Originally Posted by
HVAC Instructor
"Christians" bring 99.9% of their problems upon themselves with their public displays of religion. Then they turn around and claim "persecution" by those evil liberals and the MSM when they pull dumb moves like Prejean did. I've seen stuff like this happen repeatedly, but one incident I'll always remember. At a party, this good "Christian" girl got good & drunk and performed oral sex on more than one guy at the party, and no telling what she did afterward. Then she goes right on off to a theological seminary college as if nothing happened. Now the deal was that this girl was not so drunk she did not know what she was doing, because she knew perfectly well what she was doing and knew perfectly well the Baptist church's stance on the consumption of alcohol and premarital sex. She was 150 miles from her home town and just decided to slut it up one night and figured nobody she knew would find out.
So what's the point you ask? If you live in a glass house and don't want your Christianity shattered when you throw the moral rocks, you need to STFU before you open your mouth in the first place. Quietly go to church, quietly consume your booze, quietly engage in all the premarital sex you please. But if you don't want your religion thrown back in your face, you had best think carefully about what you say and who you say it to, especially in a public venue.
Personally I'd love to see Miss Prejean butt nekkid and jiggling. I think she should pose for Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler while working the strip club circuit....sell that booty for all it's worth. There'll be plenty of Christian business men out of town on "business" that will be patronizing those strip clubs and magazines who would greatly appreciate lusting over that wholesome naked Christain body.