque for bringing in new money to this area.

    Conventions bring in new circulating money--you only need to look at Dallas and Houston to assess what the convention industry has done for those cities.

    Trust your city leaders, everthing in MAPS 3 is not going to appeal to everyone; however, the City is flexible in making adjustments.

    We are centrally located with an abundance of water, natural and diverse human resources. We have access to a major airport, great universities and trade schools and we are close enough to Dallas without the headaches of a mega city as the Metroplex.

    Look for new businesses and industries to come to our region because of our central location and our positive voting image toward our City.

  25. #25

    Default Re: You know big-picture items for MAPS 3, but there some details you may not

    They can always come back with projects and better ballot language.

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