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Thread: Carrie Prejean sex tape

  1. #26

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Prejean: if she was on trial would have prejury herself..

    Cut and Run

  2. #27

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    What bullies and some of you are just nasty. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    No we're calling it as it is.
    If she cant handle the heat in the kitchen, she should order out.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    It's all about the boobies...........

    Question of the day: If Prejean had not paid back the boob job money, could Donald Trump and the Miss USA pageant have repossessed her titties???

    The moral of the story? Don't stiff the Donald on the titty bill!

    Carrie Prejean and Miss USA Settle Boob Job Lawsuit
    by Emily Dean | Article Date: 11/04/2009 10:47 AM

    The legal battle between former Miss California Carrie Prejean and USA pageant officials ended Tuesday with a mutual agreement to drop all claims, according to CNN.

    Team Donald Trump and pageant officials dropped their lawsuit filed last month demanding that the beauty queen repay $5,200 given her for breast implants.

    In exchange, Prejean withdrew her suit accusing the pageant of violating her privacy by confirming to reporters that her breasts were not real.
    The public fight began last April when Prejean, 22, stepped into controversy by declaring her opposition to same-sex marriage while answering judge Perez Hilton's question at the Miss USA pageant. Prejean finished as first runner-up.

    Prejean proceeded to make public statements about same-sex marriage and slowly her image began to fade as public opinion became even lower. She was dethroned in June by Trump, the owner of the Miss USA pageant.

    "We are moving forward from the past and looking towards the crowning of two winners and the new look of the upcoming Miss California USA pageant," pageant Executive Director Keith Lewis said in a written statement.

    California pageant officials say they loaned the money for the breast surgery under an oral agreement with Prejean and she never repaid them.

    "Ms. Prejean disclosed that she had been thinking about and wanting to have breast augmentation surgery for some time, but did not have the money to pay for it," the pageant filing said. "She felt that if she had the surgery, in her opinion, she would be more competitive for the Miss USA pageant."

  5. #30

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwise View Post
    No we're calling it as it is.
    If she cant handle the heat in the kitchen, she should order out.
    She's not much more than a kid, now and she was 17 at the time. What meanspirited, sanctimoneous old goats. Her only sin is being conservative and human. She's a kid for god's sake and embarassed and probably hurt by it. If she brought it on herself, fine. Piling on like a bunch of jerks isn't called for and it is using this situation to advance an ideology that doesn't advance anything but frothing at the mouth meaness. It just makes you a bully. If you need this to attack christianity, then you must not have much to work with. Why don't you pick on televangelists or some grown up?

  6. #31

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    She's not much more than a kid, now and she was 17 at the time. What meanspirited, sanctimoneous old goats. Her only sin is being conservative and human. She's a kid for god's sake and embarassed and probably hurt by it. If she brought it on herself, fine. Piling on like a bunch of jerks isn't called for and it is using this situation to advance an ideology that doesn't advance anything but frothing at the mouth meaness. It just makes you a bully. If you need this to attack christianity, then you must not have much to work with. Why don't you pick on televangelists or some grown up?
    What a load of pompous hypocritical blather. If she was some liberal Hollywood kid that did something stupid, you'd be the first one out of the gate in condemnation of her.

    Prejean learned a valuable life lesson: "If you're gonna be dumb, you better be tough".

  7. Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by HVAC Instructor View Post
    What a load of pompous hypocritical blather. If she was some liberal Hollywood kid that did something stupid, you'd be the first one out of the gate in condemnation of her.

    Prejean learned a valuable life lesson: "If you're gonna be dumb, you better be tough".
    No HVAC. She's a kid who wanted to win a beauty pageant (ill advised that she was in it in the first place considering the pics and movie) and was set up to be smeared by TMZ boy Perez Hilton. No one else in that pageant was asked a question about such a controversial issue, especially one that had personal bearing on Mr. Hilton. She gave her viewpoint and has been crucified for it. She gave the same opinion perhaps a hundred million other Americans have, considering gay marriage has been shot down in something like 30 states now.

    She has had people from TMZ and other organizations calling everyone she knows for dirt and information and hit the jackpot when they found her boyfriend of when she was 17 who probably sold the tape to them. You think if a few million in a budget was spent digging up dirt on you, no one would find anything controversial about YOU?

    I've said before, she didn't ask for any of this. She didn't create some scheme to be led into this situation. She had skeletons in her closet just like you and most everyone else has and they ALL got brought out for public viewing. How'd you like that to happen to you?

    You want to see tough? Watch her the last few days on some of the media shows. Larry King tried to set her up and she wouldn't stand for it. She told him she wasn't going to talk to viewers and he tried to force a gay caller on her. She has stated she is terribly humiliated by all of what has come out but she isn't going to back down to any of it. She seems quite a bit tougher than most people.

