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Thread: Short Changed

  1. #1

    Default Short Changed

    I've noticed lately, many fast food drive thru's have stopped giving ALL of your change back. If $0.17 was due back to me, they gave $0.15. This has happened several times. It's not I can't afford losing $0.02, but it's a principle of not being complete honest. As long as pennies are still legal, shouldn't they be used? Is this happening to you as well?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Short Changed

    I've seen it as well. I get something at Sonic, it's 1.94. They take the money, sometimes say thanks & shut the window. Where's my .06 cents! It's 6 cents, it's not a fortune but it is the principle. It's my money & I should decide what to do with it. The few occasions I've actually asked for my change I felt kind of like an a**hat because of the fact that it's 6 cents! I figure it's just someone else wanting money for nothing, like tip jars at convenience stores & Subway. Argh.....

  3. #3

    Default Re: Short Changed

    I wish we would get rid of pennies. They're a pain in the neck and a weight in the pocket. I think it's more likely the people giving you back your change can't count or are lazy than than anything.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Short Changed

    I find it more annoying when a total for a purchase comes to something like $8.02 and then they give me 98 cents back. Just give me a whole dollar back. If it's $8.98 I'll let you keep the 2 cents.

    I agree, stop making pennies already

  5. #5

    Default Re: Short Changed

    I doubt they are ripping you off intentionally. The quality of service, cleanliness and general smarts in the fast food industry has been on a downward spiral for a few years.

    For some time, receiving one's drive-though order 100% correct, and getting the change correct to boot, has sadly been the exception, not the rule.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Short Changed

    If they keep taking your pennies without asking on a regular basis, start withholding YOUR pennies next time you get the same thing. Somehow I bet they'll start caring then.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Short Changed

    Dan O'Brians on the Northside has a twist on this... They round up on their tabs... It happened twice and when I called them out on it, they acted like I was a cheap *ss...

  8. #8

    Default Re: Short Changed

    I've noticed this too. I look at the greater picture...that being that people don't see the crime in taking what is not theirs. I mean, if I choose to tip someone, that is my choice. And generally I do when I get great service. Not only tips, but the other day, I went thru Sonic at 23rd and penn and this old lady working drive was really polite and she was going to have to dig for my change, but I told her to keep the change. It's all fine if I say it's okay.

    Check this out: Last year I had this hairstylist (dont know the guy's name) at Supercuts in Belle Isle that did a complete s***job cutting my hair in like two minutes! He had only used his electric clippers and had not touched a pair of scissors or anything! It looked bad! An I'm easy to please. I asked him to fix the sides and he acted like he was insulted that I didn't just smile and pretend that it's all okay! Here's the kicker: I pay my bill with my Visa at the counter and leave the tip field blank and give him no extra cash (first time I had not tipped at all, but I felt it was deserved). The guy gets pissed and says outload " So no tip, huh?" I said "nope" and walked out. I quit going after that. The companies don't seem to respond to letters anymore so long as they are getting their portion of the money.

    I dont think they specifically are keeping the change because they dont care about getting the orders right and they fill the drink cups sometimes 2" from the top...they just do not care! I think they just don't have any work ethics because they dont know what real work is. They think they are just entitled to it because they show up.

    IMO, of course.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Short Changed

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    If they keep taking your pennies without asking on a regular basis, start withholding YOUR pennies next time you get the same thing. Somehow I bet they'll start caring then.
    You start getting into a pissing match, you might get your food spit on. Just don't go back and let the manager know why.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Short Changed

    Quote Originally Posted by sgray View Post
    I think they just don't have any work ethics because they dont know what real work is. They think they are just entitled to it because they show up.

    IMO, of course.
    You're not alone in that opinion.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Short Changed

    If my bill was $10.23, I would give a $20.00 bill. The server brings back $9.00. They ask for the coin and expect a tip as well. I believe they should bring back ALL of the change and let me be the one to decide how much I leave.
    At the end of a week, I wonder how much "extra" a restaurant brings in not
    giving back all that's due?

  12. #12

    Default Re: Short Changed

    Quote Originally Posted by selk1 View Post
    I've noticed lately, many fast food drive thru's have stopped giving ALL of your change back. If $0.17 was due back to me, they gave $0.15. This has happened several times. It's not I can't afford losing $0.02, but it's a principle of not being complete honest. As long as pennies are still legal, shouldn't they be used? Is this happening to you as well?
    yeah, i think its the age-old concept of that pennies simply shouldnt exist because they are time consuming and that all prices for everything should be rounded to the next nickel.

    but i hear what youre saying. i think it could be attributed to either economic conditions (every little bit helps a business), or simple oversight by the employee.

    ive had it in my favor a few times as well, with a business making a transaction error and leaving me with more money.


    to all the posters who have recieved horrible service at any given business. i say RETURN!,..go back to that business and make sure to get the same employee who serviced you. have them render the same service/good as before and then pay your total ALL IN PENNIES.

    hey, its perfectly legal. no cops will show up.

    if they ask for a tip, give that ALL IN PENNIES TOO!

  13. #13

    Default Re: Short Changed

    Never EVER mess with the drive thru personnel until AFTER you receive your food.


    "Hey Beavis...uh huh huh...He's eating bugs."

  14. Default Re: Short Changed

    I wonder if in any of these cases the restaurants are condoning it or not. I couldn't imagine a restaurant approving of such a policy.

  15. Default Re: Short Changed

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    I wonder if in any of these cases the restaurants are condoning it or not. I couldn't imagine a restaurant approving of such a policy.
    I want to think you're right, but, as Decepticobra said, "every little bit helps." It might be a little too tempting for a restaurant owner to think, "Hey, if I can get away with it, why not?"

    I guess the solution is for us, as customers, to make sure they don't get away with it.

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