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Thread: Power flickering around NW 164th/Penn?

  1. #1

    Default Power flickering around NW 164th/Penn?

    Posted this on the city-data.com forum, but not sure how widespread that's read here, so thought I'd do it here too, if y'all don't mind. :-) We live just a bit SW of NW 164th/Penn and ever since a transformer exploded around NW 164th/Penn a month or so ago, our power blips on and off for about 1-2 seconds every 5-7 days (and sometimes multiple times in one day), with no link to bad weather/storms/etc. Nothing serious, it's just an annoyance to reset stuff all the time, but more worrisome is what's going to happen this winter.

    I called OG&E and reported it, but don't know how seriously they're going to take an isolated report (and it can't just be our house that's having a problem), so if anybody out there lives around NW 164th/Penn and have had your power flicker repeatedly in the past month or two (or knows someone that does), please call OG&E at 272-9595 and report it. The more of us that report it, the more likely they'll find the problem and the less likely this area will sustain an extended outage this winter (since something's obviously on the edge of failing somewhere in the system)... Thanks for reading.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Power flickering around NW 164th/Penn?

    That little blip is hard on your electronics/appliances. That used to happen in my area and I ended up having the compressor on the frig replaced 2 times in a couple of years. I have also had a printer fried because of the little blips.

    I don't seem to have those blips anymore for some reason. They seemed to stop after the huge ice storm we had so I figure that they may have fixed it while they were fixing the electric from the ice storm.

  3. #3
    jclick Guest

    Default Re: Power flickering around NW 164th/Penn?

    Travellers, did a "blip" overnight precipitate this post? I live 1/2 mi. North of that intersection, and work 1/2 mi. South, and when I came into the office building this morning, we'd had a blackout. We don't seem to have them at the house nearly as often.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Power flickering around NW 164th/Penn?

    Quote Originally Posted by jclick View Post
    Travellers, did a "blip" overnight precipitate this post? I live 1/2 mi. North of that intersection, and work 1/2 mi. South, and when I came into the office building this morning, we'd had a blackout. We don't seem to have them at the house nearly as often.
    Indeed it did. It was actually about the 30th blip since whatever blew up happened. Just had one again (11:30 PM), reported it to OG&E, hope it makes a difference. BTW, would you mind reporting your blackout to them? There seems to be something seriously wrong around here and I don't want everybody around here to keep having problems since OG&E doesn't appear to be aware of any problems since nobody's reporting anything. Will MAPS3 make my power more stable?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Power flickering around NW 164th/Penn?

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCRT View Post
    That little blip is hard on your electronics/appliances. That used to happen in my area and I ended up having the compressor on the frig replaced 2 times in a couple of years. I have also had a printer fried because of the little blips.

    I don't seem to have those blips anymore for some reason. They seemed to stop after the huge ice storm we had so I figure that they may have fixed it while they were fixing the electric from the ice storm.
    Yeah, I'm sure a lot of on-the-edge infrastructure got replaced after that one. :-) Wasn't really planning on buying UPSes to protect my stereo equipment, but at least we won't be out the cost of new appliances/parts if something dies since we rent.

  6. #6
    jclick Guest

    Default Re: Power flickering around NW 164th/Penn?

    TheTravellers, I've sent an email to one of the senior guys of OG&E's Builder/Developer division that works with with me in development and construction in that area. He'll be able to get this a lot further, faster than a customer service rep over the phone.

    I'll let you know once I hear something.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Power flickering around NW 164th/Penn?

    Quote Originally Posted by jclick View Post
    TheTravellers, I've sent an email to one of the senior guys of OG&E's Builder/Developer division that works with with me in development and construction in that area. He'll be able to get this a lot further, faster than a customer service rep over the phone.

    I'll let you know once I hear something.
    Amazing! Thank you so very much - I owe you a lunch for your help, sir! Just PM me and we'll hook up for lunch or a beer (*real* beer > 3.2 ) sometime...

  8. #8
    jclick Guest

    Default Re: Power flickering around NW 164th/Penn?

    Hah! Come see me at the Main St. Business District some time, there south of Vintage Gardens.

    Steve called me after I emailed him and he indicated that a part in the new substation on 164th had failed, which is leading to the flickers. The outtages are the system re-setting itself, which is what it's supposed to do in this case. He said the crew was on it all day today, and are awaiting one more part they are to receive tomorrow, which should hopefully correct it.

    We'll see...

  9. #9

    Default Re: Power flickering around NW 164th/Penn?

    Quote Originally Posted by jclick View Post
    Hah! Come see me at the Main St. Business District some time, there south of Vintage Gardens.

    Steve called me after I emailed him and he indicated that a part in the new substation on 164th had failed, which is leading to the flickers. The outtages are the system re-setting itself, which is what it's supposed to do in this case. He said the crew was on it all day today, and are awaiting one more part they are to receive tomorrow, which should hopefully correct it.

    We'll see...
    Appears to have worked (for now), but I still bought some UPSes since the repeated power hits have probably fried my PC (it's old and needed replacing anyway, but I'm not immediately ready to figure out what to replace it with ), and who knows how long this fix will stay fixed... But thanks for checking on it and passing along the info!

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