  8. #33

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    It takes a hell of a lot more guts to hold your head up and stare down bullies in the public forum than it does to make nasty, sanctimonious comments about a foolish young woman from the anonymous safety of your keyboard.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    You think if a few million in a budget was spent digging up dirt on you, no one would find anything controversial about YOU?
    Mugs, the way some play that game is to refuse to stand for anything moral or ethical and then appoint themselves the judge and jury of anyone who tries and fails. It is an easy gig. You don't have to be a decent person in the slightest but since you haven't claimed to be, you can attack others mercilessly.

    The fact that they have absolutely no right to claim the moral high ground doesn't stop them. By refusing to make the effort, themselves, they think they can spew hatred and attack anyone who does. It is twisted logic and ethics.

  10. Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    Mugs, the way some play that game is to refuse to stand for anything moral or ethical and then appoint themselves the judge and jury of anyone who tries and fails. It is an easy gig. You don't have to be a decent person in the slightest but since you haven't claimed to be, you can attack others mercilessly.

    The fact that they have absolutely no right to claim the moral high ground doesn't stop them. By refusing to make the effort, themselves, they think they can spew hatred and attack anyone who does. It is twisted logic and ethics.
    Its also a good discussion when its pointed out.

  11. #36

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    ...and the funny thing is is that Ms Xtian's silicone bags don't even look good or the slightest bit convincing. With that boney sternum and halved grape fruits stuffed under her chest, who does she think she's foolin'?

    This c u next tuesday deserves all the crap that's raining down her. Like someone said, if you can't take the heat - order out!

    She can go f herself - oh she already did, my bad.

  12. #37

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    No HVAC. She's a kid who wanted to win a beauty pageant (ill advised that she was in it in the first place considering the pics and movie) and was set up to be smeared by TMZ boy Perez Hilton. No one else in that pageant was asked a question about such a controversial issue, especially one that had personal bearing on Mr. Hilton. She gave her viewpoint and has been crucified for it. She gave the same opinion perhaps a hundred million other Americans have, considering gay marriage has been shot down in something like 30 states now.

    She has had people from TMZ and other organizations calling everyone she knows for dirt and information and hit the jackpot when they found her boyfriend of when she was 17 who probably sold the tape to them. You think if a few million in a budget was spent digging up dirt on you, no one would find anything controversial about YOU?

    I've said before, she didn't ask for any of this. She didn't create some scheme to be led into this situation. She had skeletons in her closet just like you and most everyone else has and they ALL got brought out for public viewing. How'd you like that to happen to you?

    You want to see tough? Watch her the last few days on some of the media shows. Larry King tried to set her up and she wouldn't stand for it. She told him she wasn't going to talk to viewers and he tried to force a gay caller on her. She has stated she is terribly humiliated by all of what has come out but she isn't going to back down to any of it. She seems quite a bit tougher than most people.
    Tell me this mugsy; why would a good "Christian" girl want to expose herself to those godless scumbags of the MAP? Why would this good "Christian" girl borrow money from those same folks for enhanced boobies? Were the ones god gave her not good enough? Did she think a surgeon could improve upon gods work? Did she think Donald Trump would just buy her those new boobies with no strings attached?

    Was she so naive that she did not know about the Hollywood paparatzi and the sleaze media? Or, more likely, was she willing to risk it all for fame and fortune? She was asked if she had done anything immoral in her application and deliberately lied. Then she got caught. Lifes tough. Life's tougher when you're dumb, or at least make dumb decisions.

    Pulling the "Christian" card when you get caught is just as ridiculous as pulling the race card.

  13. #38

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post

    The fact that they have absolutely no right to claim the moral high ground doesn't stop them. By refusing to make the effort, themselves, they think they can spew hatred and attack anyone who does. It is twisted logic and ethics.

    And you think YOU have claim to the higher ground? LMAO! Talk about twisted logic. Look in the mirror sister.

  14. #39

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    I could make a mirror joke right now, but I won't

    The way I see it, if one claims to speak for god, jesus, the saints, the pope, all the while little angels sing hymns in the background - these people are held to AT LEAST the standards they force on others. When these self righteous get caught fingering themselves, on tape no less, well, it kinda deminishes their message. Call me crazy, but that's how I see it.

  15. #40

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

  16. Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Tell me this mugsy; why would a good "Christian" girl want to expose herself to those godless scumbags of the MAP? Why would this good "Christian" girl borrow money from those same folks for enhanced boobies? Were the ones god gave her not good enough? Did she think a surgeon could improve upon gods work? Did she think Donald Trump would just buy her those new boobies with no strings attached?
    She was a teenager when she did those things. I bet you did a few stupid things when you were a teenager. I know I did.

    A few weeks back while spending "quality time" with my wife, I was "forced" to watch a 60 minutes episode about beauty pageants in Venezuela. I guess BP's are like football here - they are the top sport in all the country. It seems that in that world, plastic surgery is extremely common - literally down to straightening and thinning fingers - and it isn't uncommon for the promoters to pay for the surgery. I don't profess to understand it and I wouldn't condone it but thats the pageant world. (If you really want to be nauseated, watch something on the little girl pageants and what they do there to 5-8 year olds. I got my fill of that while in Colorado and having to see all the stuff about Jon Bene Ramsey).

