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Thread: So Sad... Tommy Wolf

  1. Default So Sad... Tommy Wolf

    Okay, I'm reading all of these messages about God's will or whatever on this sweet little boy's Guest Book/Condolence messages ..... it bothers me.

    Why can't anyone ever answer why God wouldn't have protected this beautiful little boy and we he had to die a horrific death at the hands of his own father?

    If he was saved, then God gets the glory, if he was murdered, God gets the glory... why the double standard. Just a case of adapting things to fit certain beliefs? I just don't understand this.

    I know all about free will but if that is the argument, why even bother praying for things at all if God's not going to intervene to stop horrible things from happening? It just doesn't make sense to me.

    These are the kinds of things that I can't wrap my mind around. I am really upset by this tragedy. I just keep thinking of what that little boy went through.
    How can anyone say this was a good thing.. that God works in mysterious ways, that this is God's will? How can this be explained away? I'm not trying to start an argument, but I'm really perturbed by this.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  2. #2

    Default Re: So Sad... Tommy Wolf

    I know the family must be heartbroken. I know his father and he clearly couldn't have been in his right mind. Awful, awful. When the father comes to his sences... hell on earth is waiting and that is only the beginning of what he will face.

    I can't imagine what that child's poor mother went through. And will go through every day for the rest of her life. To have that in her mind - no escape from the memories and her loss. I feel so sorry for this family I can express it in a way that comes close.

    That poor baby. Old enough to know what was happening. It must have been so horrible since the mother risked going back into the house, twice, to call 911. I understand she was frantically beating on a neighbor's door - can you imagine her panic that no one answered (not blaming the neighbors - I DON'T blame them!). That poor woman.

  3. #3

    Default Re: So Sad... Tommy Wolf

    I agree Karried.
    I wondered how this gives honor to God.
    Or how is it a "better" alternative to living.
    This father was nothing like one.
    Bless this mother for risking her life to protect her child.
    And this neighbor, I wished this, POS could be charge as an accessory to murder.
    I have notice whenever I deal with a Nichols Hill person, they are the most self center annoying asses.
    Being above the law,not wishing to be part of the solution, but at least this person called 911.
    Apparently there is a higher distribution of asses per block in NH, then OKC.
    Yes I am angry, and mad as hell about this boy murdered at the hands of his father.
    I almost had this nutcase as a doctor, I'm glad I lucked out.

  4. #4

    Default Re: So Sad... Tommy Wolf

    Anyone who heard this story without knowing the dad in better days would be outraged, should be outraged. For those of us who know them, it is just such a tragedy and fury is surely part of it. Our feelings are so jammed up it is hard to define what we are feeling. Having known him (granted, it was many years ago), I personally must believe dad was not in his right mind. The man I knew simply wasn't like that. For that matter, to murder a small boy by knife in the middle of the night - surely no one in their right mind could do such a thing. This was no serial killer, fly by nighter, etc. He was a family man who apparently took care of his family, worked, did all the things a sane person would do. How could this have happened?

    But that doesn't answer Karried's lament. How could God let it happen? How do you make peace with it?

  5. Default Re: So Sad... Tommy Wolf

    This is actually a huge theological sticking point for a long time now: needless suffering- does it disprove the idea that God is both omnipresent and infinitely good?

  6. #6

    Default Re: So Sad... Tommy Wolf

    So very very sad.

  7. #7

    Default Re: So Sad... Tommy Wolf

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post
    Okay, I'm reading all of these messages about God's will or whatever on this sweet little boy's Guest Book/Condolence messages ..... it bothers me.

    Why can't anyone ever answer why God wouldn't have protected this beautiful little boy and we he had to die a horrific death at the hands of his own father?

    If he was saved, then God gets the glory, if he was murdered, God gets the glory... why the double standard. Just a case of adapting things to fit certain beliefs? I just don't understand this.

    I know all about free will but if that is the argument, why even bother praying for things at all if God's not going to intervene to stop horrible things from happening? It just doesn't make sense to me.

    These are the kinds of things that I can't wrap my mind around. I am really upset by this tragedy. I just keep thinking of what that little boy went through.
    How can anyone say this was a good thing.. that God works in mysterious ways, that this is God's will? How can this be explained away? I'm not trying to start an argument, but I'm really perturbed by this.
    God's will? No. A mentally unbalanced father? Much more likely.

    Does god watch over the people of this planet and decide on a case by case basis who lives or dies? Does god watch over who commits murder and gives them the greenlight? Does god determine which human he creates that must be insane and which ones will be normal?

    Does this god control all events on this planet? Does god create war and choose one sect of his creations to murder and plunder the others he created?

    Does god actually exist? And if god exists, does he really care? What does this tragedy say about this god? What does disease that takes our loved ones say about this omnipotent being?

    Questions, questions, questions, but no answers.......

