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Thread: Carrie Prejean sex tape

  1. #51

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    I'm with gm on this. And since when is a 20 something considered a "kid???" Seriously. What does this finger happy whore have to do for the right wing to denounce her? Oh yeah, she tows the line, so she's forever their darling. My bad. And she's so touchy/bitchy at anyone who dares question her. Ugh, I'm so over this homophobic slut it's not even funny.

  2. #52

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    The froth spewing out of their mouths to condemn this kid is creepy.
    No, actually YOU are kinda creepy PQ. It's amusing to watch you do back flips to defend this young ADULT, she's not a child. Seems you are frothing at the mouth here.

    You best be forgiving every young celebrity who screws up from now on or you might just risk losing your froum queens crown to the OKC Talk version of TMZ for hypocrisy.

  3. Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    But HVAC, she WAS a child when she did those things and at age 21, I'm still not going to support the destruction of her life because of errors she made when she was a child. You need to wise up and see how many young women are doing similar things each and every day. That's who she's trying to speak to today. She's trying to warn them that doing silly things like she did will easily come back and haunt them.

  4. #54

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    She was 20!!

  5. #55

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    But HVAC, she WAS a child when she did those things and at age 21, I'm still not going to support the destruction of her life because of errors she made when she was a child. You need to wise up and see how many young women are doing similar things each and every day. That's who she's trying to speak to today. She's trying to warn them that doing silly things like she did will easily come back and haunt them.
    Sorry, but young men can be sent into combat at age 18. Are we supposed to feel sorry for this woman-child making poor decisions in her 20's by lying about her actions? You reckon those 18 year olds killed in foriegn lands in our military were capable of understanding high velocity projectiles and shrapnel stiking their person could result in death?

    Yes, there is a lessson to be learned here for young people everywhere: Don't be a dumbass and expect to get away with it in public, AND you might just be held accountable for your actions in the court of public opinion.

  6. #56

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Maybe she will get a job at Faux News.

  7. Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by HVAC Instructor View Post
    Sorry, but young men can be sent into combat at age 18. Are we supposed to feel sorry for this woman-child making poor decisions in her 20's by lying about her actions? You reckon those 18 year olds killed in foriegn lands in our military were capable of understanding high velocity projectiles and shrapnel stiking their person could result in death?

    Yes, there is a lessson to be learned here for young people everywhere: Don't be a dumbass and expect to get away with it in public, AND you might just be held accountable for your actions in the court of public opinion.
    I think thats pretty much what she is going on the road telling people. She's being very open about taking responsibility for her actions. Her main exception to what has happened is the malicious intentional campaign of TMZ and politically correct supporters to go digging into every aspect of her personal life simply because she made the statement she did in the pageant. At that time there was no knowledge of the photos or video.

  8. #58

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    I feeling less sorry for her than embarassed for the grown men with a fixation. She's tough and young enough to put it behind her. They're sorta twisted up over the whole thing to the point of obsession and, at their age, it isn't likely to be something they grow out of.

  9. #59

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    IF she was wanting to put it behind her why did she write a book?

  10. #60

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    I think thats pretty much what she is going on the road telling people. She's being very open about taking responsibility for her actions. Her main exception to what has happened is the malicious intentional campaign of TMZ and politically correct supporters to go digging into every aspect of her personal life simply because she made the statement she did in the pageant. At that time there was no knowledge of the photos or video.
    You know, if she had just lied about the gay marriage thing like she did about the nekkid pictures and the solo diddling video, she would not be in this situation. She could have simply said something like "I've not given it much thought really. But a contract is a contract, so what's the big deal"? Then she would be Miss USA and all would be well.


    Think about this - Now she is getting TONS of FREE publicity and lots of money for appearances on right wing shows, probably a book deal, and probably the right wing speaking circuit. She may well wind up much richer this way like Vanessa Williams did.

    I still say she should pose in the girly mags. I bet Larry Flint would pay her a cool million for an in-the-pink photo spread...

  11. #61

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwise View Post
    IF she was wanting to put it behind her why did she write a book?
    For the money and to offer the benefit of her experience? Again, I don't doubt she messed up. I just don't get the fixation on blame and finger pointing by middle aged people when she hasn't doing anything violent or engaged in thievery. Or perhaps treason <vbg>. If they are under 35, I pretty much expect them to be knuckleheads. If they manage to avoid doing something really stupid, I'm mightily impressed. Goes with being young.

