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Thread: Carrie Prejean sex tape

  1. #76

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

  2. #77

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    that was one of the saddest tv interviews, 1.palin,2.the balloon boy family and then 3. kayne west,4. chris brown,5.fake boobie lady

  3. #78

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Former Miss California Carrie Prejean made 7 other sex tapes, dozens of nude pics - report

    By Soraya Roberts
    Friday, November 13th 2009, 5:28 PM

    Didn't you mean biggest mistakes, plural, of your life when you apologized for that sex tape, Carrie Prejean? Seven more have been uncovered, says a report.

    Related News

    It looks like Carrie Prejean spoke too soon when she called her recent sex tape the "biggest mistake" of her life.
    Either the seven other sex tapes that have just surfaced aren't actually salacious, or else the former Miss California has a little more to atone for.

    RadarOnline.com has just learned that the dethroned beauty queen has no less than eight sex tapes and 30 naked photos to her name. As in her previous sex tape, she performs solo on each video.

    Some of the new sexy photographs that have been unearthed Prejean allegedly took herself, of own reflection in a mirror, alternately topless and completely naked.

    Prejean created a national controversy earlier this year when she spoke out against gay marriage during the Miss USA pageant. Her stance put her at odds with the pageant committee, which she later sued for libel, claiming she had been discriminated against for her religious views.

    Prejean settled out of court on November 3 after her first sex tape surfaced. On Wednesday she threatened to walk off Larry King Live when the host questioned her about the deal.

    Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2009/11/13/2009-11-13_former_miss_california_carrie_prejean_made_7_ot her_sex_tapes_dozens_of_nude_pics.html#ixzz0Wmmm5i Ml

  4. #79

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    There isn't much about Prejean I can defend, but I don't know why there's the need to call her such ugly names.

    For those who are playing the "she's just a kid" defense, where was the compassion for the stupid mistake made by Antwun Parker?

  5. #80

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    The pageant business from cradle to the grave is one I find hard to find any virtue in. I've known a few pageant parents in my day and the entire business seems as ugly and exploitative as...well, just about every industry which feeds on parent's vanity with the child's extra curricular activity as the method of siphoning funds out of the parent's pockets.

    The pageant business isn't any uglier than most of the other's. I take that back. It may be marginally worse because it's competition is based around few things I find much value in. Sports may be just as bad but at least it promotes physical exercise and team work...at least in theory.

    I got a letter from some casual acquaintances recently, requesting a donation--suggested lowest level $150--to help support their two grade school aged kids' baseball. It seems that they have to travel across the country one to two times per month to tournaments and that has become a significant expense for their family.

    The letter went on to discuss the significance of kids' sports in reclaiming America's christian heritage and fighting terrorism and a few other things I could quite connect to the idea they were asking me to pay for their expensive hobby.

    The have two kids, I have four, all roughly the same age. I'd considered writing them back to request a donation for the crack and hookers hobby I was planning to start but I thought better of it and just threw the letter away.

  6. #81

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by Edmond_Outsider View Post
    For those who are playing the "she's just a kid" defense, where was the compassion for the stupid mistake made by Antwun Parker?
    Well, first of all, I do have compassion for Parker. I think that while a jury might acquit Ersland, he's guilty as hell and killed that kid in cold blood.

    As for Prejean, I don't really see what her making a sexy video for her boyfriend a few years ago has to do with the price of tea in China. She's basically being judged by a bunch of prudes -- and 99% of them have done everything she did in that video, sans the video camera, of course.

    What I'm seeing here is that some people who disagree with her views want to publicly destroy anyone they disagree with re: the gay marriage issue. I personally support gay marriage, but I think these tactics are disgusting.

  7. #82

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    yea the extent some people go to attack this girl is beyond me...

  8. #83

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by nik4411 View Post
    yea the extent some people go to attack this girl is beyond me...
    On the same token, the extent that some people defend this woman is beyond me.

    A totally stupid, yet fun discussion. I think some people just naturally feel compelled to rush to the aid of someone they perceive as a fellow Christian. Hypocricy be damned! Defend the faith!

  9. #84

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by HVAC Instructor View Post
    On the same token, the extent that some people defend this woman is beyond me.
    I don't think it's defending her so much as condemning the methods of those who disagree with her. If you disagree with someone, fine. Say so. I disagree with her, I think two consenting adults who are not closely related ought to be able to marry... Heck, I don't even really see anything that wrong with polygamy.