    Was she so naive that she did not know about the Hollywood paparatzi and the sleaze media? Or, more likely, was she willing to risk it all for fame and fortune?
    Paparatzi is one thing. Enlisting employees of TMZ to contact everyone she had ever known or gone out with to see what dirt they had on Ms. Prejean is quite another. TMZ/Hilton set her up with the question she was asked knowing she was a religious person. When she spoke her mind, he took offense and is hell bent on her personal destruction.

    She was asked if she had done anything immoral in her application and deliberately lied. Then she got caught. Lifes tough. Life's tougher when you're dumb, or at least make dumb decisions.
    I agree here. This was her mistake. She shouldn't have entered the pageant in the first place with the morals clause. But, all of the things she did were done "privately" so she felt like they would stay that way. She admits she was stupid and naive. She takes responsibility for doing those things and knows she has to live with it. She takes issue with the efforts made to destroy her personally simply because she voiced her opinion.

    Pulling the "Christian" card when you get caught is just as ridiculous as pulling the race card.
    In what way did she "pull" the Christian card? She knows she made mistakes when she was younger and has to live with it. She has developed her religious beliefs since then, voiced them and is being crucified for them because it isn't politically correct.

  17. #42

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

  18. #43

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    She was a 20 year old.
    Its one thing to be a moral compass.
    And then she decided to be a condemner.

  19. #44

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    TMZ is not Hilton's employer.

  20. #45

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    You want to see tough? Watch her the last few days on some of the media shows. Larry King tried to set her up and she wouldn't stand for it. She told him she wasn't going to talk to viewers and he tried to force a gay caller on her. She has stated she is terribly humiliated by all of what has come out but she isn't going to back down to any of it. She seems quite a bit tougher than most people.
    What I saw was some fame hungry slut getting her ass slapped.
    no less then what balloon boy's parents is getting.
    This is not the last of her bad"judgmentIs".

    MY Earlier post:
    Prejean: if she was on trial would have perjury herself..
    She 1st claimed she didnt do anything immoral.
    Then the tape was made by her boyfriend at the time and she said she was 15 years old.
    Now its her who made it and now it turns out she was 20 years old.
    When you stand up for morality and spoke with..well lets face it with a double standard.
    You are gonna get slapped.
    I dont like her for her lies, I am sure she has other skeletons in her closet.
    You can either bring them out, with humility or someone would bring them out amidst great embarrassment to you.
    Or finally, my way: is to learn to remodel the closet, and use those skeletons as decor. lol

  21. #46

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    The froth spewing out of their mouths to condemn this kid is creepy. It isn't that big a deal, guys. She's a foolish, kid. She didn't kill or rape anyone. She did something stupid and hoped no one would find out. She admitted she was wrong and she admitted she was stupid. But you don't let it drop.

    There are plenty of morally reprehensible people out there. Getting all up in a wad over this case is surely not about her - it is about whatever sack of rocks you're carrying around. If you are going to spew this kind of rancor, how about the guys who gang raped that teenaged girl at the homecoming party? Or the ones who watched and didn't tell anyone and don't see anything wrong with that.

    But no. SHE made the mistake of being christian and saying she didn't agree with gay marriage, the way many mainline people do. She never trashed gay people. She just spoke her opinion. That is really what is going on. Because if you are this excited because some young beauty queen lied about having made a sex video, you are really, really petty, sanctimonious people. Get over it.

  22. #47

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    When you stand in the light of public opinion and show how much of a double standard you have you deserved your teeth kicked in.

  23. Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwise View Post
    What I saw was some fame hungry slut getting her ass slapped.
    no less then what balloon boy's parents is getting.
    This is not the last of her bad"judgmentIs".

    MY Earlier post:
    Prejean: if she was on trial would have perjury herself..
    She 1st claimed she didnt do anything immoral.
    Then the tape was made by her boyfriend at the time and she said she was 15 years old.
    Now its her who made it and now it turns out she was 20 years old.
    When you stand up for morality and spoke with..well lets face it with a double standard.
    You are gonna get slapped.
    I dont like her for her lies, I am sure she has other skeletons in her closet.
    You can either bring them out, with humility or someone would bring them out amidst great embarrassment to you.
    Or finally, my way: is to learn to remodel the closet, and use those skeletons as decor. lol
    GM, really...you are getting a wee bit too worked up over this. She erred just as you have done and just as I have done.

    She didn't ask for any of this to happen but when it came to her being personally destroyed by TMZ and the left, she decided it was time to stand up for herself and her faith.

    I have to agree with PP on this one, you've got a real grudge to bear on a 21 year old who simply has belief's different than yours. I really hope some day you don't do something in life that will result in the viscious personal public attacks and public revelations of her body when she never asked.

  24. #49

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    there is consequences to actions no matter how old you were, or how stupid.

    You can either bring them out, with humility or someone would bring them out amidst great embarrassment to you.
    Or finally, my way: is to learn to remodel the closet, and use those skeletons as decor. lol

  25. #50

    Default Re: Carrie Prejean sex tape

    When you step up to the spot-light be prepared to be burned.

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