  8. #8

    Default Re: So Sad... Tommy Wolf

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwise View Post
    I agree Karried.
    I wondered how this gives honor to God.
    Or how is it a "better" alternative to living.
    This father was nothing like one.
    Bless this mother for risking her life to protect her child.
    And this neighbor, I wished this, POS could be charge as an accessory to murder.
    I have notice whenever I deal with a Nichols Hill person, they are the most self center annoying asses.
    Being above the law,not wishing to be part of the solution, but at least this person called 911.
    Apparently there is a higher distribution of asses per block in NH, then OKC.
    Yes I am angry, and mad as hell about this boy murdered at the hands of his father.
    I almost had this nutcase as a doctor, I'm glad I lucked out.
    GM, I really try not to make personal statements of people but this is going to be an exception......Its truly unbelievable that in this situation you could even consider making such idiotic statements to blanket everyone that lives in Nichols Hills. This man was obviously sick. He may have been under some sort of medication or he may have been in some delerium induced by who knows what but he clearly was sick. This is a highly educated, highly caring person who dedicated his life to healing people and you have the audacity to start deriding Nichols Hills? Pull your head out of your ass. It has nothing to do with Nichols Hills, OKC, Idaho or anyone or anything else. He was sick.

  9. #9

    Default Re: So Sad... Tommy Wolf

    I deal with enough NH people to know what I'm saying.
    I stand by it.
    Could be the bad water that made him ill.NOT!
    Its a general attitude of these pieces of ****, good families have the same gene that the "bad ones" have.

  10. #10

    Default Re: So Sad... Tommy Wolf

    He's one of my wife's doctors. Plus a friend of hers is a close friend of Dr. Wolf. He told my wife Dr. Wolf is Bipolar. His best hope is the giggle box.

  11. #11

    Default Re: So Sad... Tommy Wolf

    I knew him as a sweet, intelligent and kind young man. He is one of the last people I would have thought would be violent in this manner - clearly he was very ill. I uderstand they had him on a suicide watch. I hope they are watching the mother, too. I don't know her so don't have any idea how she will react. But what mother wouldn't have moments of just wanting the pain to stop after that experience? It is heart breaking, all around.

  12. Default Re: So Sad... Tommy Wolf

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwise View Post
    I deal with enough NH people to know what I'm saying.
    I stand by it.
    Could be the bad water that made him ill.NOT!
    Its a general attitude of these pieces of ****, good families have the same gene that the "bad ones" have.

  13. #13

    Default Re: So Sad... Tommy Wolf

    Because god doesn't exist.

  14. Default Re: So Sad... Tommy Wolf

    Quote Originally Posted by ronronnie1 View Post
    Because god doesn't exist.

  15. Default Re: So Sad... Tommy Wolf

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwise View Post
    I deal with enough NH people to know what I'm saying.
    I stand by it.
    Could be the bad water that made him ill.NOT!
    Its a general attitude of these pieces of ****, good families have the same gene that the "bad ones" have.
    GM, I've dealt with people of high net worth most of my working life and have found that the vast majority of them are nice, respectful, often-fascinating and sometimes brilliant people. I've also run into a handful of the type you are accusing everyone in Nichols Hills of being. But they are, in general, of old money and are very few and far between in this part of the country. Even in an old money community like Greenwich, CT, where I worked for a year, I can't remember anyone coming off as being "superior" or as arrogant as what I am seeing in your statements in this thread.

    Is it the politics? Is it the envy of wealth? Is it that you don't feel anyone should be wealthy? I can put up with differences in opinion on issues of the day and politics but to cast everyone in a community as being not worthy of your approval simply because they live within certain community boundaries is really pathetic.

    This is one of the most heartbreaking stories of the last couple of years to me because this man outwardly was a kind, caring and devoted person but obviously, had demons within him. His poor little boy...... His poor wife....... Maybe you should examine yourself and see if maybe your outrageously bigoted perception of them brought the problems on yourself?

    You are waaaaaay out of line this time.

  16. #16

    Default Re: So Sad... Tommy Wolf

    no once again its a community of attitude.
    And I live quite well on my retirement.
    Not politics.
    And please read the whole of the thread.
    I will concede that those borned to wealth without public service tend to be annoying people, just as those without.
    Its a mindset that seems to be most prevalent in that "neighborhood".
    And I deal with people of "questionable high net worth" from this area.

    Now back to the loss of this child.

  17. #17

    Default Re: So Sad... Tommy Wolf

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwise View Post
    And I live quite well on my retirement..
    I hope you are able help people, maybe doing volunteer work for those in need, in your time of retirement. Seems like with your sweet attitude you are probably already helping others....

  18. Default Re: So Sad... Tommy Wolf

    It would be nice if someone actually post what happened rather just discussing it. What the hell happened? Who are these people? What did they do?

  19. #19

    Default Re: So Sad... Tommy Wolf

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    It would be nice if someone actually post what happened rather just discussing it. What the hell happened? Who are these people? What did they do?
    YouTube - Police: Nichols Hills Doctor Killed Son

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