    What I disagree with here is this notion, and I don't think it's exactly new, that if you disagree with what someone says, it's okay for you to destroy them as a human being, trot out irrelevant skeletons from their closet, etc. The fact that whoever did this went to so much trouble to ruin Prejean in my eyes makes her a more relevant character rather than the irrelevant character she was because obviously someone thought it was worth their time and treasure to ruin this woman.

  10. #85

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    I don't think it's defending her so much as condemning the methods of those who disagree with her. If you disagree with someone, fine. Say so. I disagree with her, I think two consenting adults who are not closely related ought to be able to marry... Heck, I don't even really see anything that wrong with polygamy.

    What I disagree with here is this notion, and I don't think it's exactly new, that if you disagree with what someone says, it's okay for you to destroy them as a human being, trot out irrelevant skeletons from their closet, etc. The fact that whoever did this went to so much trouble to ruin Prejean in my eyes makes her a more relevant character rather than the irrelevant character she was because obviously someone thought it was worth their time and treasure to ruin this woman.
    There you go. Thanks, Mid.

    And the ones who attacking come across as just really icky, at a certain point. It is like they ought to be wearing raincoats and hanging out around the school yards. Anyone that fixated in such a prurient manner is sort of ... well, just embarassing and sordid. She seems pure as the driven snow in comparison because THESE bozos are just fixated. Let it go, already.

  11. #86

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    I don't think it's defending her so much as condemning the methods of those who disagree with her. If you disagree with someone, fine. Say so. I disagree with her, I think two consenting adults who are not closely related ought to be able to marry... Heck, I don't even really see anything that wrong with polygamy.

    What I disagree with here is this notion, and I don't think it's exactly new, that if you disagree with what someone says, it's okay for you to destroy them as a human being, trot out irrelevant skeletons from their closet, etc. The fact that whoever did this went to so much trouble to ruin Prejean in my eyes makes her a more relevant character rather than the irrelevant character she was because obviously someone thought it was worth their time and treasure to ruin this woman.
    The whole issue has turned into entertainment dollars for the gossip news media. Not a bad thing in this economy. Both defenders and detractors have clashed creating this media storm...sort of like a warm and cold air fronts creating it's own energy and the resulting turbulance. Storm watching can be quite fun sometimes.

  12. #87

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post

    And the ones who continually defend her lies and poor decision making come across as just really icky, at a certain point. It is like they ought to be wearing raincoats and hanging out around the school yards. Anyone that fixated in such a prurient manner is sort of ... well, just embarassing and sordid. She seems pure as the driven snow in comparison because THESE bozo defenders are just fixated. Let it go, already.
    Gawd! This is great! Fixed the quote above for the ironic emphasis.

  13. #88

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    What I disagree with here is this notion, and I don't think it's exactly new, that if you disagree with what someone says, it's okay for you to destroy them as a human being, trot out irrelevant skeletons from their closet, etc.
    I don't disagree with this, but I also think that if a person is going to take a stand against pornography, they would be wise not to be a creator of it, ya know? Otherwise, you're just loading the gun for those seeking to shoot you down.

  14. #89

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by TaoMaas View Post
    I don't disagree with this, but I also think that if a person is going to take a stand against pornography, they would be wise not to be a creator of it, ya know? Otherwise, you're just loading the gun for those seeking to shoot you down.
    Do you think there's no difference in producing a video of yourself for someone you're intimate with (and only that person) and producing a video for commercial distribution?

  15. #90

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    I will say this once more for those who are well...charitably speaking SLOW..
    If you are going to be in the public eye such as Prejean and the world of beauty contests, make sure you're the one to bring out your skeletons and do so with genuine humility or someone will bring it out causing you great embarrassment.
    Next, if she wasnt a fame whore, why is she giving interviews?
    I saw her the other day talking about how Donald Trump "meeted her".
    Defenders just let it go.
    She is in the hole, she seems to dig at daily.

  16. #91

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwise View Post
    I will say this once more for those who are well...charitably speaking SLOW..
    If you are going to be in the public eye such as Prejean and the world of beauty contests, make sure you're the one to bring out your skeletons and do so with genuine humility or someone will bring it out causing you great embarrassment.
    Next, if she wasnt a fame whore, why is she giving interviews?
    I saw her the other day talking about how Donald Trump "meeted her".
    Defenders just let it go.
    She is in the hole, she seems to dig at daily.
    By this logic, any celebrity should have to turn over their private videos for public consumption and comment.