  12. #62

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Its not hard to avoid being stupid, it takes good aim and body dumping to avoid being caught...lol

  13. Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by HVAC Instructor View Post
    You know, if she had just lied about the gay marriage thing like she did about the nekkid pictures and the solo diddling video, she would not be in this situation. She could have simply said something like "I've not given it much thought really. But a contract is a contract, so what's the big deal"? Then she would be Miss USA and all would be well.


    Think about this - Now she is getting TONS of FREE publicity and lots of money for appearances on right wing shows, probably a book deal, and probably the right wing speaking circuit. She may well wind up much richer this way like Vanessa Williams did.

    I still say she should pose in the girly mags. I bet Larry Flint would pay her a cool million for an in-the-pink photo spread...
    She's getting the publicity solely because she was set up in the pageant. She didn't set out to do this but she sees an opportunity to help prevent other girls from making the same mistakes she did and she also sees a way to make a living. If you were in her shoes and the opportunity came, you'd consider it too. Now if she goes back and poses for Playboy or Penthouse then I'll join your camp but as I keep saying - she didn't ask for any of this to happen - she didn't start it. TMZ-boy did and the left supported him.

    BTW - she's already written the book.

  14. #64

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    And she was 20 and Perez Hilton doesnt work for TMZ...and she is a fame ho...

  15. Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    I stand corrected. It IS PerezHilton.com, not TMZ. Both are gossip hoe's - as you want to put it and are right in there with the National Enquirer and The Globe. And they have both enlisted folks to dig into her past to find dirt.

    Sure, she's not against fame. She entered the pageant, didn't she? Its a route to success.

  16. #66

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Caiire Prejean is using Christianity like a politician uses a baby. It's all for show. If she had not gotten caught, she'd probably still make a sex tape and show her boobies again. The religious right rushed to her aid because of the gay marriage issue and she saw the light and jumped on the gravy train. Funny how righties jump on the Jesus bandwagon so fast.

  17. Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by HVAC Instructor View Post
    Caiire Prejean is using Christianity like a politician uses a baby. It's all for show. If she had not gotten caught, she'd probably still make a sex tape and show her boobies again. The religious right rushed to her aid because of the gay marriage issue and she saw the light and jumped on the gravy train. Funny how righties jump on the Jesus bandwagon so fast.
    Disagree - the left MADE her what she is. She had nothing to do with it. She would have just been Ms. California otherwise. She's taking advantage of the opportunity but at great embarassment to herself.

    You're still trying to insinuate that she is claiming to be as pure as the new snow, but she's not. She's taking full responsibility for what she did and is trying to help prevent other girls from doing the same.

  18. #68

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    Disagree - the left MADE her what she is. She had nothing to do with it. She would have just been Ms. California otherwise. She's taking advantage of the opportunity but at great embarassment to herself.

    You're still trying to insinuate that she is claiming to be as pure as the new snow, but she's not. She's taking full responsibility for what she did and is trying to help prevent other girls from doing the same.
    The left outed her, and the right embraced her.

    So you gonna buy the book?

  19. #69

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Radar Online reports that another thirty nude photos and seven solo sex tapes of Carrie Prejean have surfaced. She made "the biggest mistake of my life" at least 38 times!

    Yeah, she's a real slut guys. I could totally see her spread eagle style in Hustler. Just another so-so beauty with silicone bags & peroxide.

  20. Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by HVAC Instructor View Post
    The left outed her, and the right embraced her.

    So you gonna buy the book?
    I really have no interest in it. I know she brought a lot of it on herself by lying on the morals clause of the pageant contract but I truly felt for her the way she was set up in the pageant and the way her entire life was just posted out on the web by the TMZ's and the Perez Hilton's of the world. They fished out every person from her high school and every guy she'd ever gone out with. They'd contacted relatives and former co-contestants to find dirt on her. She didn't deserve that. It was just because she said she was against gay marriage like 60-70% of the rest of the country seems to be.

  21. #71

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    The plot thickens! Celebrity Video | TMZ.com

    Who knows what's next with this little slut puppy, LOL!

  22. Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Yeah, and there's a little boy in a balloon in Colorado floating away. Just more media whore's coming out of the woodwork who will say or do anythign to get some pub.

  23. #73

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    One source Perez Hilton...TMZ follow suit...just like all the other "news" outlets..
    You're giving TMZ way to much credit..

  24. Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    One source - the Globe or Entertainment Tonight. That all makes it true......PH and TMZ are the ones who started it all in the first place. They'll find anyone who will say anything bad about her - and probably pay them to.

  25. #75

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    hey its a opportunity for success...right?!

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