  17. #92

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwise View Post
    Next, if she wasnt a fame whore, why is she giving interviews?
    Probably for the money.

  18. #93

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Do you think there's no difference in producing a video of yourself for someone you're intimate with (and only that person) and producing a video for commercial distribution?
    Her intentions for distribution of the tape doesn't change the content does it? If she were to market this tape, wouldn't it be considered pornography? It is what it is. For what it's worth, I don't think Prejean is at fault here for making this tape. Lots of folks do things like this. She got burned by whoever released it. That was a pretty low-life thing for that person to do. But, I also think that when a person puts themself out there as a representative of a cause, I think the public has a right to expect that person to practice what they preach.

  19. #94

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by TaoMaas View Post
    I think the public has a right to expect that person to practice what they preach.
    Wait.. she's gay and she wants to get married? This changes everything!

  20. #95

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    No midtowner,

    She held herself up as this paragon of all that is holy and virtuous, joining the christian circuit to speak out against same sex marriage. FINE.

    Her "enemies" simply shined light on the fact that she likes to make sex tapes of herself masturbating.

    I would assume uptight christians look down on making sex tapes of masturbation.

    Ms. Prejean is still entitled to her right wing, xtian opinions. They just sound kinda lame now coming from a women who likes to masturbate on camera.

  21. #96

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by HVAC Instructor View Post
    On the same token, the extent that some people defend this woman is beyond me.

    A totally stupid, yet fun discussion. I think some people just naturally feel compelled to rush to the aid of someone they perceive as a fellow Christian. Hypocricy be damned! Defend the faith!

    I totally understand what your saying. by no means am i or will i defend this girl. when you do dumb things you have to be able to live down the consequences. ive learned this on many ocassions myself. i just feel some is a little overboard. these TMZ people make me sick. oh well whatever haha

  22. #97

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    This event is the perfect storm of fame whoring, attention seeking, narcissism, greed and other fine examples of human nature. tqSound's like the Ayn Rand fan clubs charter.

    Here you have Shannon Moelker, Perez Hilton, and Prejean all displaying an amazing talent for sanctimony and self-absorption which is arguably their only true talent. I will give Moelker some higher marks for her rather impressively non-siliconed body parts[I could be wrong about that, but I think it is correct.]

    I still say the Ms. Prejean appears the largest mercinary of the three for the rapidity with which she abandoned her low paying Ms. Cali give for the high paying one of Christian Martyr. Something tells me the porn may be merely a part of her strategy. She gets big paydays from VIVID for her porn, portrays it as a measure of her "redemption" for her "testimony" gigs, all the while claiming to be an arbiter of christian morality for the rest of us non-pageant type who need her to be our role model.

    I won't question her faith. I can't know what is in her heart. I can't critisize her for making porn. It isn't my business to judge how another person makes thier living.

    But, I can't and won't ever take her seriously for being an exemplar of spiritual or moral values. Any of y'all want to, that's your trouble and none of my own.

  23. #98

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    By this logic, any celebrity should have to turn over their private videos for public consumption and comment.
    She sigh a beauty contest contract.
    if that celebrity sign on as a beauty contestant..then maybe consider bringing out the skeletons or be prepared someone will do it for you.

  24. #99

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwise View Post
    She sigh a beauty contest contract.
    if that celebrity sign on as a beauty contestant..then maybe consider bringing out the skeletons or be prepared someone will do it for you.
    If you think this is grounds to turn into a blood crazed shark, go for it. It says far more about you than her. What she did was foolish. Even dishonest, if you want to insist on that. To use that as an excuse to call her names, fixate on the situation, etc., is what it is. Look, you're gay. You have a special interest in her political views and I can't believe you would be so fixated on this if you weren't emotionally involved. It is creepy, it is meanspirited and it says more than you realize.

  25. #100

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    I saw Ms. Prejeans interviews across the talk show wasteland. She is not really helping her cause by continuing to stay in the limelight.

    She needs to be an adult about things and realize she is not going to win over her critics nor is she going to shut them up. Most of the critics are creepy self centered pieces of work as it is and their jealous of her status.

    Jealousy, self centeredness and thin skin are the only reasons why person throws a hissy fit when something offends them.

    The average adult only cares about what their closest friends and family think of them. They do not take the time to get caught in some bystanders point of view. They learn to pick their battles and learn to filter out the criticism that is designed to do nothing more than insult them.

    It is time to move on to something more meaningful. People will always say stuff you do not like. However, that does not necessarily mean you have to call them to the mat on every little thing.

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